Filler(plane ride)

I'm Growling because She's Mine (previously Beauty and the Wolves)

They sped me through the airport since I arrived later than the others. The extra rest at the hospital was nice, but now it was hard to move around after being so inactive for a straight 16 hours.

i had on a hat, sunglasses and a face mask(that part only because is was sick and there were so many fans at the airport for EXO) that got me a few stares but the managers kept my head down and made people let us through. 

Pone of the upsides to being sick was that the company agreed to upgrade my plane ticket to first class so that I would be able to rest in absolute comfort and in the eyes of every single manger on board(the rest of the girls nd the staff were in business or economy class). 

It was the worst though at take off because my sinus we stuffed and the pressure in my head was sickeningly painful. I kept the hat on which covered my face enough so that nobody noticed my wince. Thankfully no one was in a socializing mood, everybody slept like babies on the two hour flight, except me. The pressure in my head rarely waned and it took all I had to focus on not throwing up.

"water please?" I croaked to one of the flight attendants when I managed to catch one walking past. She nodded and no sooner than ten minutes after I drank the beverage, I rushed to the plane rest room to throw up.



extrememly short update while I'm inn korea. It's typed fom my iPad so beta might or might not happen when I have access to a computer.


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airheadme12 #1
Chapter 9: Author-nim this story of yours is really awesome :D