Welcome to the family

You are my weakness

No ones POV


Jiyeon had arrived to New York City and already, she felt better. Thank goodness she master English, or she'll be a goner. 

" hello. Is there a place I can make a call? " she asked some random dude and he was stunned by her beauty. She was just too perfect.

" Um hello? " she asked again as he snapped out of his thoughts 

" oh yeah. You can use my phone. " He handed his phone to him and she said thank you. 

    phone call: 

" hello, Tae Hee? " she asked 

" oh. Well Jiyeonie. It's nice to hear your voice. " her mother lied. Step mothers are usually ever lovely. 

" yeah. Um, I'm here to find my father. Can I please have the address? " she asked 

" No. I'm sorry Jiyeon. But, I can't do that. " she said 

" what? Why? " Jiyeon was confused. 

" I'm expecting a child to be born in a few months, and well, I don't want you in the picture. If your father keeps taking care of you and fill you with love and support, then where do we for into place? " she asked and hung up

" is there anything wrong? " the guy asked but Jiyeon just smiled

" no. Thank you. " she smiled and walked away with her suit case

" god she pretty. " the guy said and walked away

Jiyeon was furious. She was.. So angry, that she didn't know what to do at this point. She felt as if, her head was going dizzy. 

As she strolled her way through the city of New York, everyone was looking at her. 

Why is such a beautiful young lady carrying a suitcase around New York. Many had approached her and asked her if she needed help, but she didn't. 

She walked into an ally way as she tried to find a place to stay

" hey cutie. " a tsll whiteguy approached her 

" you don't look like you're from here. " he smiled as he tried to place his hand on her but she released her fangs and scared him off 

She over used her power, and fainted. 


Jiyeon's POV

I slowly felt weird as my mind wasn't cooperating right. I opened my eyes as The bright light of the room stunned me. I was lying on a stoe plate that was about 4 feet high

" well hello there. " A tall women dressed in a beautiful red dress approached me

" Where am I? " I asked her as I was unable to st up 

" you are at a Secret Agentcy, training people just like you, to be extraordinary. " she smiled

" people like me? " I asked her

" Vampires. Werewolves. All of you. " She said

" but you my dear. You're slowly losing your memory. "  she told me.

" What? " I looked at her. My memory is fine

" you see. Once you are bitten by another vampire instead of being born as one, you need to be close to that person that bit you. Like you guys must be connected. You gotta noticed something. " 

" however, when I did a scanning of you, you somehow, don't have the connection anymore. It was completely gone. " she told me

" I.... " No matter how hard I tired to remember who bit me, i couldn't. 

" you don't remember huh? " She gave a big smile

" that's great. We've selected you as one of our agents. But, there's one catch. " she said and I nodded. I mean, what do I have to lose. My life is a complete mess. 

" and that is? " I asked 

" I sense your aura. It's too pure, too kind. You'll never be strong enough. That's why, I wanna help you. Actually we do. You'll have to forget your memory. " she said 

" why? " I asked

" only the memories that's most painful too you. Only the pure ones, are the ones thats been through a lot. In order for you too be strong, you must forget what made you weak." She said and I agreed. I mean, I have nothing left. No need to worry. I wanted to start fresh, and this was it. 

" Then we shall proceed. Step this way. " I was somehow able to get off the bed. She led me outside. She led me to a hall way and then to another, and then to another. All my surroundings were of medal walls and each room had bullet proof windows. 

She led me to the main room, the training room. A room in which the size of a football field. It had all sorts of deadly weapons. And a pool of water that was 50 feet deep. There was a fighting arena  of 30 yards. It was amazing. Nothing any police training place compare. 

I tapped on the glass wall, and immediately, everyone turned to face me. They're eyes seems like it was sensing me. That they looks through my fear and wanted to use it against me

" I don't think I'm capable. " I told her

" Jiyeon. We picked you for a reason. We know that you'll be the best one day. " she smiled at me and I nodded

" welcome to the family. " she said



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Chapter 23: Please upDate! I'm really curious
myungsoo-jiyeon #2
Chapter 23: please update i really love your story
update pleaseeeeee
jesse_panda #3
Chapter 23: this is so awesome! PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!! i'm just dying to know what happens next please! FIGHTING! <3
Chapter 23: its awesome~but i don't understand why sunggyu and the infinite boys did'nt remember jiyeon's friends
Chapter 23: Yah L!!!please save Jiyeon..I'm glad he aware that they're connected..
Update soon authornim and FIGHTING!!!!!!!
adriannalian #7
Hii i'm newbie. I really love this story so update soon authornim hehe
I really want MyungYeon together again!!
CoolPrettyGirl #8
Chapter 22: This is so confusing... I seriously lose the attention in this...
Chapter 21: I hope they'll remember each other after this..but it'll be hard for Jiyeon as her mission is to kill Myungsoo..
can u tag jiyeon too ? :D