A New Start


As you woke up, something didn’t feel right. The aura of your room made you feel uncomfortable. As if something bad were to happen. You turned to your side, you heard your mother shout your name. Surprisingly, she didn’t sound angry. Better answer her before she really does get angry. You leaned over your bed and rolled off. There was a bang on the floor and you hit the floor. You groaned and stood up to look in the mirror. Your lace nightdress drooped over your limp body. You were too skinny, it was obvious, but your mother ignored your opinion and told you, “You can always look better, right?” with a small chuckle. She had a different sense of humour from you. A bad one. You shouted a weak, “Coming, mother.” As you headed out of your room, down the stairs, keeping a firm hold of the banister. You walked into the kitchen where our mother was washing something. As soon as she turned to look at you she gasped, “___! Make yourself decent. At least wash your face before coming down.” You stared at the ground, completely ignoring her. You were thinking of doing so until she dismissed you, but your ears picked up something interesting she said. “Go wash your face, and make yourself look pretty. Joonmyun is in the living room, he needs to talk to you.” As soon as you heard Joonmyun’s name your face lit up. He was basically the only good thing in your life. There was nothing to look forward to unless it  was seeing him. “Take that stupid grin off your face!”, your mother snapped. She always thought you had a thing for Joonmyun. It was like her little ’joke’. Her type of humour was terrible. She knew he was 23 and already had a partner, but would not stop bringing it up. You never mentioned it too Joonmyun, it would ruin your friendship, and that was the only friendship you had, so you wanted to make is last. “Were you day-dreaming about Joonmyun again?” your mother snapped you back into reality, poking you with her soapy finger. She was disgusting. Better not to say anything than get all my anger out, you though. If I was to do that, she would hit me. A lot. You ignored her stupid remark and headed back upstairs.

What was Joonmyun doing here? Sure, he came often for special days out together, but never this early. Maybe it was something really important. You walked in the bathroom, and stared at the mirror. A plain girl, with red eyes from deprived sleep stared back. Nothing special. Nothing pretty. No wonder your mother made fun of you. No. No. Don’ say that, you thought. She’s in the wrong, not me. You continued staring at the mirror. Just snap out of it, okay? You the tap and splashed your face with cold water. You took a towel and patted it dry, then went into your room to get changed. Nothing special today, only a T-Shirt and some shorts. You came out of your room and shut the door then headed back down the stairs.
 He was in the living room, you thought. You reached the door and slowly peaked in. Joonmyun was there, reading something he'd found on the coffee table. He didn't seem the slightest bit intrested in it as his eyes were slowly closing and opening again.

"Joonmyun, oppa?" You slowly opened the door and walked in. He hardly noticed you. He seemed too tired. What was the time anyway? You glanced at the clock on the wall.  7:30am... What?! How could I wake up this early on my own, you though. There was a seat opposite Joonmyun, so you sat there. As soon as you did, Joonmyun finally realised you were there. "___! I need to talk to you, you know?" You nodded. " I don't know if your mother had told you, but lately she's been complaining to me..." You looked down at the floor... About me, of course... you thought. Joonmyun saw you hesitate, but carried on talking. "She said, it's been hard for her, teaching you and working at the same time...so she arranged for you to go to school..." He tried to give you a smile of encouragement, but saw it didn't work. You looked at the floor and twiddled your thumbs.

"Public school. Right?", you let out a small whisper. "I'm afraid so..." Joonmyun sighed. You looked up at him. It was Monday, but you wouldn't have to go now... Would you?

"So, when am I starting?" you asked, as you looked at the floor again.

"That's the thing. Your mother told me, she wants you start as soon as possible. Which is today. They do have a uniform, but becasue we haven't bought one yet, you'll have to make do with your normal clothes today...Okay?", he patted your shoulder.

"So, I'm going today? Just like that?" you quietly whispered. "On my own?" Joonmyun sighed, a look of sadness on his face. "I'm sorry, but I tried to change your mothers mind, but you know what's she's like..." Yeah, sure I do...you thought.

"But..." he started, "You won't be fully on your own. One of my friend's friend has a friend..." he paused, trying not to laugh at his own humour... At least it was better than your mother's. "Who goes to that school. And he asked him if he would take you around the first week or so. He agreed, so you'll have someone" Someone who I don't even know...what was the point of that, you thought.

"What does he look like?" you asked. Joonmyun seemed surprised at your question. "Well," he started, as he dug in his pocket. After a few moments, trying to find something, he took out a photo of a boy. He showed it to you. "That's him. His name is Kai. He's real nice once you get to know him ,so don't worry, okay?"

You looked at the photo. The boy had dark skin which suited him alot. His eyes were dark and mesmerizing. He was stunning, you thought. All the girls probably love him, why would he agree to take someone like me around? Heh, he probably doesn't even know what I look like...

"You can keep the photo if you want..." Joonmyun waved it in your face. You thought what it would be like if when you met him, he found out you possesed a photo of him. No, too creepy. "No, it's okay. It was just to remember what he looked like..So we're going now, right?"

Joonmyun nodded. "Yeah, I'll wait in the car okay? It's too far away from here, but I want to make sure you get there safely." He gently squeezed you shoulder, stood up and walked out of the room leaving you on your own. You realised he left the photo of the boy. Kai. It was a nice name. Hopefully the person will be as nice as the name as you left the photo on the table and headed to your room to get ready for your new school..

A whole new start...

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Chundeul #1
Chapter 4: Good ;) I'm def subscribing
Chapter 4: good
i enjoy it....
so next chapter pls