The First Stop



oo3 The First Stop 

Walking down the street is kinda weird, well only because Chansung is holding my hand so tightly and we’re shopping, so basically it’s me getting my hand kinda crushed and us walking really fast. “So why do you keep asking what I think about something?” I ask curiously. “I don’t even know who you’re shopping for.” I tell him with a slight pout.

“My hyung says that a woman’s touch can make a difference.” He says almost like it was annoying to him, that this particular hyung has said it several times. “It’s my friend’s birthday and I don’t have anything for them.” Chansung mutters sadly. “Well it’s more I don’t know what to get.”

“A lady friend or a guy friend?” I ask him objectively, honestly I envy that; being mixed up over what to get someone, to get anyone anything.

“Guy” He answers exasperated almost. “I’m really close with them because we live together so everyone has already gotten him something really great.”

“Them?” I ask him frowning. “How many people do you live with?” I ask amazed.

He smiles at me and holds up his hand. “Five other people, I’m the youngest.” Chansung says simply. “I just want to get Hyung something that he’ll really like.”

“So just get something he wants, from what I hear that’s the best way to shop for other people.” I say while shrugging my shoulders. “Though since it sounds like you guys are close, I don’t think it’ll really matter what you get him so long as you put some thought into it.”

“From what you hear? Don’t you shop for other people?” Chansung asks while scrunching his face up in confusion.

I shake my head and frown. “There are people to do that for me, or people like me I guess.” I tell him dully. “Though I want to, I wasn’t really allowed?” I say questioning the notion myself. “It’s always been this way, someone does it for me.”

“You sound like a spoiled brat.” Chansung say with a grin. “Though your behavior says otherwise.”

I nudge him playfully. “I was spoiled, but I suppose I got tired of everything being handed to me. I just wanted to work for something and earn it myself.”

“And, are you doing that?”

I shake my head and let out a long sigh. “I thought I was, but it turns out my family was still pulling the strings, just discreetly.” I tell him frowning. “They are always going on about what people like us should do, but I just…I don’t see it.”

“Then start over from scratch.” Chansung says simply. “Then again I’m really not too sure on how influential your family is, so it might not be a choice, but I think if you fight enough they’ll see it your way.”

“After tonight they might just, and they might decide that enough is enough.” I mumble lightly, I smile at Chansung. “So this gift that has to be just right, what does this guy like?” I ask changing the subject.

For a moment my companion just walks silently, thinking it would appear. “Clothes, surprisingly.” He mumbles that last part, but I choose not to push it. “Maybe a jacket or a pair of shoes.” He mutters while tilting his head to the side.

“Then we should start looking in stores, pick a one and lead the way!” I say excitedly. “What is he like? What kind of style does he like?” I ask curiously, it’s exciting for me to shop for another person like this, a stranger, well help shop for him.

“He’s kinda goofy, and a lot of people think he’s good looking so it’s really surprising that he doesn’t have a lot of fashion sense.” Chansung says nodding his head like all this makes this person up entirely. “He’s really tall too, so he’s hard to miss, he’s nice too.”

“It sounds like he’s quite the guy.” I say with a rough idea of this guy. “So maybe we should just go off if it’d look good on him. So that’ll be all you.” I say as Chansung leads us into a store. Chansung glances around before he sets off towards the back section with some hoodies and shirts. “Soojin help me look.” He whines tugging on my arm to look around.

Smiling I nod my head and start looking at some of the hoodies and their designs. “What colors does he look good in?” I ask him feeling a bit bored while we look.

“I don’t really know, do you see anything?” He asks with the same tone as me.

I shake my head; I glance around outside, when I get an idea. “Hey, follow me.” I say grinning while grabbing his hand; rushing out the store and down the street I weave us through people, trees and piles of snow.

“Where are going? And why are you walking so fast?” Chansung complains as I continue to jerk him in different directions.

“My friend has a store kinda near here, we can look there. She has a lot of great stuff.” I say smiling happily. As I slow down I walk up the steps to a little boutique. “Here we are.”

“This place is expensive and I do not make enough money to compensate for one gift.” Chansung says seriously. “Your friend runs a very pricey place.”

Rolling my eyes I pinch his cheek with my free hand. “Well then I think it’s a good thing I’m with you.” I say sassily as I push the door open. “She’ll be a bit peeved, ignore that.” I tell him simply. “And if she starts accusing you of things, just disregard that too.” I mumble.

“Yah, who do you think you are? I’ve five minutes from closing!” She yells as the bell from the door chimes. “Get out.”

“Unnie that’s not really good for business.” I call back chuckling as she comes out with her arms crossed, after seeing me she brightens.

“Soojin, you I don’t mind.” She says happily, frowning suddenly she looks at Chansung. “Where is Myungsoo?” She says immediately. I feel Chansung tense. “Well, this guy is an improvement. What can I do for you?” Jiyeon asks cheerfully moving on quickly, though her eyes say otherwise.

“We’re looking for a present for his friend.” I explain easily as I let Chansung’s hand go for him to look around. “I was wondering if you had anything new in.”

“For you and your friend, yes.” She says waving us to follow. “I’m Jiyeon, and who are you to be taking my little Soojin out so late?”

“Unnie” I whine frowning. “That’s embarrassing.”

She waves her hand off at me. “So?” She asks directing her attention to Chansung. “She’s a good friend of mine, so if you’re taking advantage of her I’ll hunt you down and make sure you can’t dance or sing ever again.” She says in a very harsh tone.

“We’re keeping each company for the night.” He says simply before I can ask, Jiyeon sends a questioning look. “Honestly I don’t really know why, but it felt right and Soojin could use a bit of fun.”

Jiyeon glances at me. “Well I hope you two make it out of this night in one piece then.” She says after looking at me. “I just finished a few of these. I haven’t put them up for sale yet, but you can take one.” She says indifferently. Chansung examines the jacket; I take a seat in the back room and wait. “Feel free to look around.”

Jiyeon takes her seat next to me and glances me. “Go ahead and ask.” I mutter looking away from her.

“A huge charity event and you’re not there? Myungsoo must be furious.” She says calmly. “Not that I’m saying you should head there now.”

“I left in the middle of it. I’m sure he’s furious, his family and mine.” I say indifferently. “He was lying about the wedding and I just couldn’t sit there anymore. We weren’t anywhere close to that anymore.”

“You left the in the middle of the most important charity?” She asks shocked, though as that melts away to admiration. “I am so proud of you, sticking it to them in the absolutely most public and horrifying way.”

“I didn’t plan it, I just left.” I say rolling my eyes. “Anyways I ran into him and we just decided to do whatever it is that we are.”

“You should be careful.” Unnie warns me, she looks at said man; he’s looking through her original line carefully with a very serious expression. “I don’t know the terms of this relationship, but the pair of you are quite the odd couple.”

Part of me wants to ask about Chansung, because obviously Jiyeon knows something, but that for the most part goes against the rules we set up. So I’ll leave it.

 author's note 
I'm thinking that I'll just have this take place over the course of one night
and possibly the start of the next day.


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Good job!!
ch3nya #2
Chapter 9: :D i loved it a little sad that it ended but i must say you always know how to end a story so well that its just perfect :)
Chapter 9: Wait.. What? It’s over? The story ends here? Omg ㅜㅜ
He just inroduced her to them & they’re just on the stage of beginning to develop their relationship & that was it. So, i was like …________…
I hope there’d be a sequel. Or if none, I hope you’ll write another PM ficlet.
Thank you author nim! Love this one.
pinkypn #4
Chapter 9: I was hoping that the story was longer so we can see how their relationship develops and what career change did she make
Chapter 8: Wait.. What? Two more chapters to go? Omg, why do I feel like it's only the beginning of their romance? Or is it just really me? ㅜㅜ
I srsly don't want this to end yet ~.~
Ugh. Ugh. Ugghhh!!! I want a fluffy chappie, tho this one is. I want more /pouts/

Anw, thanks for your update!
ch3nya #6
Chapter 8: ;.; two chapters nooooo its so cute though, why? keke its ok though since its such a great short story kinda excited and yet dreading the ending. Can't wait for the next update C:
ch3nya #7
Chapter 7: Aww this is so cute i love it and the oc is so cool. Sad about the three more chapters, I don't want this to end
Chapter 7: Yay! I love the OC. She don't overthink things bet them. Or what's gonna happen ahead. Just her prob w/ Myungsoo & her fam. Oh well, I love it. She's breaking out.

Aw, 3 more chappies? ~.~
It's okay. Will wait for those. Hope it'll get more better ^^ I mean, the things that'll happen bet them. How I love this maknae <3
Thanks for your update! Hwaiting!

P.S this too deserves an upvote. Hing! :)
Chapter 5: Lexi is H.G girl, right? XDD

this chapter is so cute. Omg, I can't explain what I feel abt this chappie.
I just love it.
She's got a lil crush on maknae. Or maybe she likes him. And I think maknae likes her, too. Rmb that one chappie in Rebelling Heart where H.G . Cute! <33

thank you for updating! Looking forward on how this story will progress.. ;)