Once Upon a Drug

And so, after 9 hard months of labor and decorating, little baby Daehyun was finally born. ("HOLY WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME IT HURT THAT BAD! MOMMY I LOVE YOU!")




Sungyeol obnoxiously bashed the door open with an extremely happy expression on, noisily skipping over to where his son laid.


"Oh Daehyun~ Umma got you this really pretty dress," he cooed, holding up the dress. The dress was a light shade of purple, adorned with a big purple rose to the side. Several layers below the top, it was slightly ruffled and in a woman's (or Sungyeol's) sense, it was truly pretty.


"Mom, for the last time, I'm NOT WEARING A DRESS," Daehyun shouted out angrily once again, turning his body over in the direction Sungyeol was facing.


The choding winced at the loud whining yell. Yeesh, all this kid has is my yelling while Myungsoo gives him all of his handsome looks and personality.


"And mother, why are you even here? Did you forget to knock again?" Daehyun questioned desperately, only wanting the older to leave the room.


"Well, like your father and I have decided that we are going to officially take you outside to see what the village is like," he declared, pointing at the slumping lump on the bed.


A light knock was heard several times before a head of black hair stuck out from the door. "Yeollie, I do not remember anything about me telling you to make Daehyun go outside whatsoever."


"Shut up Myungsoo, you're not even a part of this conversation," the choding contorted back, ushering him out of the room.


The dark haired male let out a sigh before pulling his head back in from the door.


"Anyways, where were we?" Sungyeol clapped his hands together to continue the conversation.


"But mum, I HAVE ALLERGIES," the younger reasoned, wildly waving his hands around to prove the point.


“Lol sorry honey, but you’re going outside and that’s final,” Sungyeol responded, grabbing on tightly to Daehyun’s hand, dragging him out of his pink bedroom.





Outside of the gates of the palace, was where Daehyun was, muttering profanities while kicking the nearest stone. “ing , I’m so hungry.” He stood there for a while, before suddenly remembering that there might’ve some extra change in his pocket.


He reached down into his right pocket, and to his surprise,  pulled out a $20 bill. “Aww sweet man!” He said to himself.


The boy walked lazily into the village, scanning his surroundings. The town was the same as ever, kids playing a game of “Who can kill the mouse first” with plastic utensils while the women were harvesting vegetables of different varieties. The men of the suburban were either fishing for fish or simply just lazing around.


“Hey, who are you? I’ve never seen you from this part of town before.”


Daehyun looked up to see another boy, his eyes piercing and annoyed.


"Well maybe if you looked closely you could probably tell who I am," Daehyun retorted, placing his hands on his hips in some sort of diva pose.


Yongguk reluctantly glanced down, only to see a blonde boy seemingly younger than him glare back.


"Ah, so you’re the prince, aren’t you? You’re quite the cutie for one,” Yongguk commented, sending him a smirk. He ruffled the younger’s hair.


Daehyun blushed a shade of crimson at the taller person’s comment, before slapping Yongguk’s hand away from his hair. “Sh- shut up you,” he stuttered, head turning away from the latter.


He did have to admit, though, the stranger was quite indeed handsome. His hair was also dyed blonde like his, only it was more of a platinum shade of yellow. Muscular yet toned arms adorned the male, and it seemed that he was very in shape. Plump red lips and dark onyx eyes decorated his face, giving him the impression of being tough and brusque.


"Aww, is the wittle prince blushing now? Come on, admit that I'm y as hell," he taunted, sending the younger a suggestive grin.


"Leave me alone old man," he murmured, staring at a nearby rock.


Yongguk scoffed. "Yah, I'm not old for your information. 22's my age, and from what I've heard, you're 19," he explained.


"And turning 20 in a couple of weeks," Daehyun added eyes continuing to trail off.


The latter, taken a bit back, replied back with a "Hm" and rubbed the back of his neck with a free hand.

The prince then let a slap to the forehead out, believing the conversation was going nowhere at all.





"So, tell me again why I'm in your hell of a mansion?" Yongguk asked, eyes curiously examining each detail of the palace.


"Well, because I invited you to, and you're just my friend so-"


"Wait, so I'm your friend now?" He asked incredulously.


"Uh, yeah. Is it a problem for you or-"


"NO! No, it's perfectly fine. Just plain fine. Yeah. Yay. Whoop dee doo." Yongguk flashed a nervous smile, beads of sweat obviously trickling down his face.


Daehyun merely sent a suspicious look st the elder before continuing on.


"And so, here is the banquet hall, and over here, you can see the indoor pool and hot tub-" A blurry outline of a male whooshed past the cut off Daehyun before frantically scrambling out in the direction of the garden. An angry yell followed after.


"LEE ING SUNGYEOL YOU ING GET BACK HERE THIS INSTANT OR I AM RIPPING THE OUT OF YOUR DRESSES!" Myungsoo charged furiously in pursuit after the choding in a playboy costume with a wooden spatula in a hand.


Wait, what?


After the incident with the king and queen, Yongguk cleared his throat to rid themselves of the awkward silence. "So um...who exactly were those?"


Daehyun hit himself once again on his head, before heaving out a sigh. "Those were...my parents."


Yongguk dropped his jaw to the floor in shock. "Bu- but, I thought it was supposed to be a king and a queen, not a king and a drag queen-"


"It's a very long and complicated story." Daehyun cut him off, casting out a tired glance in the direction of his running parents.





And this is where Bang appears in the story! :D And it's also where extreme awkwardness occurs.

I apparently broke my closet doors while writing this. Well . (╯°Д°)╯︵/(.□ . \)

((((((Spoiler: Himchan may or may not appear in the next 1 or 2 chapters.)))))))))

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:c I'm sorry once again.


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rararakun #1

the mixture of crack and fluff here kills me
you're the best XD
Chapter 6: LOLOLOLOL Himchan...i worry for yours and those around you sometimes...
Awwww, poor Dae, getting put makeup on by girls and forced into crossdressing xDDD (bet he looked adorbs)
Update Soon~^^
Chapter 5: hahaha success to make me laugh~ love your story author nim.

im loving "holy hoya" lol

and dae in dress ~ /sobs/ bang just make him yours.


Update soon pls~
Chapter 5: Bang, you know you want a piece (or all) of Dae. Dont try resisting Dae in all his feminine glory ;D
LOLOL i just love MyungYeol xD
Update Soon~^^
KehKeh #6
Chapter 5: Lol I luv this chapter and I hope bang does something to daehyun *wink*
Plz update soooooonxD
lahdeedah000 #7
Chapter 5: Gosh I'm loving Holy Hoya more and more. xD LOL Yeollie playing matchmaker for Daehyun and Bang. Seems to be working though~ haha!
Chapter 4: Woah Myungsoo.. lol poor Joey >< oh well..
Oh my gosh did u c infinite's destiny teaser?
*__* They looked hot.. and Sungyeol cut his hair *__*
Lol that's how I saw Myungsoo and Sungyeol while reading this fic OTL lol hehe
Chapter 4: What the fudge, Myungsoo?! e__o Poor Joey, orz. HAHAHAHA.
lahdeedah000 #10
Chapter 4: Holy...wow, I didn't expect Myungsoo to be all badass in such a cracky fic...but then since it's a crack fic I should've seen that coming. xD Gosh another chapter full of pure WTF, I <3 this so much!! :D

And yes, please RIP Joey, if there is a pedo heaven.