The Confession



oo7 The Confession 

“What are you thinking about?” Chansung asks while we enjoy the very early hours of the morning together, it’s still dark out, but sunrise isn’t too far off either.

“Happy endings” I answer simply while smiling at Chansung, I’m holding his hand tightly; the cold air is starting to get to me. I shuffle closer to Chansung; he happily releases my hand to wrap his arm around me. “Why?”

“You’ve just been really quiet.” Chansung murmurs quietly. “What about happy endings?”

I glance at Chansung, I consider what he actually knows about Lexi; they seemed really close. “I’ve met Lexi before.” I murmur quietly, Chansung furrows his brow. “At some business parties for my parents or mutual kind of events for our families.” I explain further. “She’d never really looked alive or happy there, or any of the times I caught a glimpse of her when I accompanied my parents to L.A. for business, but when we ran into her earlier, she seemed like a completely different person. She seemed happy.”

Chansung doesn’t say anything but nod his head a bit.

“I really don’t know the whole story with her, but I think Lexi found something doing whatever it is now, and that’s what I want to do. I want to find that something that makes me happy, I want to find that person that can support me through it all and smile with me.”

“You’re kinda idealistic aren’t you?” Chansung teases me. “But I think you’ll do all those things, find the happy ending you want.”

“It’s not just about the ending you know.” I say smirking at Chansung; he again just gives me a look. “It’s the getting there, what you do, who you meet and everything.”

“You look happier now too.” Chansung says suddenly, I look up at him surprised. “Your smile seems sincere now.” He mumbles while kissing my temple.

For a bit longer we walk in the cold winter night, stopping every now and then to look at some store front. “We should head in.” Chansung says while shivering. “I’m freezing.” He mutters.

“My place?” I ask him curiously as he leads us around. Again, I feel that squeeze of fear in my chest. What if he just drops me off? What if I never see him again? What if Chansung and I are really just here together for the night and then we act like this night never happen? Will I go back to work and apologize to Myungsoo about what I’d said and done? I desperately hope not.

“We can take a nap.” He mutters while yawning. “Soojin, are you alright?” He asks while furrowing his brow.

I look up into Chansung’s eyes for a moment. “Let’s just get inside.” I mumble blushing slightly, “We can warm up first.” I say shuffling even close to him.

Deciding to get a cab, seeing as it’ll be faster and much warmer, Chansung and I sit silently, I look out the window while resting my head on his shoulder, completely absorbed in how comfortable I am with someone I’ve only met hours earlier.

“Soojin, we need to get out.” Chansung says suddenly, a slight chuckle in his tone, coming out of my slightly dazed state I scoot out of the cab, handing him a few bills before leading the way in through the door, smiling at the doorman as we slip in.

As I open my door Chansung pushes me in, quickly shedding his jacket off, taking his shoes off he looks at me expectantly. “Hurry up.”

Rolling my eyes I hang up my scarf, jacket and slip my shoes off, as soon as my shoes are off Chansung has grabbed my arm and is dragging me down the hall. “The last door on the left.” I say absently, he’s opened a couple doors then frowned and shut them.

“You seriously have too many packed up boxes.” He mutters under his breath, I smirk at this. I can only agree; I need to seriously look at settling down and starting the life I want. As we enter my room Chansung glances around inspecting the room. “You have a very big bed.”

“I’m not exactly an easy person to share a bed with.” I counter watching as he sits down, quirking a brow up he gives me a look. “I spread out and take up a lot of space.”

Chansung smirks at me; I hesitantly take a seat next to him. “We can take a quick nap before we do something else.” I shoot him a wary look. “I am not grabby if that’s what your look is implying.”

“Just making sure.” I mutter jokingly. “But I am all for that nap, so long as you’re still here when I wake up.” I say blushing.

“I will.” I crawl over to the side I normally sleep on, resting on my side I wait for him to move to fall sleep as well. Flinching slightly as his arm drapes over my side and drags me closer to him. “I think we can both safely say we like each other.” He murmurs in my ear in a very soft voice. Chansung sounds at peace and happy. “Soojin, I like you.”

Feeling my face heat up I very carefully turn around, my eyes land on his chest and smile happily. “I like you Chansung.” I murmur nervously, sneaking a peek at his face I see him grinning happily. “Let’s get some sleep then.” I say abruptly, snuggling closer as he pulls the blanket at the foot of the bed over us.

“I’ll take you on a proper date.” He says gleefully while pulling me even closer to him. I happily oblige and rest my head against his chest.


I wake up to soft circles being traced on my back, in retaliation to being a woken I gently hit Chansung’s chest and again when he laughs. “I was sleeping.” I mutter while rubbing my head against his chest.

“And I’m not.” He answers back playfully. “It’s nearly sunrise.” He says quietly. Getting up and pulling me with him he tugs me to the window in front of my bed.

From here you can see the sky turning lighter and the city waking up more and more as the sun gets closer to being visible.

“I have to tell you something.” My companion says as the sun starts rising, he pulls me back onto the bed, sitting me between his legs snugly, I look over my shoulder and up at Chansung questioningly. “It’s important.”

“I’ll listen.” I say simply, because that’s what I’ll do. I can tell from his tone it isn’t exactly good and that he’s seriously worried about it. “I promise.”

“I’m famous.” He blurts out, he doesn’t stop there either. He keeps talking. “I’m in an idol group, 2PM. We’re leaving soon to go and promote in Japan. We’ll be gone for a little while, but by January I’ll be back and I really want to keep seeing you.” He says quickly and worriedly.

“Then I’ll just have to wait for you when you leave.” I say giggling slightly. Looking back I see him still looking at me worriedly. “Something the matter Chansung?” I ask tilting my head back to rest against his shoulder and to look out the window.

“Lexi and Jay-Hyung broke up when he left on tour.” Chansung admits nervously. “Lexi says she’s okay with everything that’s happened because she’s not alone.”

“Well is this thing in Japan touring?” I ask him curiously.

After a while Chansung answers. “It isn’t, but I’m not exactly free either. I’ll be filming for dramas, promoting with 2PM, going out of the country, photo shoots, and touring again.” He says anxiously.

“I think you’re thinking too far ahead about the problems.” I answer after some thought, I feel Chansung tense. “We can think of Japan as a sort of trial, but I think we’ll be just fine.”

“You’re really idealistic aren’t you?” He murmurs laughing, I feel Chansung press his lips against the top of my head. “But I’ll agree to that.”

“Good, because I am absolutely sure you don’t have any other option.” I say playfully.

 author's note 
Three more chapters guys or there abouts.
I'm pretty happy with how it's going and everything. - u -
Plus this is super fluffy and for Chansung so I am pretty happy.
Thank you guys for reading, subscribing, commenting and everything.
So let me know what you guys think. n u n 


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Good job!!
ch3nya #2
Chapter 9: :D i loved it a little sad that it ended but i must say you always know how to end a story so well that its just perfect :)
Chapter 9: Wait.. What? It’s over? The story ends here? Omg ㅜㅜ
He just inroduced her to them & they’re just on the stage of beginning to develop their relationship & that was it. So, i was like …________…
I hope there’d be a sequel. Or if none, I hope you’ll write another PM ficlet.
Thank you author nim! Love this one.
pinkypn #4
Chapter 9: I was hoping that the story was longer so we can see how their relationship develops and what career change did she make
Chapter 8: Wait.. What? Two more chapters to go? Omg, why do I feel like it's only the beginning of their romance? Or is it just really me? ㅜㅜ
I srsly don't want this to end yet ~.~
Ugh. Ugh. Ugghhh!!! I want a fluffy chappie, tho this one is. I want more /pouts/

Anw, thanks for your update!
ch3nya #6
Chapter 8: ;.; two chapters nooooo its so cute though, why? keke its ok though since its such a great short story kinda excited and yet dreading the ending. Can't wait for the next update C:
ch3nya #7
Chapter 7: Aww this is so cute i love it and the oc is so cool. Sad about the three more chapters, I don't want this to end
Chapter 7: Yay! I love the OC. She don't overthink things bet them. Or what's gonna happen ahead. Just her prob w/ Myungsoo & her fam. Oh well, I love it. She's breaking out.

Aw, 3 more chappies? ~.~
It's okay. Will wait for those. Hope it'll get more better ^^ I mean, the things that'll happen bet them. How I love this maknae <3
Thanks for your update! Hwaiting!

P.S this too deserves an upvote. Hing! :)
Chapter 5: Lexi is H.G girl, right? XDD

this chapter is so cute. Omg, I can't explain what I feel abt this chappie.
I just love it.
She's got a lil crush on maknae. Or maybe she likes him. And I think maknae likes her, too. Rmb that one chappie in Rebelling Heart where H.G . Cute! <33

thank you for updating! Looking forward on how this story will progress.. ;)