The Friend



oo5 The Friend 

Chansung and I eventually bundle back up and head out, I send a simple thank-you text to Uncle David and we’re heading off. It’s much later and the crowds have thinned somewhat or maybe Chansung and I are standing a bit closer together than we had when this night started.

“I admit that was a lot more fun than I thought possible.” Chansung says with a grin on his face, leading us around the streets, it feels almost natural being like this.

“Personally, I think you liked other parts of the stop more than others.” I comment slyly with a smirk. Chansung looks back at me to argue but blushes suddenly. “Hey, I happen to like other parts a bit more than some too.” I say teasingly.

“I hope it’s the same parts.” Chansung says in a lower voice, his already deep and very masculine voice just goes to this whole new level. Never have I thought of a voice as attractive, and yet I blush and smile trying to keep in my squeal. Chansung for a moment is silent, he looks at me worriedly before pursing his lips, he looks like he wants to ask something.

“Do you have a question?” I ask him frowning slightly. The mood seems to have dampened a little.

“Your friend, Jiyeon, she mentioned a guy before…” He mumbles with a troubled look. “I guess what I’m trying to ask is who or what exactly is he?”

Biting my lip I continue to let Chansung lead, much like earlier. “Myungsoo isn’t exactly anything to me right now; he’s part of the reason why I left though, why I’m out right now with you.” I say sighing, I squeeze his hand lightly. Chansung seems to deflate at this, I glance at him nervously. “For a short time we were engaged, but a few things happened and I called it off.”

“Are you still seeing him?” Chansung asks as snow begins to fall, it looks gorgeous against the city lights and somehow it seems to match the mood of what’s going on.

“No, honestly speaking I haven’t been for a while, but to appease my family and his I stayed by him.” I say with a confused feeling bubbling up. Why would I stay with Myungsoo? “And you know I wasn’t really happy with the situation…”I say quietly before glancing at Chansung.

He tilts his head slightly and gives me a small smile. “Then maybe we should do something to take your mind off all that.” He says apologetically. “I didn’t mean to make you upset or anything.” He mumbles pulling me forward.

I don’t say anything, but I feel like smiling again. It’s a weird feeling, to just feel like being happy, to decide enough is enough. I’m tired of feeling like I’ve been obligated to keep both our families happy while sacrificing things that I love or want. “Then I think we should do something fun, lead the way.” I declare with an adventurous spark in my mood.

Neither of us says anything as we gallivant through the streets, but Chansung suddenly looks slightly spooked, a woman walks up to us and smirks at him. “Chansungie, the others have been asking if you were with me.” She says before glancing at me. “Who is this?” She asks ignoring his attempt to explain himself.

“Noona” He says with a slight whine to his voice, puffing his cheeks up as she gives him a look.

I smile at her nervously, she looks vaguely familiar, but she also looks like she and Chansung are really close. “I’m Soojin.” I say softly.

“Lexi” She offers with a smirk towards Chansung. Part of me feels very jealous, but the other part of me recognizes who she is exactly. “I’ll cover for you saying you're Christmas shopping or something, but I’d be careful. You do have a schedule tomorrow afternoon.” She says before saying her goodbyes and heading off in the cold.

“She’s a good friend.” Chansung explains quickly. “She’s dating a friend of mine.” I process this information, Lexi Kang. I've heard that she left her family's business or something, but I've seen her at events before, always looks bored or tortured, here and now she looked really happy. Maybe it's a bit childish to hope her the best and to hope to get the same thing, that little bit of happiness that seems to be so elusive. “Soojin?”

I nod my head and smile. “I think we should go have that fun now.” I say with a smile, if Lexi can have her own life, then I’m sure the least I could do is try.

“Movies?” Chansung leads me down a couple of streets, towards some theaters. “I go to a lot of late night movies.” He says sheepishly. “Then maybe head to a bar?” He asks while I stare at him smiling. “I’ll take that as a yes?”

“You got all awkward after we ran into Lexi.” I say with a playful chuckle. “Are you sure she’s just a friend?” I ask with a coy smirk, Chansung looks back at me with wide-eyes like I just suggested something completely and totally crazy.

“Positive!” He says a little zealously; blushing he looks at me sheepishly before scratching his neck. “She really is dating a friend, we’re just really good friends.”

“I believe you, just teasing.” I say chuckling as we get in line. “Anyways why don’t you pick a movie?” I say sticking my tongue out at him. Chansung nods his head, holding my hand tightly he points to one; him being shy or maybe just awkward is cute. “You know, I think seeing this side of you is pretty cute.”

“What side?” Chansung asks confused, he glances at me as I nudge him with my hip. “You’ve gotten pretty comfortable with me. Maybe you happen to like me a bit?”

“You were pretty confident, proposing the whole night for us to hang out, the kiss as a prize” I explain easily, while ignoring that last bit, after all, we’ve only made plans for the night without really knowing who the other person is.

“You left out why you like me.” Chansung says nudging me back; I glance off to the side trying to pretend that I hadn’t heard him, though he doesn’t let it go. “Soojin you’re blushing, I think this side of you is cute.”

After buying the tickets, Chansung insists that he pays, something about being a proper gentleman, we take our seats. The theater isn’t really the full, most of the people here look like they’re more interested in their company, but Chansung is being super paranoid.

“Are you sure you go to a lot of late night movies?” I ask him as he keeps his head down while taking a seat. I’ve made some assumptions about my companion from things I’ve observed. He must make a fair amount of money, has a people-oriented job, something that’s a bit demanding it would seem, so he’s either some kind of public official kind of thing, or famous. I kinda thought possibly business man, CEO’s son or something, but he doesn’t really give that vibe off.

“I do, just never like this.” He admits, though I really don’t understand what he means so I shrug it off. In our seats Chansung proceeds to tell me jokes and other little things that make me laugh. Being happy, laughing, all wonderful things that I've never really appreciated, and now that I've tasted it, I can't help but want these kinds of things now.

 author's note 
I have decided to link this to Rebelling Heart~! ^^
For the most part I think Chansung is still in the same character setting kind of thing
and well, I did add in a bit of Lexi.
Umm, I added another 2PM/Jay Park story
>> Class VS Crass <<
Anyways let me know what you guys think of the chapter, we're about half
way through with it.
˚★ℳetric Constellations★˚||Graphic Shop|| 


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Good job!!
ch3nya #2
Chapter 9: :D i loved it a little sad that it ended but i must say you always know how to end a story so well that its just perfect :)
Chapter 9: Wait.. What? It’s over? The story ends here? Omg ㅜㅜ
He just inroduced her to them & they’re just on the stage of beginning to develop their relationship & that was it. So, i was like …________…
I hope there’d be a sequel. Or if none, I hope you’ll write another PM ficlet.
Thank you author nim! Love this one.
pinkypn #4
Chapter 9: I was hoping that the story was longer so we can see how their relationship develops and what career change did she make
Chapter 8: Wait.. What? Two more chapters to go? Omg, why do I feel like it's only the beginning of their romance? Or is it just really me? ㅜㅜ
I srsly don't want this to end yet ~.~
Ugh. Ugh. Ugghhh!!! I want a fluffy chappie, tho this one is. I want more /pouts/

Anw, thanks for your update!
ch3nya #6
Chapter 8: ;.; two chapters nooooo its so cute though, why? keke its ok though since its such a great short story kinda excited and yet dreading the ending. Can't wait for the next update C:
ch3nya #7
Chapter 7: Aww this is so cute i love it and the oc is so cool. Sad about the three more chapters, I don't want this to end
Chapter 7: Yay! I love the OC. She don't overthink things bet them. Or what's gonna happen ahead. Just her prob w/ Myungsoo & her fam. Oh well, I love it. She's breaking out.

Aw, 3 more chappies? ~.~
It's okay. Will wait for those. Hope it'll get more better ^^ I mean, the things that'll happen bet them. How I love this maknae <3
Thanks for your update! Hwaiting!

P.S this too deserves an upvote. Hing! :)
Chapter 5: Lexi is H.G girl, right? XDD

this chapter is so cute. Omg, I can't explain what I feel abt this chappie.
I just love it.
She's got a lil crush on maknae. Or maybe she likes him. And I think maknae likes her, too. Rmb that one chappie in Rebelling Heart where H.G . Cute! <33

thank you for updating! Looking forward on how this story will progress.. ;)