Once Upon a Drug

After the incident, Yongguk was obliged to head back home, so that Daehyun could deal with his parents without any interruptions. They were walking back on the way to the village when Yongguk had suddenly stopped in his tracks.


"What's wrong Yongguk hyung?" Daehyun asked in curiosity.  The older turned around quite slowly.


"Um...well, you see...that's the problem. I...don't actually have a house," Yongguk confessed to Daehyun, meekly giving him a nervous grin. He rubbed the back of his neck anxiously.


"Wait a minute...THEN HOW HAVE YOU BEEN LIVING ALL THIS TIME?!" Daehyun asked in shock, worry lightly laced in his thick Busan dialect.


"Woah, calm down there for a second, Daehyun-sshi-"


"Drop the "sshi" and just call me Daehyun, Yongguk. I'm already calling you hyung anyways," The younger cut him off, a bit determined for some strange reason.


"Okay...? Uh, Daehyun ah, I room in with my buddy Himchan," Yongguk explained, reasoning with his hands.


Daehyun snapped his head around quickly at the mention of the name. "You mean, as in the Kim Himchan?"


"Uh, yeah. Why do you ask?" The elder asked suspiciously, wondering why in the world would the prince be interested in his best friend.


"Come into my room Yongguk hyung. I need to have a talk with you." He then strolled back in the direction to his bedroom. He motioned for Yongguk to trail, and the older did so reluctantly.





"HOLY HOYA HIMCHAN'S YOUR BROTHER?!" Yongguk nearly shrieked out loud, before a small hand was placed firmly over his mouth to stifle the shout. His hands are so warm and soft... He thought deeply, before shaking his head to rid himself of the idea.


3 consecutive knocks were heard at the door before a butler with a really fake moustache’s head stuck out. "You called Master Daehyun?" Hoya, the prince's personal butler called out with a stoic expression.


"Ah, it's nothing Hoya," the prince dismissed him off with a wave of his hand. "That was my friend."


"Alright then, sire. Please do call me if you are in need of any assistance though." His head then disappeared from the door and it was shut with a loud thud.


Daehyun let out a breath of relief, although Yongguk did not seem to notice as he was in his own world.


He began to chant. No, no Yongguk. You are straight. Straight as raw spaghetti. Yep, that's right. I like s I hate I like s I hate I like s I hate I like s I hate I like s I hate I like s I hate I like I hate s- GOD DAMN IT BRAIN! Yongguk mentally face palmed himself, slightly wincing at himself at the imaginary yet painful impact of flesh slapping against bone.


"Uh, hyung? Hello? Call to Earth, call to earth. Are you alive?" Daehyun waved a free hand in front of the male's dazed countenance, sighing in defeat and removing his other hand from the older's mouth when he realized that Yongguk wouldn't wake up from his trance anytime soon. You know, I wonder if he'd ever like me...WAIT A SEC JUNG DAEHYUN YOU CAN'T DO THAT HE MIGHT LIKE ES AND S FOR ALL YOU KNOW. He facepalmed himself. AND DON'T BE LIKE YOUR HOMO PARENTS DAEBUTT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO MARRY A AND WITH HER AND MAKE BABIES.


Still, though, he couldn't help but feel his heart jump a little faster when he was around Yongguk, although they had only met for a day. GOD DAMN IT AUTHOR STOP MAKING IT SOUND LIKE SOME SORT OF GREASY SAPPY DRAMA!


The author then stopped typing and glared at the character. "Yah, do you want me to embarrass you in front of all these readers and subscribers?" She threatened.


Daehyun snickered. "Yeah right. What are you gonna do anyways?"





When Yongguk awoke from his train of thoughts, he felt a tiny tingle at the end of his leg. He looked down to see what was crawling on him, only to be given the shock of his life. There it was, in all of its tiny glory, stood a single black spider rested at the middle of his leg. Its beady eyes sinisterly stared up at the person, evil lurking deeply in them.


The victim gave out his most unmanly scream that he'd ever heard himself in the history of his lifespan, and frantically began to flail his body in the air, in an attempt to fling the small creature off. The insect did managed to be tossed off of his leg, but the consequences were devastating.


A sudden push from an invisible force sent Yongguk straight down to the pink bed. Fortunately, he saved himself by using his hands and knees to stop the fall. Unfortunately, he had managed to somewhat capture Daehyun in the process, his slender body cushioned against the mattress and pillows. He blushed slightly at the close proximity of each other and the suggestive position they were, Yongguk pinning Daehyun's hands to the bed while on top of the younger.


If they weren't actually in this situation by accident, Yongguk might've thought that Daehyun, was simply beautiful at the moment. His blonde locks splayed out on the bedsheets, and his almond shaped eyes shining brighter than usual. His skin was a creamy mocha, and the light blush added to the effect of Daehyun being gorgeous, his plump luscious lips more inviting to Yongguk than ever. I wish I could make him mine...WAIT A SECOND YONGGUK DO WE HAVE TO REPEAT THAT CHANT OVER AGAIN 69 TIMES OR WHAT?


An abrupt swing of the bedroom door was heard, and Myungsoo's head popped out, oblivious to the situation. He had heard the sudden shriek from one of the two, and had quickly headed to Daehyun's bedroom in case some burglar had broke into the household or a e had snuck into the castle in hopes to get nasty hands on his son.


Unfortunately, that happened about 57 times every year because simply put, his son was too attractive for his own good.


However when he arrived upon the room, a different story had popped into his mind when he examined the contents inside, a wave of embarrassment hit him like a flood when he realized he had just walked into a potential scene involving his own son and his newfound best friend.


"Oh, uh, well, I came up to see if you guys had any problems and uh, well, MAKE SURE YOU USE PROTECTION GUYS! THE RILAKKUMA CONDOMS AND THE STRAWBERRY LUBE ARE IN THE DRAWER NEXT TO YOUR BED!" Myungsoo reminded them out loud with an emotionless face, before closing the door and returning to where he was before, which was baking time with Sungyeol.


Actually, they never cooked anything at all. That was just a phrase they used to tell to Daehyun in reference to that they were having kitchen .


After the door closed, Daehyun abruptly turned around and smashed his head into the fluffy pillows, letting out a muffled scream of “DAD!”. Yongguk was now sitting up in his position, watching the younger talk to himself in embarrassment.




Huhu, all these BangDae moments are making my heart explode with feels.  ಥ‿ಥ But here’s the 3rd chapter guys! ^^

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:c I'm sorry once again.


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rararakun #1

the mixture of crack and fluff here kills me
you're the best XD
Chapter 6: LOLOLOLOL Himchan...i worry for yours and those around you sometimes...
Awwww, poor Dae, getting put makeup on by girls and forced into crossdressing xDDD (bet he looked adorbs)
Update Soon~^^
Chapter 5: hahaha success to make me laugh~ love your story author nim.

im loving "holy hoya" lol

and dae in dress ~ /sobs/ bang just make him yours.


Update soon pls~
Chapter 5: Bang, you know you want a piece (or all) of Dae. Dont try resisting Dae in all his feminine glory ;D
LOLOL i just love MyungYeol xD
Update Soon~^^
KehKeh #6
Chapter 5: Lol I luv this chapter and I hope bang does something to daehyun *wink*
Plz update soooooonxD
lahdeedah000 #7
Chapter 5: Gosh I'm loving Holy Hoya more and more. xD LOL Yeollie playing matchmaker for Daehyun and Bang. Seems to be working though~ haha!
Chapter 4: Woah Myungsoo.. lol poor Joey >< oh well..
Oh my gosh did u c infinite's destiny teaser?
*__* They looked hot.. and Sungyeol cut his hair *__*
Lol that's how I saw Myungsoo and Sungyeol while reading this fic OTL lol hehe
Chapter 4: What the fudge, Myungsoo?! e__o Poor Joey, orz. HAHAHAHA.
lahdeedah000 #10
Chapter 4: Holy...wow, I didn't expect Myungsoo to be all badass in such a cracky fic...but then since it's a crack fic I should've seen that coming. xD Gosh another chapter full of pure WTF, I <3 this so much!! :D

And yes, please RIP Joey, if there is a pedo heaven.