Trust Me


Kai walked straight on, not bothering to turn around to see if you were still following him. He didn't need to. There was nowhere else you could go. He walked quickly, yet steadily, back straight and head held high. You couldn't help but notice his legs. He seemed very athletic and by the sports kit he was carrying earlier, it probably proved your theories true.

You came to the end of the corridor when Kai suddenly stopped and turned around. He stared at you for a few seconds, as if he was looking for something, then he suddenly burst out,

"Down there are the art rooms." You looked down hopefully. Art was something you enjoyed. Just as a hobby. You weren't very good at it and your mother helped you to believe so. Kai noticed you looking and quickly walked the other way.

"You don't have Art lessons for the rest of this week so don't get too excited." 

You looked at him and quickly followed his footsteps down the corridor. After a few minutes of walking you reached what seemed like a second enterance. Kai placed both hands on the handles and pushed. The doors swung open and outside a big picnic field was revealed. Kai seemed to be enjoying the view. It was the first time you saw him...not angry. He was almost smiling. He walked out and you followed him.

Now you were both walking along a stone path with picnic tables and trees surrounding you. He didn't tell you where you were or where you were heading. You decided not to ask and followed him. It was probably the school field.

After another few minutes of walking, you approached what seemed like a bridge. Kai quickly ran ahead and stood on the bridge, looking at the water. Surprised by his sudden outburst, you quickly ran up next to him and looked down. The water was extremely clear and colourful fish were visible, swimming up and down. Kai seemed to block out his surroundings and continued to stare at thr fish.

"Where are we?" You bought up the courage to ask him, even if he looked so mesmerized by the colourful creatures. He ignored you for a moment.

"Look at the Koi fish." He suddenly muttered, pointing to where a group had gathered. Even though he ignored your question, you quitly stood next to him, even though the fish gave you no interest. You both stood there and looked at the creatures in the water, going about their daily life. 

You felt Kai glance over to you multiple times, but you decided to ignore him. After a few glances too many, you felt your anger build up.

"Why are you staring at me?" You murmured trying to control your feelings.

He stood still for a second, then with a smirk on he face he leaned in close to you and whispered, "Because your eyes are like magnets and I can't seem to get enough of you."

What? You immidietly felt your face go fire red as Kai held your gaze.

"What the hell? What are you talking about?" You muttered trying to cover your already revealed embarrasment. Kai stood still for a moment, then let out a loud laugh.

"AHAHA. I can't believe you fell for that. Idiot." His smirk was gone and he was back to looking at the fish. You quickly realised what happened and felt anger replace your embarrasment.

"I'M the idiot?! You're the one acting like the child!" You said loudly, wanting to aboid another argument. "I thought you were going to be nice to me. I thought you would treat me normally"

Kai looked at you, with a blank face. 

"I will treat you normally." He suddenly said, walking up to you and suddenly grabbing your hand. 

"Just please trust me. I'm not always like this, okay?" He looked at you.

"I will protect you. Trust me." 

Protect me from what, you thought. His grip was tight, so you couldn't pull away. didn't want to. His hold was soft and you wanted it to last.

Suddenly he let go of your hand and moved away. He gave a small chuckle and looked at you. 

"Don't worry, I wasn't playing that time. You really can trust me."

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Chundeul #1
Chapter 4: Good ;) I'm def subscribing
Chapter 4: good
i enjoy it....
so next chapter pls