Chapter 9 - Where it all goes wrong. Again.

What goes around, Comes around

Sehun, and Hyorin left the room along with kai who gave mina a disapproving as he left.

Luhan noticed how Mina backed up against the wall, almost as if she was being cornered. She slid down the wall and rested her head against it, closing her eyes in pain. Luhan immediately went to her side, sitting next to her.

He could hear her soft sobs. He had a strong urge to embrace her and tell her everything would be okay, which surprised him a little.

Of course, he didn’t, he hardly knew her. Mina felt a not-too familiar presence beside her as Luhan sat down next to her. The way she looked at him with such a crestfallen expression made his heart clench. She half expected him to lash out at her too.

When Luhan reached out to brush the hair out of her face, she flinched away, scared.

Mina’s big, innocent eyes made Luhan instantly feel sorry for her. He couldn't help but to draw her into his arms, embrace her; show her that he wouldn't dare lay a hand on her.

She unconsciously snuggled into his chest, dampening his shirt with her tears. 

Eventually they both broke away from the embrace. When Luhan reached out to push all the hair out of her face, the state of mina's once flawless face was enough to startle him while making him gasp.

Her left cheek appeared red and slightly swollen.

 "You look awful…” Luhan whispered softly, realising only after the words left his mouth how harsh it sounded.

Mina, feeling offended, slightly hurt, but mostly embarrassed, pulled away from Luhan, and stood up.

She pulled her hood over her head as hard as she could in an attempt to hide her face and darted out of the girls' toilets. 

She ran as fast as she could, through the corridors, out of the school, and as far as she could go without collapsing.

Luhan hit himself on the head twice for being so careless.

"Wow, I’m turning into Sehun…” he murmured.

He ran like lightning after Mina, and looked everywhere he could think of. All over the school, library, rooftop, and then spotted her. 

She was sitting, admiring the view from the rooftop. Luhan could tell by her body language that she was deeply offended by his words. The way she embraced herself in a hug suggested that she was feeling insecure.

He slowly and cautiously approached her, not wanting to startle her; and wound his arms around her waist, burying his face in the nape of her neck, causing the petite framed girl to recoil from him.

But he held on."I’m sorry Mina. So sorry..." Luhan tenderly whispered close to her ear. What she didn’t know was that there was more than one meaning to his words.


The bell rang to signal the end of class.

"Ok, see you tomorrow. Don't forget your assignments!" the young teacher shouted as everybody collected their things and competed to get out of the classroom first.

Sehun knocked Mina's folder off of her desk to the floor, most likely on purpose.

Multiple childish doodles fell out and covered the floor around them. Mina was extremely embarrassed, and bent down, quickly collecting the 5 minute drawings she drew while she was SUPPOSED to be doing her work in class.

"Sorry." Sehun muttered indirectly, as he bent down and began picking up the scruffy pieces of paper.

He came accross a recent doodle of his girlfriend, Hyorin, with an angry face, and devil horns.

He isnt really a emotional type,, but after all, she is is girlfriend, and he doesn't like her to be defiled in that way. He slowly looked up to Mina, who has already realised what he is holding.

"I... I can explain!" Mina mutters while her entire face turns as red as her high tops, guilt evident in her face.

"Don't bother." Sehun says with an angry edge to his voice, as he returns the doodle to Mina and walks out of the classroom. Mina runs after Sehun, panicking and feeling guuilty.

"Look, Sehun, it's just a mis-understanding!" Mina tried desperately to explain to Sehun, who just ignored her and kept on walking.

Both of them seemed to be getting a few funny looks, along with the sharp, piercing looks Mina was repeatedly getting from the popular girls (AKA Hyorin's friends and 'followers'). "It wasn't my fault! She started it-"

"Do you know how childish you sound?" Sehun turned to face Mina in the crowded hallway. "It does not matter if she started it. It doesn't matter! All that matters is that YOU carried on with it, Mina. Do you know how hurt my girlfriend could of been?"

Mina flinched when he called hyorin 'My girlfriend'. It made her angry, and maybe, just maybe- a little bit resentful. Why did he call her that when he didn't even seem to feel that much for her? In fact, he seemed to direct so little attention to her that Mina didn't even know they were in a relationship. It confused her. She tried to push away these feelings.

"Excuse me? Is Hyorin the only person that could have been hurt in this situation?" Mina argued back angrily. "I was involved too, you know. She abused me! She slapped me, and I'm pretty sure she pulled nearly half of my hair out..."

Sehun made an amused yet angry sound. "Oh,poor you! Well last time I checked, she wasn't the one standing over you when you cowered on the floor beneath her." He snapped. "She was so shaken up- she couldn't stand! You should have seen her. I've never seen her like that, ever!"

"Oh what, in the 2 days you have been dating?" Mina shouted.

More and more people were starting to eavesdrop on their conversation. "Oh, please. Yes Sehun, I'm sure that was all genuine and not at ALL a plea for attention." Oh, no! Mina regretted saying that about the most popular girl in school... Oh, well, Mina thought.

There's no going back now. I'll make sure he understands COMPLETELY how I feel about him and his 'girlfriend'!

And thats when her shyness floted away.

Sehun shot Mina a taken aback yet triumphant look. "I and my girlfriend have been going out for 6 months, I'll have you know." Sehun looked up at Mina. "How long was the longest relationship you've had again?"

Mina looked down; hurt that Sehun would say that.

"I will also have you know that my girlfriend is not like that. She just acts like a lady should act. Not like you do, clearly."

Mina was shocked, hurt even further by his words.

"Speechless, are we?" He gave her a smirk. "Surprising considering the fact you were so savage towards me a few seconds ago. My girlfriend would never be like you. I mean, have you seen the way you dress?"

There were a few laughs from people around them as tears formed in Mina's eyes.

Mina resented the fact that Sehun kept refering to Hyorin as 'my girlfriend'. Was he doing it to get at her? Mina decided she wouldn't let it get to her, although it was clearly already beginning to.

"Just shove off and stay out of our lives. I'm sorry I even met you.

A savage, annoying, unreasonable girl like you with no manners? Please! No wonder your parents didn't want you." Sehun walked off confidently, leaving those final words he said to her trailing behind him.

"No wonder your parents didn't want you!" These words and the laughs and from people around her played on repeat inside her head.

They cut into her again and again, as she walked to and eventually into the entrance of her next class. She couldnt help the first few few teaes steolled down her face and Hyorin's evil smirk directed towards her  just made everything worse.

Mina didnt even know why his words hurt so much, she just couldn't fight back her urge to answer back to all of his comments,  especially the ones that made the heart pang.. the ones comparing her to hyorin.

Wait… How did he know that my parents gave me up..? 



hey hey hey!

so how are these last couple of chapter?  Are they okay?

Guys,  please please please leave comments!  You don't know how happy it makes me!

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Chapter 12: *gasp*OMG!.!.!
HEHEHE...anyways update soon
Chapter 12: OMG!!!! I'm crying !!;"""( she's in a coma!!!! Omfg sehun u better feel sorry and guilty!!!!!!! Ugh this is soo dramatic an sooo freaking good!!! I love ur story!!!!^_^
Chapter 11: hehehe!!
thanks for the chap n am sure it was luhan who called her...right...(?)
update ASAP
Chapter 11: -_-.....WHAT??
seriously author-nim, @ 1st i was like yippeee a chapter for today and when i saw this i was like......WTH??????
Chapter 11: What?!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I THOUGHT THIS WAS A FRIGGEN CHAPTER!!!!!!!:( ugh authornim u are such a troll!!!!!!!!!!! I'm likesoooo sad right now but update sooon!!!! I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!
Chapter 10: Urgh why is sehun sooooo mean ugh he better feel bad for her in the next chapter or let her pass out and then he'll regret it!!!! Hahahahahaha lol I'm soo mean can't wait to read the next chapter
Chapter 9: Omfg ugh sehun I hate u sooo much in this fanfic >:( please update soon this is REALLY GOOD!!!!^_^
otakuandproud24 #8
Chapter 4: YO GUYS!
This is the new co-author of this fanfiction. I'm just wondering if all you amazing readers of this story out there could go back and read the previous chapters again, because I have fixed the grammatical errors and added more detail (which I think adds a bit more to the story). Also, I have started writing new chapters as well! I wrote the first half of Chapter 9, did you guess? :P Me and PennythePanda101 hope you are enjoying the story so far. Please like, comment, and subscribe! :D
- Otakuandproud24, co-author
Chapter 9: omg omg omg omg omg i can't. I give up. I give up on life. omg the feels. how does sehun know I have to find out pleeeeease update soon pleeeeeease!!!
Chapter 7: hey hey hey!!!!
i a your new friend plus a new reader for you story
nice eeyin you (notreallybutstill)
anyways....i really liked your story n read it in one day even though people were poking e here n there

if it isssss HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
IF ITS NOT .....still .....idk
ok byeee now
i will make sure to comment on the followin chppies
i hope to
