Important Message

Just How Perfect Are You?

In light of the recent events concerning Kris and the fact that he filed a lawsuit against SM, I have seen countless rumours flying around and unfortunately, many people believing it straight away. 

Please, please, please do not spread these type of rumours, nor believe them straight away. By doing this, it will have a very high potential to make the situation worse.

We are all in the dark here, and there are only a few things we know of for sure: Kris has filed a lawsuit against SM and he is using the same lawyer that fought for Hangeng a few years back.

We do not know of the reason for the lawsuit for sure.

We do not know if SM really is controlling the SNS accounts of the other members.

There is no evidence of any slapping fiasco between Baekhyun and the staff (and certainly not the CEO).

Do not believe everything you see on the internet. I cannot stress this enough. 

We all want to know the truth about the whole situation. Hell, I know I'm dying to know. So isn't the best way to do so by mellowing this out and wait for official statements from both parties (SM and Kris)? Yes, we can show him and EXO support, but do not, I repeat, DO NOT begin spreading around rumours from Tumblr or Twitter or anywhere like that or making up yoir own theories. 

That being said, I know I was, and definitely still am affected by this news. The possibility of Kris leaving breaks my heart because although he wasn't my favourite in the group, I feel that he still played an important part in keeping them together through respect. 

We do not know as of yet why he has decided to file this lawsuit, but he must have his reasons for doing so. Give him the benefit of the doubt. Do not post malicious comments on any of his SNS sites (I've seen some horrible ones) and respect his privacy. 

Don't say Kris is leaving or is not part of EXO anymore, because that isn't confirmed yet. 

SM Entertainment is not the worst company in Korea. Others have CEOs who their trainees, make idols pay for their own comebacks etc. I personally am sick and tired of SM as well (they've ed up 3 generations of their idols; DBSK, Super Junior and now maybe EXO) but keep in mind that the treatment that they're particularly known for is common in most (if not all) entertainment companies in Korea. 

Don't pick a side either, for reasons quite obvious. 

If there is anyone who doesn't know of the situation at hand or wants to have some updates on it go this this link here. This sums it up well, amd distinguishes fact from rumour. She is the same person who did updates or Block B's lawsuit so I suggest for more information that you can rely on somewhat, keep your eye on this thread.

I also want to say that I have not forgotten about this story, I have just been having so many things going on and it's hard to find time to write. I've also been having a big writer's block but I've almost finished Chapter 11 and I hope you will keep faith in me to update.

Kris will still be in it no matter what happens.

If you've read this far, thank you so much. Please, just support both EXO and Kris through these undoubtedly tough times. 

We are one, is what the boys say. I think it's time to show everyone that!

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Chapter 12: OH MY GOD! this is amazing!! I'll be waiting for the next one! this is good~~!!!It's not entirely focusing solely in 'love' but also in other things like a bit of slice of life or something that REALLY made me so excited to continue to read it!and it's also so hilarious!! great job author-nim!!! :DDD
gellis #2
Chapter 12: Welcome back authornim! Love the update! I can't wait to read more!
Chapter 9: Please update!!!
gellis #4
Chapter 9: Another great update authornim! A pineapple glued to the ground! lol how random is that! Ok so now I know more about Jogin/Minseok relationship. And I can finally see a hint that Jongin is thinking of Soo as more than a hyung! Yea!!!! Baeksoo's relationship is cute too! But I can't wait to read some Baekyeol. I can just tell it will be fluffy^^ - Please update soon. Happy New Year!
gellis #5
Chapter 8: I always get a bubble of excitement when I see you've updated ^^ ~
Even though I cried at the length T_T it was filled with tons of information!
I'm so glad to finally know why Jongin kept on abandoning Kyungsoo and the reason why he recorded him singing.
Too bad he doesn't feel that way about Soo yet but I know it will get there! (Random thought ~Why do people always make Jongin like ty big ies girls? >_<)
Minnie and Jongin's relationship is so cute! Once again do I see a love triangle developing???
Anyway good luck on your upcoming performance! Fighting!
And your loyal subscribers will be here when you return.^^
gellis #6
Chapter 7: Thanks for the great update aurthornim! OMG Jongin left Soo again!!!! >_< I know he didn't do it purposely but he should have at least put up a fight. I was really hoping to read a dancing scene between them. That would have been so hot XD.
I'm so glad Xiumin wasn't a T_T ~ he seems really nice. Is there going to be love triangle? O.O
Why the heck does Kris's keep talking about his ? o.O
Can't wait to read the next update. And don't worry I'm sure your loyal readers understand that life can get pretty busy. We'll still be here ^^
Woowww.. You mentioned my name!! >.<
Thankyouuuu dear :*
Authornim, i havent read this yet but i really want to tell you about that LINK matter.. Is it okay?? Yeah..
You could block the words u want to like KEEP COOL GRAPHICS SHOP then click LINK at the toolbar n u can copy paste the link of the said Graphics Shop..
Uhmm.. Give it a try :)
Im gonna read the story..
gellis #9
Chapter 6: OMG authornim did I tell you how much I love this story. The way you write. >_<
Words can not describe.....I'm glad Kyungsoo finally realizes he "likes" Jongin hopefully he won't be as tortured now that he's come to terms with it. I'm glad you gave us a glimps into his past. Now if only we could figure out what's going on with Jongin. He seems to really like Kyungie but is it "like" like. Oh I hope so. I mean why would he record that performance if he didn't ^^ ~ And I still want to know why he kept leaving in the beginning :( ~ I love that the Barkyeol was love a first sight. They're cute...if I could upvote a million times I would ~ if I could subscribe a million times I would because your story is just so perfect. please please please update soon.
gellis #10
Chapter 3: Author-nim welcome back~I missed this story so much. I had to reread from the beginning again. And it was even better the second time read it! ^^ ~ I love the new update. Please let it be true that you will update again soon >_< ~ I'm dying to know what's going on with Jongin ~ why does he keep leaving ~ my poor baby Soo is really taking it hard. Who tramatized him as a child? Who the heck is at the door? Please please please update soon. ^^