Don't Go

The sun was shining brightly hitting Luhan’s eyes causing him to wake up from his pleasant sleep. He moved his hand to block the sun. Luhan sat up and stretched.

Luhan went downstairs. There was no one, again. His mother left for work and his father; well he didn’t give a damn about him.

It was a Friday; one more day until Saturday. Luhan didn’t feel like going to school today. He could make his weekend come earlier, but, today he had this feeling that he should go to school. He got ready and left for school.

Luhan walked to school by himself. His friends didn’t walk with him. He thought they would ditch school again.

To his surprise, when Luhan reached school, he saw his friends there. He walked over to them.

“Surprise to see you guys’ here.” said Luhan when he went over.

“We’re surprised ourselves” said Tao chewing an apple.

“I didn’t plan on coming but this guy dragged me out of bed.” said Kris pointing to Chen.

They were having their little chat when Luhan noticed a familiar person. A young woman with long brown hair and milky skin; it was Jieun. Jieun was walking towards the school. 

A smile appeared on Luhan. Lay noticed him smiling. He looked behind him and saw Jieun.

“You look happy.” said Lay.

“Huh” Luhan snapped out of his gaze.

“Who are you looking at? The pretty lady over there”

Luhan didn’t say anything.

“Pretty lady. Where?” Tao began looking around for Jieun. Lay pointed to Jieun who was talking with one of the students.

“Oh so that’s the lady.” said Xiumin.

“She is pretty” added Kris.

“So tell us who is she” demanded Chen.

“Just…someone.” answered Luhan.

“Someone he likes” teased Tao.

“What makes you think I like her?” snapped Luhan.

“It’s the way you look at her. It’s like you’re in love.” said Xiumin.

“No I’m not. She’s just a really good friend.” said Luhan.

“I have a suggestion. How about Luhan asking her on a date” Kris said.

“What?” Luhan was in shock.

“Yeah you should totally ask her out.” agreed Lay.

“No” protested Luhan.



“Because he’s shy” Tao .

“I’m not”

“Then ask her out.”



After a long time of arguing, Luhan gave in and went to ask Jieun out. He walked over to her. As he was walking to her, his heart kept beating faster. He was getting more nervous. He had no idea why he was feeling his way; he never left this way before. He reached Jieun.

“Hi Jieun” Luhan said softly.

“Hey Luhan.” smiled Jieun.

“So what brings you here at my school?”

“Just doing some work and visiting family here.”

“You have family here?”

“Yeah; Mr. Lee the biology teacher is my uncle.”

“Oh yeah I know him. I didn’t he was your uncle.”

“Yeah; so what brings you to me.”

“Oh um…I wanted to ask you…”

“Ask me what?”

“I wanted to…”


“Um…I was wondering…””

“Wondering about-“

“Jieun, would you like to go on a date with me tonight.”


“I understand if you don’t want to-wait, did you say yes?”

“I did”

“So you will go on a date with me?”

“I did say yes didn’t I?”


“So where would you like to meet up?”

“Do you know where the bubble tea store is?”


“I’ll meet you there.”

“Alright; I’ll see you later”

“You too”


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Chapter 10: Love your story,authornim!:)
Kris-C25 #2
zasstar #3
Chapter 10: it ends. what a sweet n cute couple ^^ it's nice authornim ((:
and and I dun ship woohyun with anyone else except sunggyu =_=
radiant #4
Chapter 11: That was so cute ;_; /ships Jieun with practically everyone/ It's so awesome that we ship Jieun with Luhan and Woohyun. Loved your story!
eine08 #5
Chapter 10: Cute ending!
Thank you for this adorable fic!
I hope you make more >_<
Chapter 11: ooh finished alr? :o what a cute ending :) luhan is very sweet ㅋ
rainbow_bananas #7
Chapter 10: Awwww...such a cute ending!!!!
rainbow_bananas #8
Chapter 9: Jieun, don't leave Luhan!!!!!
Chapter 9: Aw poor Jieun!! Gahhh don't leave Luhan!!
zasstar #10
Chapter 8: It's not boring, it is romantic! Kyaaaaa