The Promise

oo9 The Promise 

I smile at Chansung nervously; we’ve gotten really close over the last few months. “Stop shaking.” He says smirking happily. “You know this is kind of fun, Soojin being so nervous.”

“Thanks, but I did my research on them.” I mumble closing my eyes trying to picture them as Chansung said they’d be like. “I know, I know. I’ve given too many speeches and pitched my ideas to other people, this shouldn’t make me nervous, but I’m about to lose it.” I say gripping his arm tightly.

“Look, Lexi already knows, and Noona said she hasn’t said anything.” Chansung says while my hand gently. “The guys are excited to meet you, they’ve been dogging about you for weeks. You have nothing to worry about.”

“Except for them not liking me you mean.” I say pessimistically, Channie pulls me closer to him as the elevator dings and we step off the lift. “You promise they’re all in good moods?” I ask him nervously stopping us from entering 2PM’s dorm.

“As far as I know.” Chansung says pleasantly. “Come on, it’s just a casual dinner with them, we’ll have a light dinner with everyone, then you and I will go for dessert.” He promises while kissing my cheek. “Before we go in though, what did you read about me?” He asks curiously.

“That you’re a horn dog.” I say nudging him forward, Chansung smirks and opens the door, stepping in and slipping our shoes off I hesitantly step into the living room, well more like pushed. “They’re staring” I mumble looking down at my feet.

“Nichkhun, they’re here” Lexi calls excitedly; walking up to me she smiles brightly. “It’s really good to finally meet you officially.” She beams pulling me into a hug. “I’m Lexi.”

“Soojin” I say nervously, Chansung is smiling happily when I glance back at him nervously. “It’s really good to meet you too Lexi.”

Nichkhun comes out of a room at the end of a hall and grins at me. “You must be the girl that has this idiot smiling all the time.” He says friendly. “I’m Nichkhun; it’s nice to meet you.”

“I’m Soojin, likewise.” I say leaning a bit closer to Chansung as the others all crowd me. Introducing themselves; saying how Chansung has been going on about me.

“Dinner is ready” Lexi calls from the kitchen. “Channie can you carry out the plates?” She says as she emerges with a bowl of food.

Chansung leaves me after kissing the top of my head; the others all follow him, excluding Nichkhun. “He’s been excited about introducing you for a long time now.” The taller man says pleasantly. “He kept telling us how you two just clicked and everything.” He says while leading me to the table.

Taking a seat next to Nichkhun and across from Lexi I smile as Chansung tugs Wooyoung out of the way and sits next to me. “A simple, ‘would you let me sit there’ would have been nice.” The elder complains while sitting next to Lexi.

“You know Chansung hasn’t told us how you two met exactly.” Lexi says after everyone has been served. “He keeps saying that it hasn’t been the right time to explain it.”

Junho chuckles and nudges her gently. “You sound like our mother.” He says sending her an eye smile. I suddenly understand what Chansung had meant when he explained Lexi. She’s got this warm and inviting aura around her, motherly and very easy to talk to, though she isn’t so easy to get her to talk about herself.

“I’d actually ran away from a fundraiser the night we’d met.” I explain smiling. “I hadn’t really eaten at all that day so I stopped in a little family restaurant, completely surprised when Chansung comes in and sits in front of me.”

“I’d been chased by some fans” he explains when Min-Jun smirks at us. “She’d been in this very fancy dress.”

“And he looked suspicious.” I offer with a cheeky smile. “But then he just proposed this crazy idea.” I say slowly, I glance to see Chansung smiling at me. “He’d said we both looked like we could use a night to get away from our lives. A night to be two people and to just do whatever we’ve ever wanted for one night.”

“Soojin is the one who took me to the shop where I got your birthday present.” Chansung says to Taecyeon who grins happily.

The rest of the night Chansung and I explain the agreement we’d reached that first night, about my work in business, how I’d actually known of Lexi long before I’d met Chansung.

“What made you agree to the deal?” Wooyoung asks me curiously. “I mean you said he was suspicious.” The dancer asks me curiously while Chansung helps Junho and Nichkhun with the dishes.

I smile happily and tilt my head to the side for a moment before glancing back at Chansung, well in the direction of where his voice is coming from; calling for Taecyeon to go help, the latter gets up reluctantly.

“I desperately wanted to change what was going on in my life” I answer easily coming back to the conversation. “I realized just how much I hated what was happening, so I left the benefit, and he’d seem like the first good choice I’d ever come across.”

“I can relate” Lexi says patting my leg in a motherly way.

I grin at her and glance to Min-Jun and Wooyoung. “You’re actually the reason I decided to start considering it.” I tell Lexi happily. “But Chansung had done something else, he’d made me feel like I was in charge of my life for once, gave me that liberated feeling of finally stepping away from everything my parents had planned for me.”

“I’d last heard that you were engaged” Lexi says delicately. “Is that why you left that party?” She asks me curiously.

I shake my head. “Technically I wasn’t engaged, I’d broken it off years before that night, but I hadn’t pulled myself out until I realized how wrong everything was.”

“You must really like Chansung.” He says as said 2PM member comes and sits next to me.

I nod my head hand hold his hand happily. “I think we’re really good for each other, with how we met and what we decided to face that night made things really simple for when you all came back from Japan.”

“Yeah, Chansung sneaking out to spend time with you.” Taecyeon says in a teasing tone.

Nichkhun nudges him while giving him a look. “You guys have other plans right?” He says ignoring Taecyeon’s protests about being nudged. “It’s getting late, and I’m sure you two are ready to spend some time alone.”

Chansung pulls us both up and smiles at Nichkhun, I give Lexi a hug. “Have a good night, and be careful you two.”

“We will” I say elbowing Chansung when he tugs me away. “It was really nice to meet you all.”


Chansung and I share a slice of cheese cake, well as much as you can when your boyfriend takes huge bites. “You’re eating it all!” I whine as he takes yet another inhumanly big bite.

“You’re too busy not taking bites.” He counters playfully while we sit on my couch, my apartment completely unpacked. “Soojin, they like you.” He says suddenly.

“What?” I ask confused as he lets me have the last bite.

He chuckles and pokes my forehead. “The guys, in the kitchen Junho said that you’re really great and that I should be careful not to lose you.”

“I agree.” I say teasingly as I set the dessert plate on my coffee table. Chansung pulls me onto his lap and kisses me gently. “Thought, with lips like yours, I’m not sure you’ll ever lose me.” I say sighing happily.

He smiles and holds me tighter against him. “Promise?” I laugh and nod my head; honestly I’d be crazy to leave someone who makes me so happy. “I won’t leave either.”

 author's note 
When I was writing this chapter I combined it with the last one, so 
I sort of just came to an end?
I really love how this ficlet turned out.
I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I did writing Liberation.
Thank you guys so much (:


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Good job!!
ch3nya #2
Chapter 9: :D i loved it a little sad that it ended but i must say you always know how to end a story so well that its just perfect :)
Chapter 9: Wait.. What? It’s over? The story ends here? Omg ㅜㅜ
He just inroduced her to them & they’re just on the stage of beginning to develop their relationship & that was it. So, i was like …________…
I hope there’d be a sequel. Or if none, I hope you’ll write another PM ficlet.
Thank you author nim! Love this one.
pinkypn #4
Chapter 9: I was hoping that the story was longer so we can see how their relationship develops and what career change did she make
Chapter 8: Wait.. What? Two more chapters to go? Omg, why do I feel like it's only the beginning of their romance? Or is it just really me? ㅜㅜ
I srsly don't want this to end yet ~.~
Ugh. Ugh. Ugghhh!!! I want a fluffy chappie, tho this one is. I want more /pouts/

Anw, thanks for your update!
ch3nya #6
Chapter 8: ;.; two chapters nooooo its so cute though, why? keke its ok though since its such a great short story kinda excited and yet dreading the ending. Can't wait for the next update C:
ch3nya #7
Chapter 7: Aww this is so cute i love it and the oc is so cool. Sad about the three more chapters, I don't want this to end
Chapter 7: Yay! I love the OC. She don't overthink things bet them. Or what's gonna happen ahead. Just her prob w/ Myungsoo & her fam. Oh well, I love it. She's breaking out.

Aw, 3 more chappies? ~.~
It's okay. Will wait for those. Hope it'll get more better ^^ I mean, the things that'll happen bet them. How I love this maknae <3
Thanks for your update! Hwaiting!

P.S this too deserves an upvote. Hing! :)
Chapter 5: Lexi is H.G girl, right? XDD

this chapter is so cute. Omg, I can't explain what I feel abt this chappie.
I just love it.
She's got a lil crush on maknae. Or maybe she likes him. And I think maknae likes her, too. Rmb that one chappie in Rebelling Heart where H.G . Cute! <33

thank you for updating! Looking forward on how this story will progress.. ;)