Chapter 6 "Mission Incomplete"

I Can't Wait Forever

Chapter 6 "Mission Incomplete"

Taecyeon laid in bed with his hands clinch into a fist. He laid worried, and hoping that Nicole had return home. Safe and sound. He stare at his clock. It was now three in the morning. The snow was now pouring from the navy dark sky. As Taecyeon sat up on his bed. He took one deep breathe.
-Flash Back-
"Oh Oppa"

"Have you seen Nicole anywhere?" Taecyeon taking a deep breath.

"Ughh...No I haven't seen her why?" SeungYeon looking down

"SeungYeon I'm leaving now" Jessica mumble quickly to SeungYeon and left.

-End of Flash Back-
"Something doesn't seem right..." Taecyeon mumble to himself "Why was SeungYeon acting so different today? She didn't seem worried that Nicole was missing..."

Taecyeon's phone started to ring. As Taecyeon lean over to grab his phone. Before, he had the chance to answer it. His phone died.

"Damn it. I guess I forgot to charge my phone." Taecyeon stood up to charge his phone " Aish. I should call and see if they've found her yet"

Taecyeon put on his shirt and headed downstairs towards the kitchen. He grab a glass of cold water. Then headed over to the phone. He started to dial the phone...he waited and waited as the phone on the other line rang...

"Oh Hello?"

"Ye- Hello Mrs.Jung, it's me Taecyeon"

"Oh Taecyeon" Mrs.Jung sounding tired

"I was just wondering did the police find anything yet?"

"No..." Mrs.Jung started to cry on the other line "they say they'll give me a call today at eight..."

"I'm sorry..." Taecyeon looking down "I'll call later today then""Thanks Taecyeon for worrying with me" Mrs.Jung hung up the phone.

"Aishh- Where could she be?"
6:01 A.M.
Nicole twist and turn. Nicole awoken to the sound of the Wind roaring outside. She yawn, and leaned closer to Jaebeom without knowing so. She close her eyes for a few second. Suddenly, it hit her hard that she had slept next to Jaebeom the whole night.

"AISHHH!!!" Nicole pulled away from Jaebeom.

"Yah~ I'm trying to sleep be quiet" Jaebeom talking in a low tone still sleeping.

"You-Y-You BAST~" Jaebeom suddenly grab Nicole and held her tightly in his arms."W-What..." Nicole stare at Jaebeom who was still asleep.

"SeungYeon-Ah...." Jaebeom started talking in his sleep "I....I've always.." Nicole stare at Jaebeom "I.." Jaebeom continue "I...Lo.." Jaebeom then became quiet once again.

Nicole pulled away from Jaebeom slowly. Nicole stood up painfully due to her knee injury. As Nicole stood up she remember that Jaebeom had given his shirt to Nicole last night.

"He must've been cold" Nicole taking the shirt off and covering Jaebeom. Nicole bended down covering Jaebeom. As she was covering him up Jaebeom slowly awoken from his sleep.

"Oh!" Jaebeom quickly stood up as he saw Nicole. "Ya! What are you trying to do?!" Jaebeom looking down at Nicole.

"N-Nothing" Nicole quickly got onto her feet.

"It's cold" Jaebeom grabbing his shirt from Nicole's hands.

"Thank you" Nicole smile at Jaebeom. "Thanks for yesterday"

Jaebeom just stood looking at Nicole who looked so pale. "Are you okay?"


"So tell did you get in here?"

"What?! Jaebeom oppa never came home ever since yesterday?!" SeungYeon asking JunSu over the phone.

"No...he never came back home. I called today and his mom said he was out all night"

"...Okay thanks...I'll talk to you later oppa" SeungYeon hung up the phone "This is weird."

-Flash Back-
"Oh Oppa"

"Have you seen Nicole anywhere?" Taecyeon taking a deep breath.

-End of Flash Back-

SeungYeon started to dial Nicole's phone number. SeungYeon waited as the phone rang.

"Sorry the number that you have reach is either turn off or out of reach please try calling later thank you"

SeungYeon dialed Nicole's house. She waited as the phone rang on the other line.

"Hello?" Mrs.Jung sounding weaker and exhausted.

"Oh hi Mrs.Jung" SeungYeon worried "I was wondering is Nicole home?"

"SeungYeon-Ah you didn't hear?" Mrs.Jung confuse

"heard what?"

"Nicole hasn't been home ever since yesterday" Mrs.Jung started to tear up once again

"w-w-what?" SeungYeon shock "Nicole hasn't been home ever since yesterday?"

"Yes...I called the police, they said they couldn't find anything yet. They'll contact me when they do."

"I'm really sorry...I hope that they'll find her" With that SeungYeon hung up the phone with Mrs.Jung

"It's nothing big."Nicole curling up on the cold floor "I...I really didn't know who they were"

"What do you mean?" Jaebeom sitting down across from Nicole "Like I mean, do I know them?"

Nicole stare at Jaebeom. She stare deep into his eyes, with that back to the ground.

"That means yes? Don't tell me it's someone from the football team?" Jaebeom starting to get furious."Nicole talk!"

Nicole grab onto Jaebeom's clinched fist. She gave him a small weak smile.

"It's better if we try to get out of here. first. you know"

The chain that locked both Nicole and Jaebeom down in the basement all night was now, being unlock.

"Ya- do you hear that?" Jaebeom quickly stood up "I think there's someone out there...Hurry get up" Jaebeom pulled Nicole up from where she had been sitting. "Ya! There's people in here!! Help us it's cold!" Jaebeom quickly walked up the basement stairs and started to pound onto the door.

"Please help us!!" Nicole then shouted

"Ya~ It's not your business be quiet I got this. I don't need you to start yelling they might think I did something to you" Jaebeom quickly mug Nicole.

"I-I was trying to help" Nicole whispering to herself. Standing behind Jaebeom

"Okay sir, were unlocking the lock right now please stay calm" The officer outside yelled back in response to Jaebeom and Nicole

"Well, can you guys hurry I'm freezing!!" Jaebeom shouted.

"Ah!" Nicole wrapped her arms around Jaebeom's wast without noticing. "OMG OMG OMG!!" Nicole stated

Jaebeom was shock from what Nicole had just done. He looked down to where Nicole's hands were. Wrapped around Jaebeom's wast.

"Omg Omg Omg" Nicole shouted again "There's-There's rat down here!!!!!" Nicole tug harder onto Jaebeom.

"Y-Ya..Ya let go of me" Jaebeom then quickly turn around pushing Nicole slightly away from him. "What are you...OMG!!" Jaebeom grab Nicole's arm and wrapped his arms around her. Nicole then quickly did the same back. "OMG OMG OMG Hurry and open this freakn door man!!!"

The door then suddenly open. Nicole and Jaebeom who was now hugging each other tightly. Stared up to the officer and Coach Lee.

"Waa~ At least they know how to keep warm" The officer gave Coach Lee a nudge. "Well my work is done. Ugh miss...miss"

Nicole then stare at Jaebeom, and quickly freed herself from him.

"Ye` I'm Nicole Jung."

"You have to come with me, your mom's been really worried about you."

"ughh. sir what time is it?" Nicole coming out of the basement leaving Jaebeom behind.

"It's already 9:23a.m. are you alright?" The officer wrapping a blanket around Nicole.

"Yes. I'm fine" Nicole looked back at Jaebeom who was still staring at her. "Ugh my mom is fine to right?" Nicole stare back at the officer

"Yes your mom is fine" The officer escorted Nicole to the police car and with that they were gone.

"Jaebeom-ssh" Coach Lee stared at Jaebeom who was still looking as the police car getting further and further away.

" girl..that foolish girl" Jaebeom murmur to himself.

"What?! She got out how?!"

"Well...they found out, for some reason" with a worried face "Oh..and it was also said that Jaebeom..Park Jaebeom was with her"

"Park Jaebeom...the football captain? That..that Park our mission is incomplete!"

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Hurry up wif the sequel please cos this story is awesome!
Stupid jay! How could he do that to Nicole? That bastard!
Omg!! I'm so in tears right now!! This ff is so sad!!
fresh ideas
I love this...
I've decided since everyone asked about a sequel, I'm thinking about making at least one last appearance of JayCole. =) Look forward!
new reader <3<br />
Jaycole! But omg, that was so saddddddddddddd): <br />
The last chapter made me cry ='/<br />
I hope you'll make a sequel, jaycole foreverrrrrrrrrrrr <3
is there a sequel? please let there be^^
tbnklove #10
I remember reading this on Karaholics. I totally love it. The last chapter never fails to make me cry no matter how many times I read it.