I Still Have A Chance

Innocent Crush- Discontinued

Kibum was nervous to say the least. He was sitting in the library, hopelessly distracting himself by checking his blog. The library wasn’t full, but it wasn’t empty either.  It was a study hall period, after all. There were some of the ‘regulars’ as Kibum called them. He was one himself, as he saw them in the library almost every day. Today it seems that an entire class was in the library today for their study period. Kibum could tell by just looking at some of the student that this was their first time being in a library since primary school. Kibum sighed and started to prepare his documents.

            Suddenly, a dark shadow cast over Kibum and his computer. The boy nearly screamed before jumping back in surprise, and falling out of his chair. The shocked student stayed there, on the ground, staring up with wide eyes at none other than Choi Siwon. Aka his crush aka aka the sole source of his nervousness. Point being, Siwon was the reason why Kibum was in the library today. The handsome upperclassman had asked the younger to conduct their weekly meeting in the library today, instead of the usual student council room.

            “O-oh hello Siwon-seonbae,” Kibum stuttered in embarrassment.

            “Kibum-ah, please call me hyung,” Siwon chuckled before grabbing the younger’s hand and pulling him up.

            “T-thank you hyung….” Kibum blushed.

            The word rolled off his tongue oddly. It seemed foreign to the younger. He was so used to the wall between them made by the old honorifics. Now it was gone, blasted away by ‘hyung’ and suddenly they were close. Close enough to call the elder hyung. Close enough that Kibum felt noticed and liked by Siwon. Close enough to be considered…friends.

            The two stood there awkwardly for a moment, hands still connected. Kibum couldn’t help but look into the elder’s deep, chocolaty-brown eyes. Siwon blushed before letting go of the younger’s hand, opting to scratch the back of his neck instead. Kibum blushed as well, starting to feel like a 12 year-old school girl that just got kissed by her crush. He looked down, taking a particular interest in the pattern of the library floor, and mimicked Siwon’s movement. Finally unable to take the silence, Kibum spoke, “I guess we should get started.”

“Ah, yes…good idea,” Siwon looked up, seemingly unaffected by what had just happened.

Kibum sat back down after picking up his chair, of course. He looked across the table to see Siwon doing the same. Kibum couldn’t help but feel self-conscious when he stared at the picturesque student before him. Siwon sat straight, hands folded neatly on the table, and head held high but not of pride or superity. He smiled lightly at the younger when their eyes met. Kibum quickly looked back down and shifted in his seat.

‘Back to work, Bummie. He’s here for the interview, not so you can stare at him,’ Kibum cursed himself.

Looking down to the table, Kibum quickly reopened his laptop (which luckily didn’t fall with him). He opened up a new Word document, managing to keep himself from looking at Siwon. When the document appeared he quickly gave it a title and date before proceeding.

“I really admire that, did you know?” Siwon suddenly spoke.

Kibum’s eyes flickered up to Siwon’s face before tearing away to look back down, “What do you mean?”

“Your typing. You’re very fast, and organized. I like that. Honestly, more students should be like that,” Siwon complimented the younger

“Thank you…” Kibum genuinely smiled. Happy that his crush noticed a quite important aspect of himself. Kibum took pride in his OCDness.

“Ok, we can start now, “Kibum informed, pulling out his phone and a pad of paper that already had some notes written on it.

“Why do you need your phone?” Siwon asked curiously.

“It’s so I can record the interview. I mean, I’m typing it as we speak, but I always record in case I miss something,” Kibum explained proudly.

“Wow, very clever. You must be great grade-wise. What rank are you?” Siwon inquired. (*referring to class rankings of highest grade point averages*)

“Ah-I don’t know. Um, why don’t we start with some questions?” Kibum

“Ah, yes yes, of course, “Siwon agreed.

“Ok, so first year Oh Sehun asks: what exactly is your job and how does it affect the other class presidents?”

“Good question. Well, I am not only the student body president, but also the senior class president. My job is to lead and look over all the other council members. Pretend this is the government, ok? I would be the president and the rest of the council, except the V.P., are like the senate or parliament,” Siwon explained (*No idea how Korean government is*)

Kibum nodded, quickly taking notes on his laptop. He then flipped through his pad to find another question.

“This is from Shin Aeyoung: When will the school e expecting exchange students?”

“Ah, well we already have three, senior HanGeng, 2nd year ZhouMi and and 1st year Henry Lau. Though, we do plan on recruiting more students from China, Japan, and America.”

Kibum continued the pattern of talking and note-taking, but was a little distracted by the rising noise in the library. Apparently, the class that had come in earlier couldn’t stay silent any longer.

“Ok, next Lee Hyukjae wants to know if…you are…currentlydatinganyone,” Kibum quietly mumbled while blushing a deep pink.

“I’m sorry what that was? I didn’t hear you,” Siwon apologized.

“Eunhyuk wants to know if you are dating anyone…currently,” Kibum asked awkwardly and made a note-to-self to remember to choke the monkey later.

Siwon chuckled and blushed. He rubbed the back of his neck, like he was embarrassed or didn’t know what to say.

“Well, I-“Siwon was cut off by the sound of a chair hitting the floor and a chorus of laughter following it.

Kibum could bet that he wouldn’t be getting any work done until that class quieted down. He sighed and apologized to Siwon, explaining that the background noise would interfere with the recording.

“That’s ok Kibum-ah,” Siwon sighed apologetically, before turning around and glaring at the laughing students. Kibum could have sworn he saw lasers coming out of Siwon’s eyes and electrocuting the rowdy students. Instantly, the entire library went silent, with a collective shiver of fear following it.

“Uhh…c-continue,” Kibum flinched.

“To answer Eunhyuk’s question --and I will go smack him later for this—no, I’m not currently dating anyone, “Siwon laughed tiredly.

Kibum couldn’t help but stare at Siwon with a hopeful smile.

‘I still have a chance....’




Ok! So I haven't updated in a while (sorry) BUT I have this chapter for you and make sure to thank misself12 otherwise I wouldn't have gotten this done... Thanks to all subscrbers/upvoters (if there are any) and most definately thaanks for waiting!!!! I will be rearranging some stuff so don't be surprised if the fic looks a little different :3 as always

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Chapter 10: Do update soon!~
Chapter 10: update please~ i'm waiting for eunhae and zhoury... well, how come kai was just 'ok'? XD
Chapter 10: UPDATE~~~~
fishmonkey14 #4
hmm...poor author-nim having some kind writers block...anyhooooow...
how about put them like they met somewhere like after a practice dance?Also,just giving my opinion, it would be cool if Shindong and Nari were the first to be together, and then they were the one to help the others confess to their 'innocent crush' XD
Chapter 9: shindong and nari...? um... 0_0... I'm really not being able to think straight...
Chapter 8: waited so long for this~ ^-^~ thanks author-nim <3 thanks to misself too~ a nice chapter~ i get sibum feels... TvT.. Will wait patiently for ZhouRy and the rest~ update soon 0u0
Chapter 8: Update soon!!
PeekyDoll #8
Chapter 8: Haha, this is so funny XD
KyuMin <3 HanChul <3
kaykaygirl #9
Chapter 8: Yay!!! Update!!! Thank you for updating author nim, and to you as well @misself12. I reread the story! It is funny, and I am looking forward to more!:) I love Eunhyuk's question and Heechul's attitude by the way!
zuzuaikha #10
Chapter 8: If u need help , tell me . Maybe i can give u some ideas . Just don't discontinue! Update soon!