Kai seems... lost.


You and Baekhyun kept taking breaks whilst he toured you round the school. It was huge, never ending corridors everywhere. Every corner you turned you were greeted by more rooms and corridors and more corridors and more rooms. You wondered how you were going to survive even a day here. It was easy in your house. You'd walk down the stairs and into the living room. Everything happened in the living room. This was completely new. You would have to change for every lesson. And school finished at 7 so there will be alot of change overs. It will be scary for the first few weeks, you thought. No friends, no no-one.

You looked at Baekhyun. "Are you only showing me around? Or were you ordered to stay with me for the whole week?" you said as you saw Baekhyun run ahead and occupy a seat against a wall. He glanced at you and gave you a smile, "I suppose I will. And anyways, I don't want to leave you on your own. It's not easy to start in the middle of the year here." He patted the seat next to him, and you heard him mumble something as you sat down. "And anyway, it won't be me taking you around for the whole week remember?" You nodded, remembering what he said to Mr.Lee. Kai. He was supposed to be here in a few hours, as Baekhyun had said. Baekhyun noticed you looking worried and patted your shoulder. "It's okay. Kai's a nice guy. He has his ways, but overall he's great." You gave a small nod. You heard him sigh and lean back in his seat.

"Ya. It's a big school isn't it?" He gave a small chuckle. "So, why did your mother pick this school?" You stared at the ground. Honestly, you didn't know. "She didn't tell me anything until this morning." you looked at your feet. She never told you anything until the last minute and then blamed you becasue of it.

"You're pathetic, you know that?" she said as she smacked you on the head with the book she was reading.

"But, umma. I didn't know! I'm sorry. I'll get ready now, okay?" you had tried to change the mood, by giving her a smile.

"I don't care! You were late, so you're going out in what you're wearing!" she said as she closed the book and grabbed you by the arm, and started dragging you through the room. You were in your pyjamas and it was nearly -10 degrees celcius outside.

"UMMA! Please, I'll get ready now! I'm sorry." She ignored everything you said and opened the front door. The cold wind hit you like a slap to the face. She pushed you out, and you fell in the snow. She then slammed the door shut, and didn't come back for a whole hour...

You tried to shake those thoughts out of your head. You didn't want to remember 7 year old you. It was best to put the past behind you. You noticed Baekhyun wave his hand infront of your face. "Hey. Are you there?" he poked you on the shoulder. "You completely zoned out for a few minutes." You laughed. "No it's okay, I'm fine."

Baekhyun stretched and slowly stood up from his seat. "Well, we've got a tour to do, haven't we?" You nodded and stood up next to him. "Next stop..." he said, but was cut off when he saw something. Or someone. You looked at what caught his attention. At the end of the corridor there was a boy standing there. You couldn't make out all the little details, but you noticed his hair and and his... eyes. He really reminded you of...

"Kai..." you heard Baekhyun whisper next to you. He waved at him to come over. Kai noticed and walked over to you and Baekhyun. Wow. He was even more stunning in real life. You felt yourself gaze into his eyes, but then when he looked at you, you quickly looked away at the ground. He was holding two bags. One what seemed to be a normal school bag and the other a sport kit bag. He looked at Baekhyun who asked him, "Are you finished now?" Kai nodded. "Yeah, it went well. Nothing too serious. You felt extremely out of place as you felt both of their gazes on you.

"Anyway..." Baekhyun started, "This is ____, remember? The girl you were going to help around the school?" He patted your shoulder. You felt Kai's stare on you. It was cold and his eyes gave out no emotion. "No, I don't know her." he said, without any tone in his voice.

"C'mon, Kai. Remember? Mr.Lee even showed a picture of her. You said you were really excited to meet her." You felt your eyes widen at his remark. Kai didn't move. His expression didn't change. "No. I'm not taking her around." Baekhyun sighed. "Kai, stop acting like this..." he hissed, "You said you would do it yourself. I know it's hard, but please be nice."

Kai took out his phone and checked the time. "I'm late for class." he turned to you. "And don't count on me to take you around, okay? I have my own work to do, not show some helpless little girl around." You felt your heart sink. What?! I only just met him! What is wrong with him? Kai held your gaze for a few more moments before walking away. You looked at Baekhyun. He rubbed his temples.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled. "I thought he would've changed by now..." Changed? So he was nice before? You nodded. "It's okay, I'll be fine on my own..." you murmured. Baekhyun looked at you and smiled. "You think I'l leave you alone? Pff- I'll be taking you round, okay?" Phew, at least someone wanted me to survive here, you thought.

"Well, let's continue!" Baekhyun sing-songed as he skipped ahead and you followed him. He turned back. "And don't mind Kai, he can be a sometimes.. He'll get better, don't worry."

You couldn't forget Kai's remark. Helpess little girl. Pff- What a jerk. Let's just ignore him and avoid any contact with him...You then remembered his gaze. Those eyes staring into yours. As if he staring straight through you.... He seemed almost.. lost..

Within himself..

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Chundeul #1
Chapter 4: Good ;) I'm def subscribing
Chapter 4: good
i enjoy it....
so next chapter pls