Busy Jiyeon

You are my weakness

Jiyeon's POV

The girl was right in the grips of my hand. She was crying. She was terrified. 

" no.. No. " I quickly dropped her and she ran away. 

What's happening to me. 

" sqeeek. " I heard a mouse and I quickly ran to it and within seconds, I drained its blood. It felt good. It was just what I needed.

Then with a flash, I transformed back. I was now normal. But I still knew it wasn't over. This was just the beggining to this blood demon phase 

" Unni.. " I heard a little voice and I turned around to see a little girl 

" gomawo. " the kid said and ran off. 

I saved her life. I let her live. But what if the next victim isn't so lucky? 

I sighed as I took a bus back to the campus and headed back to the dorm 

" is she okay!, did you find her?!.. You smell funny. " IU blasted me with questiones and statements 

" no.. I didn't. Give her time though. " I said 

" sorry about the smell. " I said and went into the restroom and quickly brushed my teeth and took a long hot shower. 


2 weeks has passed already and Suzy hasn't come back yet. But things were still the same. Everything was normal. 

" Wanna grab something to eat guys? " Hyomin asked Nicole, IU, and I since we got off class early. I got out at 9 while IU got out at 12. 

" sure. " Nicole said and we walked over to Kenzo Sushi. Once we got there, we spotted Suzy sitting alone and we joined her. 

" hey sushi. " I said 

" come back. " Nicole said 

" I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. " IU said and Suzy smiled 

" I know. I was overreacting. Truth is, I didn't like Minho that much,p. I actually like... " " you know what? Never,ind. lets eat. My treat. " Suzy smiled and we all cheered

After a while of sting, we got out of the returns when I encountered a flyer. 

" volleyball huh? " I smiled 

" see You guys later. " I said as I stormed off and headed to the gym. Today was the last day of tryouta but I was lucky enough to have a chance to prove my skills. 

" oh class president! " Kahi said

" call me Jiyeon. " I smiled as I went to pick up a volleyball

And from there, my position of captain of the varsity's volleyball team began. 

I managed to get really close to the girls and they taught me a lot too. I barely had tie to even spend with my girls anymore. But it felt nice to take a break from the group. They always have some PMS shiz going on. 

" Hey Jiyeonie. " IU suddently walked in during our practice break and everyone just eyed her. Giving her a strange look. 

" don't worry guys. This is my best friend IU. " I told them and they greeted her 

" I was wondering if you would go shopping with me. " she asked and I was really unsure 

" uh.. I'm not sure. Ailee and Victoria wanted me to help them with sets. " I told her and she nodded

" that's fine. " IU smiled and walked away 

" HEY Jieun! Lets go eat tomorrow. " I said and she nodded



I Wanted to tell her about me being emotionally damaged these pass days. I encountered Wooyoung the other day and my heart started racing like the old days. Whenever I see him. I see the old memories that we had together. Eventhough they weren't the best memories, I still cherish them. 

" Hey IU! " Suzy ran up to me and smiled brightly 

" hey. What's up? " I asked her. 

" I'm really hungry and really don't wanna eat alone. Care to join? " Suzy smiled as she elbowed my arm and wiggled her eyebrows

yet, I didn't say a word and stood there in silence waiting for someone to rescue me. 

" thinking about him again? " Suzy asked and I was shocked. I looked straight up at her and she gave me a little smile 

" how? " I asked her 

" because you're IU. I know U very well. " she giggled, emphasizing "I" and "U" 

" see what I did there? " she asked, causing me to giggled and nod 

" now would you like to share your story with me as we grab something to eat? " she asked and I nodded

I felt so comfortable around Suzy again. I really needed comfort, and she was kindly enough to share the pain and understand it with me. I didn't know what I do without her. 

" I'm sorry. " I said as she stopped sipping her cup of ice tea and set it down on the table. She looked up at me and giggled 

" I told you. I had forgotten all about it. I realized I didn't really like him. It was all just a crash. I still like someone else. " Suzy said and I smiled 

" Myungsoo? " I smiled and she blushed. It's been a while since I ever seen her blush 

" so it is. The cold ice prince in school since 7th grade till now still catches your eyes? " I asked her 

" I'm afraid so. " she said

" I don't get what's so special about that guy. All he got is talent and looks. What he needs is a personality check. " I rolled my eyes. He acts so cold to girls. If he hadn't dated Suzy and other girls, I would have thought he was gay. 

" it's cause you don't know him like I do. He's different. His personality is hard to fall for at first, but once he's comfortable with you, he can truly be himself. His cold personality is just a hard shell on the outside. " she smiled while talking on and on about how special he is 

" well, I guess I'll never know. " I said 

" I guess that's all ill ever know. " she sighed and I did so as well 

" look. You like him. He liked you. There's liking involved. So why don't you , march up to him, and bond so I can attend a very beautiful wedding. " I said and she smiled 

" we'll see. " she said and the night went on with us talking about our life stories. I told her everything and she did the same with me. 


jiyeon's POV 

" I- I'll give it to you in a bit Ailee. I needa use to the restroom. " I said as I quickly tried to leave practice. 

" wa-wait! Lets go together. " Ailee and Kahi said 

" no-no! It's fine. I gotta go now! " I sprinted away. Realizing that right when I got out of the gym, I was already at the girls lockeroom bathroom. I realized I could sprint very abnormally when I realized I ran 2 miles in 10 seconds and my gym teacher didn't believe me. He said I didn't even move an inch when I clearly remembered running a full 8 laps. 

" Why me. Why couldn't I have been bitten by a raccoon or something? " I sighed as I checked in the mirror once again. My reflecting was still there and normal, but I still can't control my thirst. I needed it. I needed it baaaaad. 

" oh my god. " I saw a rat in the air vent and snatched it right about 

" bless you Allah. " I said as I devoured the tiny little creature. It was gross bit it taste sooo good.

i was out of the bathroom only to see IU and Suzy changing by their lockers. 

" hey guys. " I smiled at them. Ever since volleyball started, I hardly ever see them. Our sleeping and waking up schedule is so different from each other 

" finally miss popular. " Suzy said as she hugged me tightly 

" what do you mean? " I asked her 

" psh. Hey Volleyball star, I heard you pulled the team to 6 undefeated games so far. " Suzy said as I smiled 

" What can I say. I got a great team. " I smiled and turned over to IU 

" what are you guys up to? " I asked 

" Hyomin, Suzy, and I decided to go for a jog. Yah know? To get in snap for homecoming. " IU said and I nodded

" hey IU. Lets go dress shaping together this Saturday? " I asked her 

" I really want to, but I gotta catch the gym with Suzy. Next week for sure. " she said as she closed her door and walked away, follow behind by Suzy. 

" I guess. " I said. Knowing that she clearly didn't hear me. 

" so this is how it feels? " I sighed and went back to the gym. I was feeling pretty down that my best friend had other plans, but my volleyball girls surprised me with ice cream 

" what's wrong Jiyeonie? Cheer up. I gotchu strawberry cheesecake Icecream. " Luna winked and I smiled brightly. 


L's POV 

After the rest if infinite and I finished our volley practice, we hurried back to the dorm. 

" what so you mean there's a full moon? " I said 

" it just strangely appeared. You have to go... Like now! " Sunggyu shouted and he quickly picked L up and stuck his in Hoya's face 

" wait wait! Not yet! " I shouted. Not being ready for what Hoya was about to do 

" don't worry! It will only hurt a lot. " Hoya said and he drove the needle right through my left cheek

" ! " I shouted as I slowly started falling asleep 


No ones POV's 

" god dammit. He's so en heavy. " the poor maknae said as he was being forced to carry the lifeless L 

" did you really have to give him shoot everything time there's a full moon? " Sungjong whined 

" do you want to be punched in the face?! " Woohyun shouted as Hoya just smirked 

" but but.. It's not like its gonna hurt me. " the maknae stuck his tongue out and Hoya was going to yank it right out 

" guys.. " Woohyun said and stopped the two 

" I smell it. " Hoya said 

" over there! " Hoya said as he saw something moving a light speed and followed it. 






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Chapter 23: Please upDate! I'm really curious
myungsoo-jiyeon #2
Chapter 23: please update i really love your story
update pleaseeeeee
jesse_panda #3
Chapter 23: this is so awesome! PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!! i'm just dying to know what happens next please! FIGHTING! <3
Chapter 23: its awesome~but i don't understand why sunggyu and the infinite boys did'nt remember jiyeon's friends
Chapter 23: Yah L!!!please save Jiyeon..I'm glad he aware that they're connected..
Update soon authornim and FIGHTING!!!!!!!
adriannalian #7
Hii i'm newbie. I really love this story so update soon authornim hehe
I really want MyungYeon together again!!
CoolPrettyGirl #8
Chapter 22: This is so confusing... I seriously lose the attention in this...
Chapter 21: I hope they'll remember each other after this..but it'll be hard for Jiyeon as her mission is to kill Myungsoo..
can u tag jiyeon too ? :D