Hurricane - B.A.P

I'm Growling because She's Mine (previously Beauty and the Wolves)

Erin's POV

I was unsure of how to talk with Sun-hye that night at the dorms, she looked completely dejected and I was the one who had taken her spot.

"How are you doing?" I started off cautiously, not wanting to make her feeling like she needed to give me a real answer.

"Better, how was practice?" She asked, offereing me a seat at the kitchen table with her.

"Thanks, um. We went over choreography and vocals were a bit tough though since the Chinese was a bit of a challenge." But I finished, and the lyrics weren't too big of a shock since I'd been learning Mandarin ever since I came to the company.

"Yeah, but Lay's a great help, my pronounciation improved a ton when he and I practiced." It was true, by the end of our practice today, Lay had helped me too.

"What did the doctor say?" I asked, it looked bad though, the casat on her ankle was big and clearly protective.

"Compound fracture, stupid volleyball pole." She answered, going back to reading her book.

"I hope it heals quickly, we missed you at practice today," I gave her a light squeeze on the shoulder that hopefully came across as comforting, but she tensed at my action so I wasn't sure if the thought went across very well.

<><><><>------ A dazzling and shining star------ <><><><>

It was Tuesday night, and they had let all of us out early again, seeing how close the collaboration group was to passing out.

I was in both collaboration groups now, learning both my part and Sun-Hye's, because none of the other girls in CM that were able to do her part had visas for America . It made me sad to see her in the dorm sometimes, she couldn't go to dance practice, and singing didn't do much since it wasn't very productive to practice singing while stationary in a dance group.

All of us decided to head to the bubble tea shop next to the audition center in Apgujeong. It worked out well because the members didn't even have to go in since all the CM members who were inthe collaborations took orders and got the drinks. We split up after ten or so minutes of us walking around, there were people who were looking at the 20 of us suscpitiously. It somehow ended up that Yixing and I were with Chen and Chanyeol.

"So why haven't you been answering my texts mister?" I asked, elbowing Chanyeol in the side.

"Ouch, that really hurt" he pouted, "I lost it again, I don't know if I maybe packed it already or left it at the company, but I haven't seen it since Friday."

"Idiot, Xiumin found it under the couch again while he was cleaning, it's in your suitcase at the dorms." Chen followed up my elbowing with a whack to Chanyeol's back.

"Jongdae! That hurt too!" Yixing just laughed at the three of us.

"So Yixing-hyung . . . thinking about taking Erin on another date in Japan? We have a whole week of break there," Chen suddenly asked the only foreigner of the group. I started at Yixing, curious about why Chen would ask about a date.

"Uh, well, you know. Erin, um. Kim Jongdae. Really?" It was cute, seeing him spazz a little, but Chaneyol had the most surprising reaction.

"Date? You and Erin? But since when-"

"Didn't you see him come back with those hats from Namsan? He went there with Erin!" Uh, I didn't know how to read the look on Chanyeol's face, but it wasn't a happy expression.

"You went on a date with Yixing-hyung?" Now I wouldn't call my self a guy-expert or anything, but that sounded like an angry tone with me, and I didn't know why.

"Well, it's not like you and I are dating. I thought you were going out with Tiffany-sunbaenim or one of the other SNSD girls." It was true, I never thought of us as anything like going out. He felt like a brother or cousin to me anyway, like Woo-Am.

"But- I'm not. I thought you and I were-" He looked completely lost now. "But all those times we went out together, what was that then?"

"I thought you just didin't like going to eat by yourself, and we just happened to have the same schedule so I always went with you. Did you think that those were date?" Now I was confused. "But we never called them dates,"

"And Chanyeol, didn't you go out on a DATE with Tiffany-sunbaenim last Thursday?" Chen spoke in between us, speaking with a real questioning tone, as if he knew what the answer was.

"W-well," Chanyeol seemed at a lost. "It was just a dinner date, we didn't really eat anything special-"

"But you two were definetely holding hands according to Luhan-ge and Minseok-hyung. The two of them saw you walking in Myungdong after filming." It was surprisingly Yixing who had stepped in now.

"That doesn't mean we're dating though!"

"I think that does. Hyoyeon-unnie told me she thought the two of you were going out." I had been in a dance practice earlier this week that she was watching, and afterwards we had a short talk.

"Hey Erin, do you like Chanyeol?" She asked me during one of my breaks, it was a teaser practice so it was just me, the choreographer, and my manager in the room, except for her because she was just watching for a little while.

"Chanyeol? Yeah, sure. He's a great sunbae, I'm learning a lot thanks to his help." There wasn't any problems with Chanyeol if that's what she was asking about.

"But do you like him like him? As in dating like him," She looked at me closely, and I blanched.

"What? Chanyeol and me? Dating? No way. He's a great sunbae, but I really don't see him as anything else. He's like a big brother to me." She seemed satisfied with my answer.

"That's great, because Tiffany just wanted to know your relationship with her boyfriend. She looked worried after seeing the fancams of Chanyeol and you at the airport. Becareful of those, even if you're dressed as a guy, for people who know you, it's easy to see through." 

"Yes Hyoyeon-unnie" It was weird but I wasn't going to question a senior, it's not like Chanyeol would ever like me in a million years like that.

"Really? She thinks that we're going out? But it was only a few dates . . ."

"Oh I don't know. Hey Chanyeol, let's go back now. You need to finish packing awe should let the two of them enjoy their last night in Korea for the rest of the month." Jongdae dragged a protesting Chanyeol to the nearest bus stop and left the two of us to ourselves.

Yixing turned to me, looking a little sheepish.

"Sorry about that, I didn't mean to make a scene in front of you," Although I wasn't completely sure what had just happened, I smilied at his embarressed smile,

"It's okay, I'm sure it's important between you guy, and misunderstandings happen."


Jongdae's POV

Chanyeol looked borderline psychotic back at the dorms. It was us, Miseok, and Luhan.

"What's gotten into him?" The oblivious Chinese native asked me, watching Chanyeol packing his bag with what looked like an intense unhappiness. He kpt growling at the clothes that wouldn't fit in, and slamming drawers and doors when he couldn't find the clothes he wanted.

"He found out he's not going out with the hottest girl in the company."

"Who? Erin?"

"You really think she's the hottest? I was thinking more towards Krystal." Minseok came out of nowhere and joined Luhan in the doorway to Chanyeol's room. I was sitting on a bed watching him pack along with the hyungs.

"Ae you kidding me? Krystal's so thin, I feel like I'll break her everytime I just hold her hand." The resident's Yoda answered from looking through one of his drawers.

"So you've held hands with her too?" I asked, almost unbelieving of how many girls this guy has gone out with. Here I was, never seen as dateable to evn the trainees, and this guy has dated at least 1 member from each band.

"Krystal? I thought you were going out with Taeyeon, you two talk every break you get in the reccording studios."

"No way, she's not my type. My girls have to be somewhat close to my height."

"But she's still THE Taeyeon-sunbaenim. IT's hard to do much better than the leader of SNSD." I tried to remind him, it didn't make me comfortable to hear him talk about a sunbaenim with only regarding her looks.

"That's not the real problem here guys," Luhan butted in between my defense of Taeyeon. "Chanyeol, why do you have girl hair accessories in your luggage?" He asked, walking over and picking up a small clear bag with various hair accessories.

"Yeah, why did you buy them?" He got them in Myungdong when we were with Yixing and Erin. I hadn't said anything because I thought they were for his sister or mother.

"It's Erin's birthday next week. I asked her what she liked and she pointed out these today." Luhan, Minseok, and I looked at each other.

Maybe we're wrong about how much he really likes her.

<><><><>------- Seoul, Tokyo, and New York City. Beijing, Hong Kong, Berlin, I guess I gotta feeling -------<><><><>

Erin's POV

It was mayhem at the airport the next day. The fans were hysterical knowing that they wouldn't see their idols till next month, meaning not till the start of autumn. I was back to cross-dressing, from my cap down to my combat boots. The lady checking my passport gave me a double look, just as the other had done when they saw my passport picture and what I was wearing.

"Go with the other girls to the waiting area, you guys are going to be debriefed on CM activies." One of the CM managers told we when we had gotten past security. I went obediently to the girls while we were wwalking through Incheon International Airport to the waiting wing, we passed by stories like Gucci and Bottega Venetta. I could see Kevin and Zitao looking very tempted to stop into the luxuary brand name stores, but they stuck with the band. Us girls on the other hand stopped at various stores, not hindered by the fans that were lurking near the boys while waiting for their own flights.

"Ooh, I really want this bag though, do you think it'll fit into my carry on?" Woo-Jung asked me, holding up a leather bag that looked at least a couple hundred thousand won. Unknown to me a few months ago, Woo-Jung came from a rich family, like a REALLY rich family, they owned stocks in Samsung or something and were major shareholders for other major electronic companies too.

"Uh, probably not, and don't you want to save to shop in Japan or America?" I asked her, wincing when I saw the really price, 1,200,000 won? Ridiculous.

"You're right, I bet there's much better things there,," She agreed, and much cheaper prices, I added in my head.

"Girls, come here. We need to talk about your promotion abroad, and Erin you have something when you get back" The managers got the eight of us from CM together and we sat like good little children in the waiting area for our flight.

"So, while in Japan, Erin, Ra-Im, and Woo-Jung will be filming their teasers on the fourth day in Japan, after the concerts the first two days. It will take place in a skyscraper where we'll be able to use the night lights of Tokyo for a better effect. And then the fifth day, Mi-Yeon and Meishan will be filming the visual part of their vocal teasers on some streets." Another manager took over,"In Chicago, Erin will be learning the choreography for another teaser while the rest of you practice some more on the collaboration on the second day before the concerts on the fourth and fifth day of your stay. The next week after that you will be filming with Mnet America a documentary on being the first SM Entertainment girl group in 5 years. Erin will do most of the narration for the documentary. The filming will also follow you to Erin's home town where you will visit Erin's house and she'll take you on a tour of her home, the area she lived in, and around Chicago." I froze,

"Will my parents have to be in it?" I asked, there was no way my dad would agree to this, he didn't want me coming here in the first place.

"Your family will be out for the time being but they have allowed us to use one of your family cars, and you'll be allowed to sleep there for one night." That wasn't any less than I expected. "After that, in London you'll have a few days of rest there before the concerts. Woo-Jung and Elizabeth will film their dance duet in front of a chateau in France while Erin films a dance teaser in front of Buckingham palace." My jaw dropped.

"Buckingham palace? As in the real home of British royalty?" Ra-Im asked in disbelief,

"Oh my God." I didn't know what else to say,

"Time to board the flight everyone!" One of the EXO mangers came over to tell us to get in line, I spotted Yixing coming from the other side of the waiting area and gave him a look that said, I have a lot to tell you.






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airheadme12 #1
Chapter 9: Author-nim this story of yours is really awesome :D