Is that the Truth?


Before you realised it, it had been nearly an hour since you and Baekhyun had started the school tour. You've had to take many rests becasue of your shoes and on the 3rd one you just decided to take them off and carry them the resof the way. Baekhyun offered to carry them for you, but you refused his offer, seeing as you only met him, it might seem too much to ask. You were both nearing another bench, when you heard the bell ring and saw the students seeping out of the classrooms. Baekhyun turned around and saw your terrified face, he patted your shoulder comfortingly,

"It's okay, you won't get crushed. I'm here. Anyways, we've finished now and it's a short break." He led you through a crowd of people as you tried to keep a firm hold of your shoes as many people were looking and one even tried to take them from you. They were all shouting, some were pushing, some were just standing in the middle of the hallway, talking, ignoring everything around them. Eventually, you and Baekhyun turned a corner and you remembered the sight. The entrance that you have walked through and on the left there was a small corridor leading in to the lunch hall. Baekhyun led the way and opened the double doors, leading in. There weren't many people, but they were all split into groups. The classic boy groups and girl groups. You saw Baekhyun walk through the hall and to a group of about 8 or 9 boys. He turned around and gestured you to come over. You did so and approached them. They all stared at you, but then smiled. You saw one boy about to walk up to you, with a warm smile on his face, when you felt someone poke your shoulder. You turned around and saw a boy with dirty-ish blonde hair looking at you. More specifically, looking at your jacket. He seemed mesmerized. He then looked up to you and slowly whispered,

"I-Is this...Gucci?" he asked pointing at your jacket. You felt your eyes widen. You nodded slowly and looked at Baekhyun. He was trying not to laugh. It seemed like he knew this guy next to you. Meanwhile he was still standing next to you, looking at your jacket. "Newest collection, right?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "Yeah..." you said. You were still shocked that he even asked you that in the first place. He suddenly lost his mesmerized expression and beamed into a smile. "..Well, I'm Tao." he said holding out his hand. You shook it and he kept on smiling as he said, "The newest collection is absolutely amazing. Wait 'till you see mine. I know! I could show you tomorrow!" he started getting really excited. "You'll be here right? This will be so amazing..." he suddenly stopped, and stood still looking into the distance. "We're going to be.." he took a deep breath, "the best of friends..." Baekhyun saw your surprise and interrupted Tao. "Anyway, Tao, you can show ___ your Gucci collection later. There's still the other guys to meet."

You gave him a thanks in your mind and turned to face the rest of the group. They were all smiling at you with charming smiles. One guy was really tall, but had a boy-ish cute face. His name was Chanyeol, he said. There was a boy with pink hair, who shyed away at first, but shook your hand and told you his name. Sehun. There was a boy with orange hair and fluffy cheeks. He was eating something that looked like a bun. His name was Xiumin. They boy who approached you first before Tao interruped was called Kyungsoo. He seemed like the motherly figure over everyone. Next to him was a boy with dark red hair who had the face of a doll, whoose name was Luhan. And lastly the boy with bright blonde hair was called Lay. when he first shook your hand, he gave you a big smile showing his cute dimples. Before you knew it, the break was over. Baekhyun walked over to you as the other guys walked out of the hall. Before leaving, Xiumin gave you some of his food, "It's the best thing you will ever eat!" he had said. You gave Baekhyun a confused look and asked, "Why is the break so short?" Baekhyun chuckled. "It's only about 10 minutes. It's a short one. there's still lunch. Hey, let me look at your timetable." Just as you took it out of your pocket, a boy walked up to Baekhyun. You stared at him. He was tall, defined jaw line and black short hair. He was handsome. And you weren't the only one to think so. There were many girls staring at him, giggling. Then they saw you. Evil glares were shot your way. You decided to ignore them and continued looking at Baekhyun and the boy. Baekhyun noticed you stare and smiled.

"Hey, ___. This is Kris." he said pointing at the boy. Kris gave a small hi and smiled then continued talking to Baekhyun. As usual, your ears picked up what they were saying. You heard the word Kai and ignoring and help. You couldn't think what they could mean, so you decided to give it a go, figuring it out. It was another 2 minuted before Kris walked away with a quiet bye. You looked at Baekhyun, still not figured out what those words's context meant. He smiled at you, but this smile was somehow more sympathetic. By now the second bell had rung and you were one of the only people left in the lunch hall. Baekhyun put his hand on your shoulder and said,

"From this lesson on, I won't be helping you." You looked at him surprised. "I though yo-" you started, but he cut you off.

"Kai will be." you froze. You remembered Kai's harsh words to you in the corridor earlier today. Baekhyun read your expression.

"It's okay. I know what he said earlier was wrong, but he wanted to get to know you more."

Wanted to get to know me more? What? After all that?

You started at Baekhyun and slowly whispred, "Is that the truth? Does he really want to get to know me?"

Baekhyun hesitated for a moment before looking down at the ground. "...Yeah. He does. Like I said, he's a great guy. Just give him time..."

You nodded. "So," Baekhyun started, "Let's go meet him now..."

You nodded again and followed him out of the suddenly scared..

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Chundeul #1
Chapter 4: Good ;) I'm def subscribing
Chapter 4: good
i enjoy it....
so next chapter pls