Once Upon a Drug

Once upon a time, there was a vast wonderful kingdom known to everyone as Valkenburg. The flowers there always bloomed at just the right moment, and the city was known as the “Palace of Wonder”. It had just the right climate, and everyone who lived there was nice and welcoming to everyone.


Some say it is a glimpse into heaven; others say it’s a place to finally meet your soulmate; however it was said to be, the kingdom was absolutely breathtaking. Lush green fields were always pampered to perfect condition, and the spot always had bright blue skies. It seemed as if it was summer all year long.


Now in that small kingdom, lived a king and queen of course. They were kind and caring to their residents, yet they ruled the area with a strong iron fist. The king and queen were seen as the ultimate leaders of their tiny nation.


They had a son, and raised him up to perfection. His name was Daehyun, and with quite large but warm almond shaped eyes and a loving personality like his parents, he was the complete package. Many ladies would swoon after him when he strode past them on his white stallion, Ivory, while men looked up to him as an inspiration to all.


He could be considered as nearly flawless.


Well, I guess he was.





“CO- COME ON! WHY DON’T YOU DIE MOTHERER- WHAT THE ? DID I DIE?! YOU PIECE OF BULL I TRUSTED YOU!” Daehyun furiously smashed his quite feminine fingers against the controller, annoyance burning in his eyes. All he wanted to do was defeat that stupid bulky cyclopes and in the end he was trampled to death. He flung his game controller out the window, where a crowd of young women were eagerly waiting to see if Daehyun had tossed out anymore things.


“HOLY HOYA I GOT HIS CONTROLLER!” One woman yelled out excitedly, before being pounced on by another female, who was desperately trying to get a hold of the device.


“GET BACK HERE YOU ! I’M NOT DONE WITH YOU YET!” Another woman shrieked as she chased after a retreating girl who was holding onto Daehyun’s former cellphone.


The said male angrily glanced out his open window, wondering what all of the fuss was down there. He suddenly let out a sneeze, before wiping his nose carelessly with the nearest tissue. you mother, she knows I have severe allergies yet she opens the window where all of the pollen enters in and pollutes the air in my room.


After wiping his runny nose, he pushed his head out the window. “YOU KNOW, IT’D BE NICE TO HAVE SOME PEACE AND QUIET SINCE YOU ES ARE BEING NOISY AS HELL!” He yelled out loudly, eyebrows creased and eyes narrowed.


The group of women stared at Daehyun blankly, before suddenly erupting into fangirl screams and squeals. “HOLY HOYA THE JUNG DAEHYUN JUST YELLED ANGRILY AT US! EEEE!” They then began to run around in circles, extreme excitement written all over their faces and red hearts flying out of nowhere. (“MORE “YOU” FANFICTIONS TO WRITE ABOUT NOW!”)


Daehyun merely facepalmed at the female crowd before pulling his dirty blonde head back in and shutting the window. He threw himself on his big king bed, not bothered when the pillows and blankets were flying everywhere. He took a peek at his room, heaving a huge sigh at the appearance of it.


Everything was pink. Literally. There was not a single speck of any other sort of color, excluding Daehyun’s clothes, which were simply a gray T-shirt and a random pair of khaki shorts he found in his drawer the other day.


The soap was pink, his supposedly “journal” was pink, the walls and ceiling were pink, the soaps and shampoos were pink, and even his own boxers were pink.


Well, not that he wore those of course.


And so you might be asking yourself this: Why and how?


Well, it all began- wait a minute, did I mention that the queen and king were actually a gay couple?


Oh, well oops.


Continuing on, their names were Sungyeol and Myungsoo, who also went by the name L, thanks to his love of Death Note and anime.


You must be thinking right now that they adopted a child, right?




So, for some strange unknown reason, one of the two had the power to bear children, thanks to a panda named Tao who they helped one day.


And also on that day, they had amazingly mind blowing after a long hard day of work.


So now you must be thinking that it was Sungyeol that had Daehyun, correct?


Why yes, it was definitely...




Let’s head over to the flashback side of this story, shall we?





“OH. EM. GEE WE ARE HAVING A KID!” Sungyeol shouted in excitement as he pranced around in his shared bedroom .


“Um, Yeollie, shouldn’t we put some clothes on first before we tell everyone?” Myungsoo asked, facepalming at his retarded husband yelling out the window to their neighboring friends.


Sungyeol turned around to his lover, a sudden spark of interest and mischief in his twinkling eyes. “You know, I think you’d look good in either a royal purple or a light gray...MAYBE WITH A RIBBON AROUND YOUR WAIST LIKE O. M. G GURL THAT’D BE PURFECT!


The male was then met with a hard fist directed at his stomach, to which he choked on his spit and doubled over to the floor in shock. He peeked up to see L’s fist steaming out with anger and frustration.


”Sungyeol, there is no way in hell that I am wearing a maternity dress in my life. Ever.”





“I can’t believe you decorated our entire baby’s room pink without my permission,” Myungsoo said, blinking his eyes at the million shades of fuchsia decorated around the room.


“I think it looks good,” Sungyeol acknowledged, his expression seemingly bursting out with pride.


“But...what if it’s a boy?” Myungsoo questioned.


“Do not question my authority, I have right to determine the baby’s gender,” The latter responded stubbornly, crossing his arms in a fixed position.


“Wow, I didn’t know someone so stupid could use big words like that.” Myungsoo was then given a slap to the face (courtesy of Sungyeol) before the other marched away angrily.


After a while, the male then began to laugh noisily, rolling around in their messed up bedsheets as he remembered why it was funny Sungyeol was going outside.


He was still .




And that was the 1st part of this. I am tired. :9

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:c I'm sorry once again.


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rararakun #1

the mixture of crack and fluff here kills me
you're the best XD
Chapter 6: LOLOLOLOL Himchan...i worry for yours and those around you sometimes...
Awwww, poor Dae, getting put makeup on by girls and forced into crossdressing xDDD (bet he looked adorbs)
Update Soon~^^
Chapter 5: hahaha success to make me laugh~ love your story author nim.

im loving "holy hoya" lol

and dae in dress ~ /sobs/ bang just make him yours.


Update soon pls~
Chapter 5: Bang, you know you want a piece (or all) of Dae. Dont try resisting Dae in all his feminine glory ;D
LOLOL i just love MyungYeol xD
Update Soon~^^
KehKeh #6
Chapter 5: Lol I luv this chapter and I hope bang does something to daehyun *wink*
Plz update soooooonxD
lahdeedah000 #7
Chapter 5: Gosh I'm loving Holy Hoya more and more. xD LOL Yeollie playing matchmaker for Daehyun and Bang. Seems to be working though~ haha!
Chapter 4: Woah Myungsoo.. lol poor Joey >< oh well..
Oh my gosh did u c infinite's destiny teaser?
*__* They looked hot.. and Sungyeol cut his hair *__*
Lol that's how I saw Myungsoo and Sungyeol while reading this fic OTL lol hehe
Chapter 4: What the fudge, Myungsoo?! e__o Poor Joey, orz. HAHAHAHA.
lahdeedah000 #10
Chapter 4: Holy...wow, I didn't expect Myungsoo to be all badass in such a cracky fic...but then since it's a crack fic I should've seen that coming. xD Gosh another chapter full of pure WTF, I <3 this so much!! :D

And yes, please RIP Joey, if there is a pedo heaven.