
You are my weakness

No ones POV

" Jiyeonah. Its okay. " IU patted Jiyeon on the shoulders as it has already been 1:00. IU met up with Mir and they went to go buy Jiyeon food.

Jiyeon went over to the stage and sat on the railing, dangling her feet off the ground. 

" Stay strong park Jiyeon. Whatever happens. You'll make it through. ".She said as she gripped onto her mother's letter really tightly. That was the only object her mother ever had the chance to give her, and she cherished it with her life. 

The sun was shinning so bright, that she wore her glasses on. She prepared them for a reason. 

The waiting has went on till 2:30. 

" don't worry Jiyeon. Maybe he's planning a surprise. With lots of balloons and flowers. " she said as she kept lying to herself. SHe knew that wasn't the case but whatever happens, she will fix it. 

She will save this relationship. 

" So you were here the whole time. " she turned around and saw L approaching her from the other side of the quad. 

Her face dropped as he did not bring balloons nor flowers. 

" I was waiting for you at the bboy area the whole time. " he said as he looked deep Into her eyes

" oh, I thought you were coming here. " she sighed as fate had a stupid way of playing with her. 

The walked over to the bboy area and Jiyeon sat on the stone ledge while L stood

" you know why we're here right? " he asked and she slightly nodded and held back her tears as she knew what was coming at her

" Jiyeon. You'd be okay on your on right? " 

" no. I wouldn't. " right when she said that, the anklet that L got her broke and he kept it in his wallet since he didn't have pockets. 

" you're brave enough I know it. " 

" I'm not as brave as you think I am. " she told him

" If we keep being together, it would just make both of us more sad. " 

" my mother was right. We are so different from each other that we weigh each other down. "

" you may say we look and are the ideal couple, but I don't see it. I don't feel it." He said as she tried really hard to hold back her tears

" I thought that I would get to know you more when I asked you to be my girlfriend, but tuns out that, we really didn't connect as much. " he told her and she couldn't take it anymore. Her tears were just flowing on its own without her even realizing 

" you're crying. " he reached to take her glasses off but she held it back. 

" please don't cry. You'll make me cry. " L said as he, was also holding back his tears

" I guess.... Our connection really fated away. "

" for me to be with a person for a long time. Our connection needs to go on forever. Like my connection with Woohyun. " he said 

" So, did you even like me? " she asked 

" yes. Yes I did. " he nodded

" you did. " another tear came running down her face

" we will still be good friends. You could always vent to me. " he offered

" no. " she slowly shook her head

" we can't be friends. " 

" why? " he then too, shed a tear. 

" because I'm still going to like you! " She shouted as L shed another tear. What has he down. If he continues to be with her, he wouldn't be happy and he'll just make her more sad each day. 

" then continue to like me. " he said but she paused and stared at him

" so you're saying I should like you? And what? You won't do the same? " she teared up as her letter fell from her shorts without realizing. L realized and picked it up and set it in his wallet, behind a picture of infinte and him.

" You know how awkward it is to be comfortable with your ex? Talk to each other like you guys never had something special. " she teared up even more

" fine. Just promise me one thing. Your not going to do anything stupid right? " he asked her but she didn't answer

" I'm taking you to your friends. Where are they? " he asked as she didn't answer. He turned his back for a sec,came Jiyeon had already walked away

" Jiyeon! Jiyeon! " he ran after her and grabbed her shirt and  let her go 

" let me go! " she growled and bit L. She really bit him and he dropped to the floor but then, everything was okay. L didn't die for some reason. If a vampire were to bite it's own, they will both die, but they didn't 

" I-I bit you.. Didn't I? " L asked as Jiyeon looked at him straight in the eye and fell to the floor 

He pulled out her phone and called IU to pick her up 

"I bit you. I turned you into this... I. " he tried to help her up but she smacked his hand away

" stop. Don't. " she shook her head as she walked away and he didn't bother going after her. He didn't have the strength anymore. 


L met up with IU and Mir and he handed IU the Anklet he got jiyeon, but IU didn't except it. 

So like that, L left the school with the anklet, and the forgotten letter. 


IU had found Jiyeon lying on the roof of the school, right on the balcony. 

" Jiyeonah. " IU ran to her 

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Chapter 23: Please upDate! I'm really curious
myungsoo-jiyeon #2
Chapter 23: please update i really love your story
update pleaseeeeee
jesse_panda #3
Chapter 23: this is so awesome! PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!! i'm just dying to know what happens next please! FIGHTING! <3
Chapter 23: its awesome~but i don't understand why sunggyu and the infinite boys did'nt remember jiyeon's friends
Chapter 23: Yah L!!!please save Jiyeon..I'm glad he aware that they're connected..
Update soon authornim and FIGHTING!!!!!!!
adriannalian #7
Hii i'm newbie. I really love this story so update soon authornim hehe
I really want MyungYeon together again!!
CoolPrettyGirl #8
Chapter 22: This is so confusing... I seriously lose the attention in this...
Chapter 21: I hope they'll remember each other after this..but it'll be hard for Jiyeon as her mission is to kill Myungsoo..
can u tag jiyeon too ? :D