Stop ignoring me.


You followed Baekhyun again through endless corridors, as if it was never coming to an end. Truthfully, you didn't want it to. You didn't want to see Kai. Not after the way he acted with you. You didn't want anything to do with him, but it seemed like he was friends with Baekhyun. Baekhyun himself didn't seem too sure about letting Kai help you around. When he was talking to Kris he hesitated and was about to deny the offer, but then remembered that Kai needed as much help as he can get, so he agreed. Now he was walking with you, his hands on your shoulders, through more and more corridors. You felt his grip tighten as you approached one specific room. Class 2-A. He stopped infront of the door and turned to face you, still holding your shoulders.

"So..." he sighed, "He'll be in there, but don't worry about before. He's that sometimes." you gave him a small nod, hesitation clearly printed on your face. Baekhyun sighed and moved his hands away from your shoulders. He suddenly jumped when he felt something in his pocket. He reached in and took out his phone. It was a message from someone, but you couldn't see who. Baekhyun read it and gave a sigh in frustration. You felt as if he was going to ignore it and put it back in his pocket, but instead he looked at you.

"I...have to go now. I have class, but we'll see each other at lunch, right?" He gave you a reassuring smile and a small hug before leaving you infront of the classroom door, not even saying goodbye. You were about to shout at him, but then realised if he left that quickly, it must've been pretty important.

You turned to look at the door and reminded yourself that Kai, the person you hated was behind it. You glanced at the corridor to see if Baekhyun could still be seen, but sighed as you saw him just turn a corner. You turned back to face the door, and grabbed the door handle. You gave another heavy sigh and slowly opened it. You peeked in. The desks were nearly organized and so was the main teacher's desk. You then realised. there was no-one there. No Kai. No nothing.

Maybe he is late, you thought. Maybe he got caught up in something. Or maybe he didn't even bother coming. You looked at the clock. Over 45 minutes until the end of the school lesson and then it would be lunch time. You couldn't go back to Baekhyun becasue he was busy and you didn't know where any of the other guys from earlier had their classes. It would be best to just stay in here until the bell rang. You walked up to a desk at the back nearest to a window and sat down. You looked outside of the window and saw some students having sport lessons. Your most hated. When you were home schooled your mother forced you to do them, even though it wasn't nessicery.

"C'mon ___. You don't want to be fat do you? Do you?!" she shouted at the top of her voice, not caring whether anyone else heard. Even if they did, they would never interfere.

You tried to change the subject, "Umma, why don't we try something else today? Like trampolining?" It didn't work.

"You think I want a fat daughter? Look you're getting chubby already! You're a disgrace you know that?" she spat. You looked down at your body. Hearing what she said, you were starting to believe her, but you remembered your grandmother telling you how skinny you've gotten, saying that it could be dangerous. She never said that around your mother though. No-one did.

"YA?! Are you listening? Stop acting so stupid and run!" she had assigned you a running course, going all the way round Seoul which added up to 25 miles. Suddenly she grabbed your collar and hissed, "If you don't start running, I swear I won't feed you for 10 days. D'you hear me?" You had no choice but to nod and start jogging...

As you were having memory flashbacks you felt your eyes go heavy and then your head hit the desk. It hurt but you didn't move. Just as your eyes closed, there was a bang coming from the door. You groaned, not wanting to be interrupted from your nap and looked up. There standing in the doorway, was no other than...


You quickly straightened up and stood up. Kris gave you a questioning look, then walked up to you. "You were waiting for Kai, right?" You didn't want to say yes, becasue he was supposed to be waiting for you, but Kris cut you off before you could respond. "Well, as you can see, he's not here and I'm sorry to have made you wait." he chuckled. "You actually came to the wrong room." You felt your eyes widen and the anger build up inside you. So he sent me to the wrong room just 'cause he felt like it?! Kris saw your reaction and smiled, "Don't be angry at him, I made a mistake, I told Baekhyun the wrong room number." You calmed down a bit. Kris seemed like a nice guy, so you decided to forgive him. He gave a small laugh, "Come, I'll lead you to the actual room." he said as he led you out of class 2-A and down the corridor where Baekhyun had walked down earlier. This time you only e corner before you stopped, Kris letting you in front. He pointed to a door, then gave you a small wave before leaving, just like Baekhyun did.

You looked at the door and this time decided to open it straight away. You grabbed the door handle and pushed. You peeked in and saw a person sitting on a desk. The desk was in the same position that the one you sat in was it. At the back and next to a window. The person on the desk was...Kai. He seemed to notice you open the door and come in, but he didn't lift his head. It seemed like he was watching the same children you did, doing their sport lesson. You walked in the classroom properly, him still ignoring you. You gave a small cough, to let him know you were there, but still the same thing. Ignored.

You felt your blood boil. How can he just ignore you after what he said this morning? You felt your anger build up but you could only let out on sentence. "Ya. Don't ignore me." His head shot up. He looked at you, angry but in a way amused at the same time. He stood up and walked over to you. "Why would I not ignore you? You're nothing to me." You suddenly froze. You wanted to just leave, leave this school and not come back. But it was different now. It wasn't your mom you were speaking to. She could control you. He couldn't. You felt the rage inside you build even more until your burst out.

"If I'm nothing to you, why would you even agree to helping me around? You think I want to get to know you? No, of course I don't! I don't try to make friends with selfish idiots like you! I don't even know why someone like Baekhyun is friends with a fool like you!" you calmed down and sighed a breath of relief. You never allowed yourself to get this angry. Not with your mom at least. You looked at Kai, who was glaring at you. You heard him quietly mumble, "Wow, I didn't think a rich weakling like you would have the courage to say that." It almost seemed like he was about to smile. but he didn't. You gave him a confused look and was about to question him before he interrupted you. "Never seen a rich kid act like that. Unless it's for something they want." he chuckled darkly. "You might be different..." he finally said before heading to leave the room. You stood there, frozen, still surprised about what happened. As Kai opened the door to leave, he turned to you and said, "Ya! Stop looking so stupid and come on. I've got to help you right? And I can't do a very good job if you're not there." You felt your mind snap back into reality as you walked out the door, following Kai out of the corridor...

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Chundeul #1
Chapter 4: Good ;) I'm def subscribing
Chapter 4: good
i enjoy it....
so next chapter pls