How Have You Been?

Just How Perfect Are You?

"I'm telling you, he's perfect!" Jongin exclaimed, shoving his phone with the video playing at his father's face. "The other guys are pretty good too, and you know it."


The man sitting comfortably on his chair behind a big desk, Jongin's father, still looked doubtful. "Jongin, I don't kn-"


"Dad. Come on, have I ever been wrong when it comes to this sort of thing?" Jongin continued, cutting his father off.


Jongin's father massaged the bridge of his nose, heaving an exasperated sigh. He could feel a migraine coming on already. ""


"And do you think I'll be wrong now?" Jongin egged on.


"… no. But we've got a lot to do and I don't think we have the time t-"


Jongin cut him off again, "They’re going to be the next big thing! Like what we did with SHINee. Come on, dad. Just give it a try and I promise you, you won’t be disappointed. Come o-"


"OKAY OKAY, FINE." Jongin's father blurted out, defeated and throwing his hands up in the air and leaning back on his chair resignedly. "But I need to see them in person first. I need to see what they can do in person before they can get any further into this damn company. And I swear to God, Jongin, if I see that what you've been claiming about these boys and this short boy in particular is bull… You’re making me my lunch everyday for the whole year."


"What the ?" Jongin raised an eyebrow, "You want me to make you lunch for the whole year?"


"Homemade food is always better than anything, no?" Jongin's father smirked. Jongin simply groaned in reply.


"Fine. But don’t be so confident, dad. I know what I'm doing," said the younger as he started walking back out of the office.


"And Jong?" called out Jongin's father, stopping the said boy in his tracks and making him turn back to face the old man.




"You know your cousin Minseok? He's back from China," stated Mr Kim nonchalantly, as if it was nothing big. "A few days ago as well, I think."


For Jongin, however, it was big. His favourite cousin was back from China after two years there. "Minnie is back? Oh my God, Yes!" he squealed rather, unmanly-like. "How come he hasn't called? That's it I'm contacting him!" He fumbled for his phone, exiting the video and searched through his contacts for his cousin's phone number as he exited the room with a "bye dad!" to his father.


To: Minniee :'D

From: Jongin

12:32 pm


Minniiee! You're back! :'D Why didn’t you tell me? ;_;


Jongin smiled as he put his phone back in his pocket, expecting an answer in a few minutes. He pressed the down button for the elevator and stood in front of the door patiently, tapping his foot to a tune he was humming. Today was a good day, he had just found out that his dear cousin had come back after what, two years? And he had convinced his father to personally watch Kyungsoo and his friends perform for him for a chance to be a trainee in their company, and maybe even persuade Chanyeol to join too. Without warning, he felt his pocket vibrate and he quickly pulled his phone back out, not really expecting his hyung to answer so quickly. Usually, it took him at least three minutes to answer.


From: Minniee :'D

To: Jongin

12:33 pm


Ehh :< I was planning to surprise you! I'm on my way

to hq to say hi to uncle right now , are you there?


The elevator pinged open in front of Jongin and he quickly slipped in, pressing the ground floor button. Smiling contentedly, he turned his attention back to his phone.




Minseok slammed the door of his Lamborghini shut and locked it. Straightening himself out and making sure his clothes, face and hair were perfect, he began walking across the secure parking lot with his small carton of coffee from Starbucks just as his phone vibrated briefly, indicating that he had gotten a message. Stopping dead on his tracks -in the middle of the driveway- he grabbed his phone out of his Gucci messenger bag and checked the text he had received.


From: Jongiiinnniieee :'D

To: Minseok

12:33 pm


Yep (y) where are you now, hyung? I haven't seen

you in ages :'D


Smiling to himself, Minseok began texting back.


To: Jongiiinnniieee :'D

From: Minseok

12:34 pm


Just coming out of the parking lot. Meet me at

reception then?


It didn't take too long to get Jongin's answer. He began reading it, but not before he was startled by an angry honk of the car that he was blocking since he was in the middle of the driveway. Then with a quick "I'm sorry!" he ran out of the way and almost spilled the coffee in his hands. Once he was safely out of the way he read the text.


From: Jongiiinnniieee :'D

To: Minseok

12:34 pm


YAAAAYYYYY 8D See you soon, hyung!




Jongin smiled as he sent the message, pocketing the phone once more. Yep. Definitely a good day. He felt excitement build up as the numbers on the elevator wall steadily decreased.


13… 12… 11… 10… 9… 8… 7… 7… 7…


"What." And the door pinged open again to reveal a handsome giant blonde who looked like he was going to throw up any second. And who Jongin also recognised instantly.


"On a scale of zero to Kris, how hung over are you?" he smirked at the blonde, Kris.


Kris merely groaned and clutched his head as he wobbled into the big space that was the elevator. "Shut up. Ugh. You're just adding to my freaking headache."


"Dude, what happened to you? You look like you were hit by a truck or something."


"Well I was drinking at a club, then I started talking about my perfect -which by the way it is- and then I got elbow locked by a panda last night, so close enough," Kris replied as the elevator door slid shut.


"What," Jongin questioned. "Were you at a zoo club or something?" Really, going to a zoo club was the last thing in the universe Jongin had expected Kris to do. It just… didn't seem right.


The latter looked incredulously at Jongin. "What the ? Why would I be at a zoo club? It was just a guy that looked a lot like a panda okay."


Jongin whistled, "The almighty Krisus. Getting elbow locked by a panda boy. Niiiice." he mocked.


"Oh shut up."


5… 4…


"Easy there big boy. Remember I was the one who even let you debut in the first place, a little niceness would be very much appreciated." Jongin pouted. "How have the teaser shoots been going for you? And where the hell is Joonmyeon?"


Kris rolled his eyes, "Yeah whatever, Mr next-in-line-CEO. Not too bad but damn, those coordinoonas are fussy. As for Joonmyeon, I honestly don't know. I think he went out to get some coffee?"


1… G


The elevator pinged open and Jongin ran out but not before saying a quick "Okay cool, work hard okay!" to Kris who just rolled his eyes again. The thrill of meeting his hyung again after two years bubbled inside him and as he got closer and closer to the reception desk.


It wasn't really too hard to spot his hyung with the puffy cheeks and the short build and stature that reminded Jongin of Kyungsoo.


Kyungsoo. A pang of guilt hit Jongin hard in the chest. The night before when he had come back from dancing with the annoyingly persistent blonde girl who kept forcefully pulling him back to her when he had tried to escape back to Kyungsoo, he found that his cute hyung had gone. The girl had even slipped a piece of paper with her number inside his back pocket and finally let him go with a sultry whisper of "call me". The piece of paper was, of course, immediately scrunched and thrown to a forgotten corner of the room once Jongin was sure he was out of sight. When he checked his watch, a wave of guilt washed over him as he realised how long he been out there with the ty girl. Seriously, she was practically shoving her s right to his face while squishing them so they looked bigger. What the actual hell.


Under usual circumstances, Jongin would have been , but at that time, he just wasn't. No interest at ll, whatsoever. Which was weird, considering that he was all for the big and y bodies just about a week ago.


"Jonginnie!!" Minseok's voice interrupted his thoughts, wobbling his way to the younger while trying to balance a carton of coffee cups in one hand and his phone in the other. Thoughts about Kyungsoo were hesitantly put aside as he met his Jongin met his hyung halfway, grabbing the cartoon off of him and earning a grateful smile from the latter.


"Thank you Jonginnie~" the older thanked, shoving his phone into his back pocket before taking the carton back from his plush-lipped dongsaeng. "That's okay, Minnie hyung~" replied Jongin. The two stared at each other for a few moments before uncharacteristically walking calmly to the reception desk where Minseok set his carton down.


A few more moments.


Then a ear-piercing squeal from the elder and a huge grin from the younger.


"EEP! Jonginnie I missed you so much!" Minseok shrieked as he engulfed Jongin with one of his warm, tight embraces, attracting the attention of every other innocent bystander in the vicinity. Jongin could have sworn his eardrums had gone busted from the high amount of decibels. Nevertheless, Jongin kept the grin on his face and hugged his hyung back with the same -if not more- amount of enthusiasm.


"Me too! So how have you been, hyung?" asked Jongin as he pulled away from Minseok's tight embrace.


"I've been really good! I've done so many things during the two years I was in China, it was great! How have you been? How has the old gramps been too?"


"Haha! Dad's turned even more into an old fart the past few months, you know since Kris is debuting soon. He's been dragging me to meetings with him at random times. I've had to ditch a friend because of him, ugh."


"Aw, poor you! But you know what, let's go to a café or something. This is going to be a loooooong catch up talk!" suggested Minseok as he began pulling Jongin outside the Kim Entertainment building. 


/rages. Why is evrything at the end of the year???? T^T I am crying. Too much stuff going on orz. Have to practise for a performance for a Christmas Party (somehow we decided we'll do a bit of Growl and Rocking lol) And then there's like, three other Christmas parties FDADGHL;LKASA;SL. 

On another note, I'm so sorry if this is short. 30 minutes of me typing and trying to squeeze updating time in the middle of my busy sched, I'm soo soorry ;_; Once the Christmas holidays come though... I WILL BE ABLE TO UPDATE MORE REGULARLY. 

I am a horrible author. Ugh. 

So now you guys know why Jongin's been "running away" :P I'm pretty sure this chapter is kinda confusing so if you've got questions just ask me in the comments and I'll answer you peeps :D 

I love you all.

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Chapter 12: OH MY GOD! this is amazing!! I'll be waiting for the next one! this is good~~!!!It's not entirely focusing solely in 'love' but also in other things like a bit of slice of life or something that REALLY made me so excited to continue to read it!and it's also so hilarious!! great job author-nim!!! :DDD
gellis #2
Chapter 12: Welcome back authornim! Love the update! I can't wait to read more!
Chapter 9: Please update!!!
gellis #4
Chapter 9: Another great update authornim! A pineapple glued to the ground! lol how random is that! Ok so now I know more about Jogin/Minseok relationship. And I can finally see a hint that Jongin is thinking of Soo as more than a hyung! Yea!!!! Baeksoo's relationship is cute too! But I can't wait to read some Baekyeol. I can just tell it will be fluffy^^ - Please update soon. Happy New Year!
gellis #5
Chapter 8: I always get a bubble of excitement when I see you've updated ^^ ~
Even though I cried at the length T_T it was filled with tons of information!
I'm so glad to finally know why Jongin kept on abandoning Kyungsoo and the reason why he recorded him singing.
Too bad he doesn't feel that way about Soo yet but I know it will get there! (Random thought ~Why do people always make Jongin like ty big ies girls? >_<)
Minnie and Jongin's relationship is so cute! Once again do I see a love triangle developing???
Anyway good luck on your upcoming performance! Fighting!
And your loyal subscribers will be here when you return.^^
gellis #6
Chapter 7: Thanks for the great update aurthornim! OMG Jongin left Soo again!!!! >_< I know he didn't do it purposely but he should have at least put up a fight. I was really hoping to read a dancing scene between them. That would have been so hot XD.
I'm so glad Xiumin wasn't a T_T ~ he seems really nice. Is there going to be love triangle? O.O
Why the heck does Kris's keep talking about his ? o.O
Can't wait to read the next update. And don't worry I'm sure your loyal readers understand that life can get pretty busy. We'll still be here ^^
Woowww.. You mentioned my name!! >.<
Thankyouuuu dear :*
Authornim, i havent read this yet but i really want to tell you about that LINK matter.. Is it okay?? Yeah..
You could block the words u want to like KEEP COOL GRAPHICS SHOP then click LINK at the toolbar n u can copy paste the link of the said Graphics Shop..
Uhmm.. Give it a try :)
Im gonna read the story..
gellis #9
Chapter 6: OMG authornim did I tell you how much I love this story. The way you write. >_<
Words can not describe.....I'm glad Kyungsoo finally realizes he "likes" Jongin hopefully he won't be as tortured now that he's come to terms with it. I'm glad you gave us a glimps into his past. Now if only we could figure out what's going on with Jongin. He seems to really like Kyungie but is it "like" like. Oh I hope so. I mean why would he record that performance if he didn't ^^ ~ And I still want to know why he kept leaving in the beginning :( ~ I love that the Barkyeol was love a first sight. They're cute...if I could upvote a million times I would ~ if I could subscribe a million times I would because your story is just so perfect. please please please update soon.
gellis #10
Chapter 3: Author-nim welcome back~I missed this story so much. I had to reread from the beginning again. And it was even better the second time read it! ^^ ~ I love the new update. Please let it be true that you will update again soon >_< ~ I'm dying to know what's going on with Jongin ~ why does he keep leaving ~ my poor baby Soo is really taking it hard. Who tramatized him as a child? Who the heck is at the door? Please please please update soon. ^^