Don't Go


Jieun and Luhan were walking and getting to know each other more. Jieun was looking at her necklace; she was smiling. Luhan noticed how happy she looked.

“You must really like that necklace.” said Luhan.

“My father gave it to me before I left Korea.”

“You’re from Korea.”

“Yes I am. I came here for business for my father. So far it’s been going great until I bumped into you and you got me late.”

“Hey you’re the one who bumped into me.”

Jieun giggled.

“What kind of business does your father do?” asked Luhan.

“He knows a diamond business.”

“Wow, better than my uncle’s business.”

“I work alongside with my father. My mother has a bakery.”

“A perfect life you have there.”

“I wouldn’t say it’s perfect”


“Well you know how some parents are. They want their kids to be something they want instead of them following their dreams.”

“So you don’t want to work alongside with your dad.”

“Not really.”

“Then what do you want to become?”

“I want to be a piano teacher.”

“Why that?”

“I enjoy music a lot. It’s my passion and I love playing the piano.”

“The why don’t you become one”

“Sometimes you have to sacrifice things for your parents.”

“Why would anyone want to do that?”

“Because parents sacrifice things for us”

Once jieun said that, luhan thought about his mother and how she is sacrificing everything so they could live happy. He felt sadness come upon him.

“So I have said enough about myself now tell me something about you.” said Jieun.

“There’s nothing to know about me.”

“What does that mean?”

“You don’t want to know about me.”


“Because you’ll be scared and think I’m hopeless.”

“Why would I think like that?”

“Because my family is poor except for my uncle who is the number one drug dealer and my mother has to work as an exotic dancer just to get money to take care of my family thanks to my father who wasted it all on gambling plus I have to steal drugs for this one guy who is super rich so I could take care of my own family because my uncle is a jackass and I can’t believe I’m telling you all this.”

Jieun was silent but she looked at Luhan with pity. She was sad that he had to go through all this.

“You think I’m hopeless don’t you” said Luhan.

“No I don’ think that at all. Everyone has gone through tough times in their life and other people shouldn’t think of anyone poorly just because of one thing.”

When jieun said that luhan was appalled and touched. He has never met a person who doesn’t think of anyone in a bad way. He actually met someone that respects other people.

They stopped walking.

“That’s funny. We arrived to the house I’m staying in.” Jieun pointed out.

“Oh…so…good bye.”

“Good bye.”

They bowed to each other and walked the opposite direction.

“Luhan,” jieun called. Luhan turned to Jieun.

“Yeah” he answered.

“Thank you again for saving me and returning my necklace.”

“You’re welcome.”

“I hope we get to see each other again.”

Jieun went inside her house. Luhan watched her go inside. Luhan continued walking home. He was recalling the moments he had with Jieun. He had never met a person like her. A woman who is nice, respectful, and caring.

Luhan reached home and went to his room. He was lost in another world. All he thought about was jieun. He had met such an amazing person. The thoughts of jieun were all over him. He wanted to see her again. He wanted to talk to her again. 

I hope this made sense and hope you are enjoying too! BTW WHAT SHOULD THEIR COUPLE NAME BE?

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Chapter 10: Love your story,authornim!:)
Kris-C25 #2
zasstar #3
Chapter 10: it ends. what a sweet n cute couple ^^ it's nice authornim ((:
and and I dun ship woohyun with anyone else except sunggyu =_=
radiant #4
Chapter 11: That was so cute ;_; /ships Jieun with practically everyone/ It's so awesome that we ship Jieun with Luhan and Woohyun. Loved your story!
eine08 #5
Chapter 10: Cute ending!
Thank you for this adorable fic!
I hope you make more >_<
Chapter 11: ooh finished alr? :o what a cute ending :) luhan is very sweet ㅋ
rainbow_bananas #7
Chapter 10: Awwww...such a cute ending!!!!
rainbow_bananas #8
Chapter 9: Jieun, don't leave Luhan!!!!!
Chapter 9: Aw poor Jieun!! Gahhh don't leave Luhan!!
zasstar #10
Chapter 8: It's not boring, it is romantic! Kyaaaaa