I Love You

Innocent Crush- Discontinued

Shindong sat in the corner of the dance practice room inconspicuously munching on a bag of chips. He knew that he shouldn’t. Heechul would definitely yell at him if he saw Shindong eating. Sindong couldn’t help it though. A growing boy’s growing boy’s got to eat, right? Luckily for him, Donghae was the only other person in the practice room at the moment. The brown haired dancer was stretching on the ground in the middle of the room. Shindong knew that the younger didn’t care if Shindong ate snacks every ten minutes, and he definitely wouldn’t tell Heechul. The kid was too nice for his own good.

            Suddenly the door slammed open and Heechul literally danced in, “LOOK ALIVE BOYS! I, YOUR GRACIOUS RULER, AM HERE!”

            Donghae groaned from on the floor, sinking deeper into his stretch and trying to hide his face. Shindong jumped up in surprise, and in record time hid the bag of chips and joined Donghae in the middle of the room. Luckily for him, Heechul was too busy posing with his eyes closed and arms up, and basically calling all attention to himself.

            “Hyung, you’re late…” Donghae sighed quietly, knowing that Heechul wouldn’t hear him anyways.

            “So, guess what I have done for my precious little dongsaengies?” Heechul smiled brilliantly, glancing over the other two boys before walking over to the mirror to check his hair.

“What did you do?” The two boys on the ground stated monotonously.

“I got dear Kibumie to put an advertisement in the school paper and on his blog for the dance team!” Heechul smiled excitedly.

“An ad?” Shindong stood up and started stretching his calves, “What kind of ad?”

“Recruiting!” Heechul spun in a circle before starting to stretch.

“Recruiting! As in new people…on this team?” Donghae asked dumbfounded.

“Yup, it’s on Friday after school. So both of you be there! I don’t care if you have something else to do or if you have a relative in the hospital or your dying of the plague.” Heechul narrowed his eyes menacingly, “Be there.” He ordered pointing at both boys.

The two only gulped in fear, mentally quitting any plans they had for Friday afternoon.



“Alright! Everyone welcome to dance team tryouts. I am the amazingly y president/captain-“

“Tyrant.” Donghae whispered to Shindong causing both to snicker.

“-of the dance team. I doubt any of you will make it.” Heechul ended looking unimpressed at the crowd of students in the school theater.

Heechul then turned around and sat at the table on the theatre stage that he asked (forced) Shindong and donghae to set up as the judging table. The two boys flanked Heechuls sides at the table (of course Heechul had to sit in the middle). In front of Heechul sat a stack of applications that all the students had to turn in. Heechul picked up the first application and called out the name.

“Kim Jongin.”

A medium height boy with tan skin walked up to the stage and took his position. Quickly bowing to the “judges” he began his dance. It was a phenomenal dance to. His moves were close to perfect and they flowed together well. He did numerous complicated moves and when he finished the crowd of student cheered and applauded.

Heechul lazily held up his hand and the students went quite, “That was…ok.”

“Jongin winced as if he had been smacked in the face.

“Results will be posted outside the dance room. Next.” Heechul called out and Jongin glared at Heechul as he walked off stage.

“Kim Jong- ah hell no Yesung! No way in hell are you on the dance team!” Heechul exclaimed as he looked at the next applicant.

A crowd erupted in laughter at Heechul’s reaction. Yesung strutted onstage with TOP and ZhouMi beside him. Yesung smirked as Heechul growled at him.

“Don’t worry Chullie-hyung,” Yesung laughed,” I just wanted to see your reaction,” Yesung laughed as he took out his phone and took a picture of Heechul’s face before sprinting out of the theatre as Heechul started yelling and throwing anything he could grab (including Donghae) at the school rock star.

Heechul fumed as he called on the next person, “Jung Nari.”

A short girl with big eyes and a round face walked confidently onstage. She had long, silky black hair pulled up in a ponytail and wore a simple pink shirt and stretchy jeans.

Before she could even start, Heechul scoffed, “Sorry sweetheart. No girls on the team. Next!”

“E-excuse me?” Nari stared back in wide-eyed shock, “You didn’t even give me a chance!”

“No chances needed. No girls allowed, and --unless you’re secretly hiding something in your pants--I’m pretty sure you’re a girl. Now Lee Taemin, you’re next.”

Shindong’s eyes shifted between the (amazingly gorgeous) girl and Heechul. The older never mentioned anything about ‘no girls allowed’. This poor (beautifully, stunning, with the most amazing eyes in the world) girl had no chance. Well, ta heck wid this! Shindong wanted to help (the princess of beauty) her.

“Hyung, I think we should give her a cha-“

“Shin Donghee. You did not just go against me. Did you? Please tell me if I’m hallucinating here. Donghae? Did he really just say what I thought he did?” Heechul laughed disapprovingly, rubbing his temples with a (perfectly manicured) hand.

“No, hyung it’s just- “Shindong tried to convince the elder.

“No means no Shindong! Now Lee Taemin please get your onstage!” Heechul yelled angrily.

Shindong looked apologetically at Nari before the girl dejectedly walked offstage.

The next person came up, then the next and the next. Finally the last person’s name was called out.

“Lee Hyukjae.”



After the tryouts had finished Shindong walked sadly to the school circle. He felt bad for that girl. Nari right? How could he ever forget that name? She was simply too stunning. Shindong couldn’t lie. As soon as her saw her, sparks went off in his heart. He wanted to see her again. But…that would have to wait until he stuffed himself until all his depression went away.

Rounding the corner of some hallway, he made his way through the circle filled with the dance tryout kids and other students hanging out afterschool. He made a bee-line for the vending machines.

“Oh chips I hope you were waiting for meeee,” Shindong nearly sang as he pulled out some money. He fed the machine his money and pressed in the keys he had known by memory. However, nothing happened. Shindong looked panicked at the shelf. No chips were there. Did it already drop them? He checked the try and saw no chips. He then looked at the money input. Three bright green words flashed across the screen.


Shindong sat there staring at the words. Then his world collapsed. The hungry boy sank to the ground, face pressed against the machine.

“Why vending machine? Why? I thought we were friends…”

“Did you want these?” A bag of chips suddenly landed on his head.

Shindong got off the machine and took the chips off his head.

“Sorry, I got the last one. You can have them though.” A girl offered.

Shindong turned around to see the girl-Nari. He stood wide-eyed at her.

She however was currently punching some numbers into the machine. Shindong barely registered the thunk of a candy bar behind him, or the fact that she bought it with his money.

“Fair trade? I haven’t opened the chips yet…” Nari smiled and took the candy bar out of the machine.

Shindong just stared at her happily. Nari noticed and smiled. She patted him on the arm before waving and walking off.

Shindong broke out of his trace and whispered at the empty space left behind “I love you…”






MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got the Shindong x Nari chappy done. Bet you guys are really angry at me for cutting it off at the “lee Hyukjae” part right? Well JUST WAIT AND SEE MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA

As for this chapter thank coolgirl5 for helping me with the idea! Yesung thing…that was my attempt for comedy…and I just wanted to throw him in there

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Chapter 10: Do update soon!~
Chapter 10: update please~ i'm waiting for eunhae and zhoury... well, how come kai was just 'ok'? XD
Chapter 10: UPDATE~~~~
fishmonkey14 #4
hmm...poor author-nim having some kind writers block...anyhooooow...
how about put them like they met somewhere like after a practice dance?Also,just giving my opinion, it would be cool if Shindong and Nari were the first to be together, and then they were the one to help the others confess to their 'innocent crush' XD
Chapter 9: shindong and nari...? um... 0_0... I'm really not being able to think straight...
Chapter 8: waited so long for this~ ^-^~ thanks author-nim <3 thanks to misself too~ a nice chapter~ i get sibum feels... TvT.. Will wait patiently for ZhouRy and the rest~ update soon 0u0
Chapter 8: Update soon!!
PeekyDoll #8
Chapter 8: Haha, this is so funny XD
KyuMin <3 HanChul <3
kaykaygirl #9
Chapter 8: Yay!!! Update!!! Thank you for updating author nim, and to you as well @misself12. I reread the story! It is funny, and I am looking forward to more!:) I love Eunhyuk's question and Heechul's attitude by the way!
zuzuaikha #10
Chapter 8: If u need help , tell me . Maybe i can give u some ideas . Just don't discontinue! Update soon!