The Excitement



oo6 The Excitement 

We’re laughing, still on our first beers, so very much in control of ourselves. Chansung is telling me a story about when he had Junho played a prank on his hyung, the one whose birthday he was shopping for. The pair of them apparently did his make-up and hair in a very brazen manner. “So after putting his hair up in these pigtails all over his head, Junho grabs the lipstick that Lexi had left at the apartment and smears it onto his face.” Chansung says with a grin. “Of course we do the only sensible thing, take pictures and leave with hyung when he heads into work.”

“Naturally.” I say with a huge grin on my face. “What happen when you got back?” I ask curiously.

Chansung lets out a long sigh. “Hyung was furious.” Though he doesn’t sound too apologetic, more amused. “Gave us this lecture on being good dongsaengs.”

“Sounds like the pair of you definitely learned your lesson.” I say sarcastically, in turn he smiles at me cheekily.

Before either of us can say anything more, a third person joins the table, I turn to glance at him and feel my heart stop. “And who would this be Soojin?” Myungsoo asks angrily. “Am I to assume he’s the reason you left the charity ball so early?”

The shock is more over that he’s being so blatant than it being him and here. “No” I say coming over the general shock, I glance at Chansung; he’s staring at Myungsoo with a displeased expression. “He isn’t.” I say again when he rolls his eyes.

“I had to explain to lie to all those people about why you left.” He says with an agitated tone. “Do you know how furious our parents are? And what are you doing? Running around with some pretty face?” He sneers.

“I really don’t think you get to criticize me and my choices, nor do you get to insult my company.” I say firmly glaring at Myungsoo. “At least I have the decency to meet other people when I’m no engaged.” I snap at him angrily. “Nor did I lie to all those people; that was all you.”

Myungsoo’s eyes narrow at me. “Are you still harping about that?” He snipes as he folds his arms over his chest, next to me I can feel Chansung shaking. “What are you getting all huffed up for? This has absolutely nothing to do with you.”

“Oh really?” Chansung asks dryly. “Because I think what Soojin and I are doing has absolutely nothing to do with you.” He says rolling his eyes.

“Oh, how do you mean?” Myungsoo asks disinterestedly. “Because Soojin and I are to be engaged, so what she does has everything to do with me.”

“No, I don’t think it has anything to do with you, especially if you’re so dense as to think you still stand a chance with Soojin.” Chansung says airily, getting up He holds his hand out for me. “We can go somewhere else.”

Myungsoo rolls his eyes again. “Soojin, we have to get you home.” Hearing this I frown, always being told to go home, to do this or that. I’ve had enough of it. I want to make my own choices, my own mistakes and finally I’m starting to.

I get up and take Chansung’s hand without a second thought, paying for our drinks Chansung walks out briskly. “He cheated on you?” He seethes. “The guy is a piece of work.” He mutters darkly as he hurriedly hails a cab and gets in.

Once in the cab I smile at Chansung, I pat his cheek affectionately. “Thank you.” I whisper leaning against his arm.

“Are you ok?” He mumbles squeezing my hand tightly. “I didn’t mean to assume so much and—”

I press my free hand over his mouth. “I’m fine and you were in no way out of line so stop babbling about it.” I say playfully, before I can remove my hand I feel his lips brush against my palm, blushing I pull my hand away and hide my face behind my hair.

“Ah you’re being shy again.” He says playfully, for a few moments we ride around the city, after a while we get out, paying the fare and step out in front of an ice skating rink, surrounded by Christmas lights. “Come on, it isn’t really a wintery experience unless we ice skate.” Chansung says pulling me to follow behind him.


I bubble with excitement as I tie my skates on, I glance over beaming happily. “I see you’re excited.” Chansung says smirking at me.

“Of course I am! I haven’t gone skating since I was a little kid.” I tell him getting up tentatively, Hearing this Chansung gives me a worried look. I easily glide out on the ice and glide around the mostly empty rink, the few people here are huddled together and skating slowly.

After going around a few times Chansung joins me with a smile. “Very adept at this aren’t you?” He asks as I take his hand happily. I nod my head happily, looking around at the lights shining all around us. “I was kinda hoping you wouldn’t know how to skate.” He says chuckling.

“Why?” I ask appalled at the thought, not knowing, though I was a bit rusty at first, I quickly got the hang of it though.

“You could hang on to me as we skate around, you’d be going ‘Oppa, Oppa don’t let go!’” Chansung jokes with a cheeky grin.

I shake my head as I let out a sigh, though he does seem genuine about wanting that. “Oppa, don’t let go.” I mumble with a blush, I smile at Chansung to see him completely enthralled by the small gesture. “I think you’re too happy about it.” I say laughing as he pulls me closer to him.

“I think I’m appropriately happy.” He argues in a sing-song voice. “Are you getting tired?” He asks worriedly after a moment. “We’ve been out for hours.” He says as he hears a clock tower chime off in the distance.

“I’m fine, too excited to be tired.” I say with the same smile I’ve had since I started to grow attached to this guy, when I realized how much fun we’d have after a little bit. “Besides we still have a long time to go together, or maybe you’re getting tire.” I say feigning shock.

Chansung chuckles. “I’m not going to be tired tonight, like you said, too excited.”

For the first time tonight though, I’ve realized Chansung and I never stated when tonight would end or what would happen when we reached the end of our deal. I push this thought out of my mind as we skate in silence enjoying the time we’ve spent together so far.

 author's note 
I'm having a lot of fun writing this~!
(Re?) Introduction of the
ex-fiancé and 
Chansungie being protective
- u  -



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Good job!!
ch3nya #2
Chapter 9: :D i loved it a little sad that it ended but i must say you always know how to end a story so well that its just perfect :)
Chapter 9: Wait.. What? It’s over? The story ends here? Omg ㅜㅜ
He just inroduced her to them & they’re just on the stage of beginning to develop their relationship & that was it. So, i was like …________…
I hope there’d be a sequel. Or if none, I hope you’ll write another PM ficlet.
Thank you author nim! Love this one.
pinkypn #4
Chapter 9: I was hoping that the story was longer so we can see how their relationship develops and what career change did she make
Chapter 8: Wait.. What? Two more chapters to go? Omg, why do I feel like it's only the beginning of their romance? Or is it just really me? ㅜㅜ
I srsly don't want this to end yet ~.~
Ugh. Ugh. Ugghhh!!! I want a fluffy chappie, tho this one is. I want more /pouts/

Anw, thanks for your update!
ch3nya #6
Chapter 8: ;.; two chapters nooooo its so cute though, why? keke its ok though since its such a great short story kinda excited and yet dreading the ending. Can't wait for the next update C:
ch3nya #7
Chapter 7: Aww this is so cute i love it and the oc is so cool. Sad about the three more chapters, I don't want this to end
Chapter 7: Yay! I love the OC. She don't overthink things bet them. Or what's gonna happen ahead. Just her prob w/ Myungsoo & her fam. Oh well, I love it. She's breaking out.

Aw, 3 more chappies? ~.~
It's okay. Will wait for those. Hope it'll get more better ^^ I mean, the things that'll happen bet them. How I love this maknae <3
Thanks for your update! Hwaiting!

P.S this too deserves an upvote. Hing! :)
Chapter 5: Lexi is H.G girl, right? XDD

this chapter is so cute. Omg, I can't explain what I feel abt this chappie.
I just love it.
She's got a lil crush on maknae. Or maybe she likes him. And I think maknae likes her, too. Rmb that one chappie in Rebelling Heart where H.G . Cute! <33

thank you for updating! Looking forward on how this story will progress.. ;)