Once Upon a Drug


“MYUNGIE~!” Sungyeol practically flew across the hallway and tackled Myungsoo to floor, who ended up suffering some slight back pain. Myungsoo looked down to a tuft of brown hair and face against his chest.
“Where were you honey?” the older asked, eyes sparkling with curiosity.
“I was out doing some “business”,” the younger replied back, not wanting to rise anyone’s suspicions of his whereabouts.
“Oh ok then! I just came to tell you that I finally got our son in a dress!” the choding climbed off of the king, seating himself cross legged on the marble floor.
“That’s great Yeollie...WAIT WHAT?! HOW?!” Myungsoo’s eyes were now the size of baseballs.
“It’s a long story, but...JUNG DAEHYUN GET THE OUT HERE!” Sungyeol cupped his hands around his mouth to amplify the yell.
“What do you want umma?!” Daehyun’s head popped from behind a wall, covering the rest of his body. Judging from the white and black spotted frilly bow on his head, Sungyeol must’ve gone for a sophisticated theme again.
"DON'T COVER THE REST OF YOUR BODY LIKE THAT! GET THE OUT HERE SO YOUR DAD CAN SEE!" Sungyeol stomped over to his son and forcibly dragged the younger out of his hiding place.
Daehyun was wearing this time a sleeve ivory but short dress, with black ribbons outlined at the top and a smaller one in the middle. A small rose was stuck onto the side, and the bottom portion of the dress was ruffled. Blond extensions were curled and placed onto his hair, and he sported cream colored canvas flats on his feet. No makeup was put on, for his parents were very strict and precise when it came to skin care, so his face was free of flaws, and...were those circle lenses? 
In all honesty, he really did look like a girl. And a badass Lollita doll (but that was besides the point). 
"So, what do you think?" Myungsoo's lover asked excitedly.
"...Wow," was the only word Daehyun's dad managed to speak out, too shocked by his son's feminine appearance. 
"A-HAH! I KNEW YOU'D LIKE IT!" Sungyeol pointed an amazed finger at his husband.
Daehyun grumbled. "Can I change now?" He asked, glancing in the direction of his bedroom.
"UMMA! HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND!" Daehyun retorted back, a light blush on his face.
"Yet," Myungsoo added, acknowledging the fact that this was the perfect time for his son to finally get a relationship.
"Ugh, I hate you guys," Daehyun muttered under his breath, before stomping off in another direction of the mansion. "I'LL BE IN THE KITCHEN IF ANYONE NEEDS ME!" 
Daehyun creeped down the hallway, making sure no one was in sight of him, before finally arriving at a familiar metal door. He swung the door slightly open, only to quickly close it again when he peeked inside.
Yongguk was in the kitchen, an apron strapped around his body, too occupied cooking what seemed to be -Daehyun sniffed the air wafting from the kitchen- ramyun? for him to notice the moving door. The older male hummed a song casually, cutting up vegetables and throwing them into the boiling pot of ramen. 
The aroma of cooking food made Daehyun’s mouth water, his stomach growling quite loudly. He was in dire need of food and that steaming pot of ramen was the perfect opportunity to get some grub.
Now, the only thing preventing him from viciously consuming the food was Yongguk. He knew that if he stepped into the room announcing his presence, chaos would occur. However if he didn’t get that ramyun, his stomach would sing an endless orchestra of growls and grumbles that wouldn’t end anytime soon.
Daehyun chose the first option. Although he’d have to deal with another set of problems soon, at least he would receive his precious food.
“Yongguk hyung?” The younger said as he stepped a foot into the kitchen. Yongguk immediately let out a surprised yelp, nearly on the verge of cutting his finger off as he turned around to see who the intruder was. He let out a sigh of relief as he realized it was just Daehyun before it turned into shock when he saw what the younger male was wearing.
“...that...dress...shoes...ha...how...?” Yongguk was too speechless to say anything. Daehyun blinked confusedly.
“N- nevermind.” Yongguk dismissed him off with a wave of his hand. Daehyun was absolutely beautiful and stunning to him in that outfit, and if the younger was actually a girl, he’d him on first sight.
Well, not that he would even if he was one.
Thanks to his provocative mind, he imagined scenes with that outfit and Daehyun in mind, leading off to even more...’uses’ with that dress. The older shook his head and slapped himself a few times to rid himself of the erse thoughts.
“So...what’cha cooking?” Daehyun pointed a finger at the stove.
Yongguk swore he saw a glint of something flash across the latter’s eyes. “Oh just some ramyun I was cooking, nothing much. Hey don’t you have a chef or something?”
“We do, but he cooks on occasions and holidays. We’re not that lazy of people to not cook our own food,” Daehyun explained, crossing his arms over his flat chest. Yongguk let out an “Oh”.
“So what’re doing here anyways?” He asked, desperately trying not to stare at the dress tightly sticking to Daehyun’s body, which brought out his slender body. A blush stained his cheeks.
“Well, I was hungry, and you were cooking, so...” Daehyun trailed off, unsure of what to say next. “...So I- Hey wait shouldn’t you get that pot out now?” Daehyun pointed at the stove.
Yongguk instantaneously turned around, and saw the cooking pot overheating, the lid beginning to shake while steam flooded out of the pot. “Oh !” He quickly turned off the heat and removed the pot from the stove, sighing in relief when the contents inside were not ruined yet. A suddenly awkward silence filled the atmosphere in the kitchen.
“Well at least it wasn’t burnt...?”
Hiding behind a nearby kitchen table, Sungyeol crouched down slowly, binoculars situated at his face. Covered completely by the items placed on the table, the choding cleverly peeked through the black device, staring intently at the two interacting about 10 feet away.
I wonder why you guys just not then and there, I mean, look at all this I’m seeing, Sungyeol thought, watching his son and friend awkwardly talking.
Myungsoo suddenly appeared out of nowhere next to the older, not saying a word and following the direction of Sungyeol’s eyes. The said person flinched when a hand was placed on his shoulder, turning his body around to see who the intruder was and stumbled backwards in shock, causing the table to shake lightly.
“Holy Hoya Kim Myungsoo how many times have I told you not to that?!” Sungyeol scolded quietly, taking caution to make sure Daehyun and Yongguk not discover his location. Myungsoo gave a cheeky smile as a response.
Another intruder suddenly appeared once again behind the two, crouched tightly together between the bickering couple, a stoic expression  on his countenance. "You called, Master Myungsoo and Master Sungyeol?"
The two turned around and stumbled backwards once more in shock, resulting in the table creating more "clings" and "clangs". 
"Hoya stop doing that! We're going to be seen if this keeps up," Myungsoo hissed silently. 
"I am sincerely sorry, your Majesty, but you called and there was no other option," Hoya apologized, giving a slight nod of the head as a respectful bow.
"Nevermind then, just go back to wherever you came from." Sungyeol dismissed the butler with a quick wave of the hand. 
"Alright then Masters." Hoya then magically disappeared to wherever he came from.


Yongguk watched Daehyun boredly, who was currently ferociously consuming down a steaming bowl of ramen. Despite his feminine looks, Daehyun was a beast when it came to his love of food, and for the first time in his life, Yongguk even felt a little sorry for that bowl of noodles. 
"Jesus Christ Daehyun, are you really that hungry?" 
Daehyun rested his hands on his now full of food stomach, rubbing it in bliss. He then curtly wiped his mouth with a napkin and downed a whole glass of water.
 "Actually that was just a snack. The real course would be dinner time." Yongguk simply stared at the younger, disbelief written all over his face. 
Daehyun looked back with curiosity. "What?" 
The staring then came to an abrupt stop when the two males heard a rumbling noise from one the kitchen tables, the plates and china clinking lightly on it. Daehyun stared at the table in wonder. 
It then hit then prince in the head like a shower of bricks at who was causing the noise. Daehyun muttered a string of curses under a breath. 
"Oh wow! I wonder who could be causing that noise! Maybe it's just the wind!" He declared oh so sarcasticly, rolling his eyes.
"Yes, it might just be!" A familiar voice called out of nowhere.
 The blond rolled his eyes once more before triumphantly marching over to the shaking table, carelessly shoving the moving table aside, revealing Sungyeol and Myungsoo hiding behind the piece of furniture.
"OH HEY DAEHYUN AH, DON'T MIND US HERE, BEHIND THE KITCHEN TABLE AND ALL," Myungsoo said nervously, a shaky cheeful expression on his face. 
Daehyun heaved out another sigh, along with adding another facepalm. 


Hey guys, I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. ;__; I guess I just got lazy with the rest of summer and all. ヽ(;▽;)ノAnyways, it's a bit longer than usual, so yay? 
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:c I'm sorry once again.


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rararakun #1

the mixture of crack and fluff here kills me
you're the best XD
Chapter 6: LOLOLOLOL Himchan...i worry for yours and those around you sometimes...
Awwww, poor Dae, getting put makeup on by girls and forced into crossdressing xDDD (bet he looked adorbs)
Update Soon~^^
Chapter 5: hahaha success to make me laugh~ love your story author nim.

im loving "holy hoya" lol

and dae in dress ~ /sobs/ bang just make him yours.


Update soon pls~
Chapter 5: Bang, you know you want a piece (or all) of Dae. Dont try resisting Dae in all his feminine glory ;D
LOLOL i just love MyungYeol xD
Update Soon~^^
KehKeh #6
Chapter 5: Lol I luv this chapter and I hope bang does something to daehyun *wink*
Plz update soooooonxD
lahdeedah000 #7
Chapter 5: Gosh I'm loving Holy Hoya more and more. xD LOL Yeollie playing matchmaker for Daehyun and Bang. Seems to be working though~ haha!
Chapter 4: Woah Myungsoo.. lol poor Joey >< oh well..
Oh my gosh did u c infinite's destiny teaser?
*__* They looked hot.. and Sungyeol cut his hair *__*
Lol that's how I saw Myungsoo and Sungyeol while reading this fic OTL lol hehe
Chapter 4: What the fudge, Myungsoo?! e__o Poor Joey, orz. HAHAHAHA.
lahdeedah000 #10
Chapter 4: Holy...wow, I didn't expect Myungsoo to be all badass in such a cracky fic...but then since it's a crack fic I should've seen that coming. xD Gosh another chapter full of pure WTF, I <3 this so much!! :D

And yes, please RIP Joey, if there is a pedo heaven.