My sort-of relaxing ride

A new beginning

“Are you sure about this?” I asked eyeing the horse nervously. “Oh come on! Get real and have some fun! It’s the summer break remember? And by the way, we’re in the countryside where the internet completely . Why spend all day indoors if we can head out and go for a ride! It’s not like we can do it often in the city,” convinced Minji. “But I’m not really good in riding horses Minji,” I squeaked. Minji rolled her eyes and sighed, “Stop being a baby. We’re going riding whether you like it or not. And besides, there’s always a first in everything. Who knows you might actually be good at it? Now up your complaints and get ready to have the ride of your life,” she said as she dragged her horse, Dark Knight as she calls him, towards the meadow. I took a few deep breaths and steered Velo (Don’t ask about the name. It was chosen out from complete boredom and it is used to represent how fast the horse can actually run as it is short for ‘Velocity’) towards the direction of the meadow as well. As Velo slowly picked up his pace, I actually understood what Minji meant by enjoying the summer. The wind was blowing strongly but I felt completely at ease. I closed my eyes as Velo galloped across the meadow. “Minji, you were right. I was stupid to have preferred being indoors. This is completely awesome,” I said. Ten minutes have gone but she still hasn’t replied yet.  My eyes flashed open in an instant and I found myself completely surrounded by clumps of lush trees deep inside the heart of a forest. Oh hell no, why is this happening to me? Minji is so going to incinerate me later. If there is a later. I gulped and slowly steered Velo towards a path which seems like an exit. As Velo and I slowly headed back from where we came from, I heard a rustle of tress from behind. I shrieked and Velo, surprised with my outburst, plunged forward at full speed. We sped through the forest until I finally see the faint sight of the meadow close by, I sighed deeply and soon out of nowhere, a stick hit me right on my head and soon enough, I hear myself landing on the ground with a loud thud and after that, I went all out.

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angeline_cheng #1
please leave a comment so I can know where to improve! thanks :3