Hanging Out - Part Three: Doing What We Do

Just How Perfect Are You?

The song ends and Kyungsoo takes another deep breath, trying to calm himself and his racing heart after his shocking revelation just a few moments ago. His heart was being stubborn and beat against his chest so hard it hurt o breathe and he was sweating profusely. After a few moments of silence, he decided to look around him only to be met with six pairs of staring eyes, the faces they belonged to with expressions of awe and surprise.


The silence lasted for a few more moments until Chanyeol decided to speak up, "Holy , wow. That was… powerful."


The other boys nodded in agreement, eyes still widened in in awe. The amount of raw emotion Kyungsoo had portrayed, the way he sang the words; it was like he was telling a whole story with every word that came out of his lips. Kyungsoo felt his cheeks warm up and he scratched the back of his neck.


"Uhm, thanks I guess," he thanked sheepishly, realising that he had basically sung the whole story of his love life a few moments ago. Not that they would know exactly that-except Baekhyun of course-, but they would probably have an idea. Only a complete idiot wouldn't notice that. Oh man.


Silence ensued and an awkward atmosphere surrounded the boys. Come on Kyungsoo, you need to do something.


"Uh… W-who wants to sing next?" asked Kyungsoo, really wanting the attention to shift well away from him.


Luhan, the dear [a/n: you have no idea how much I was tempted to write deer instead there orz] that he was, noticed the subtle pleading tone in Kyungsoo's voice and saved the poor short boy from his distress.


"Sure, Kyunggie! I'll sing next then. I wonder if they have Joah in here. Kyunggie, could you please pass me the song book please," he said, earning a sigh of relief from the said boy and the song book in his hands. He proceeded to flip and browse through it, looking for the song that he was currently in to.


Three waitresses came in with huge plates and bowls of food somewhere after the third song, and then the boys wondered how the hell they were going to finish four whole seafood platters and three large bowls of potato wedges. They decided to wing it, knowing full well that they were just pretending that they couldn't eat it all for the sake of their image not being ruined with the label 'fatty'. Of course, their stomachs didn't betray them by leaving any food behind on the bowls and plate and ended up eating everything.. All that was left then were the drinks.


"So we go to karaoke but we forget to buy the drinks," grumbled Chanyeol, his throat parched after singing Warrior and doing the insanely fast rapping part of Zelo's and the extremely low raspy ones of Bang Yongguk's.


"Yep. Pretty much."


The rest of their night-well at least the karaoke part-went by smoothly. Kyungsoo's small scene steadily forgotten as the boys sang one song after the other and their voices practically cracking continuously towards the end of the session. They sang a myriad of songs, ranging from old school folk music to the newest Katy Perry song.


They stopped once they realised they couldn't sing any more than they had already and when their throats were so dry their voices came out as hoarse croaks. Ribbit ribbit. They checked the time, only then realising how long they had been singing for, it was already 10pm for goodness' sake.


"I'm sick of singing, can we do something else now?" whined Luhan, jumping back onto the couch next to his boyfriend.


"Yeah, so am I." came Baekhyun's response.


"What though?" asked Kyungsoo, who had the same thoughts.


Silence, then Luhan's face lit up like the fourth of July. You could seriously almost see the fireworks erupting from the top of his head and hear the weird exploding sounds that came with it as well. Whenever that happened, Luhan usually had an idea that he thought was a good idea, but in the end turns out to be disastrous.


"Oh my God, if you're going to tell us to go skinny dipping in the Han River or something, just no." Kyungsoo deadpanned.


Luhan gasped dramatically, placing a hand on his chest femininely to add effect, "I am quite offended that you are suggesting that I would say such a thing!"


"Not like you haven't said anything like that before." Baekhyun deadpanned as well.


"Well I think it’s not that bad…" mutters Sehun under his breath. To be quite honest, he actually wouldn't mind at all-just as long as he's the only one who would be able to see Luhan's body like that.


"Naww, baby. You're so sweet!" Luhan cooed to his boyfriend, and then leaning closer to Sehun's ear, he purred, "I'll reward you when we get home okay? Maybe a skinny dip in the Han River is in place?" Sehun's breath hitched and inappropriate thoughts already invaded and flooded his mind. Why must Luhan be so… so sensual?


"Oh my God, Luhan! You weren't even whispering dammit! Did you completely forget about Tao or something? Not to mention us as well?" scolded Kyungsoo, who was staring worriedly as the said panda whose eyes were wide open in-what Kyungsoo could only assume was-terror. The poor kid.


Luhan scowled at Kyungsoo for ruining hi-and Sehun's-fun, but then turned to Tao to apologise anyway because he did feel sorry for the poor panda. "I'm sorry TaoTao."


"Th-that's alright I guess hyung. I'm going to have to get used to it one way or another anyway…" he replied, shaking his head. At himself or at his hyungs, he didn't know-he was just shaking his head.


Kyungsoo heaved an exasperated sigh, "Well, now that that's cleared, what was you brilliant idea, Luhan?"


Luhan suddenly broke into a huge -eating grin. Kyungsoo-and all the other boys, really-was really dreading the answer to come; there was a glint of mischief in the Chinese boy's eyes that scared the crap out of all of them.


"Why don't we go clubbing?"




"Are you sure this is a good idea?" asked Kyungsoo, still really doubtful about Luhan's idea. Even though it didn't seem too bad, Kyungsoo was still antsy. The group had left the karaoke place about five minutes earlier and was walking down the street, trailing after Luhan who apparently knew a 'good' club that was relatively close from where they were previously. In Kyungsoo's opinion, clubs were never really 'good', they always spelt trouble like one night stands, unnecessary touching, drunken fights and just heaps of drunk people in general. Kyungsoo shook his head in uncertainty, somehow he had a weird gut feeling that something bad was going to happen later that night. A really weird gut feeling.


"Umm, I don’t know if I should go hyungs…" muttered Tao timidly.


Luhan pouted at the panda, "Come on Tao! You're a college student for God's sake! Those two aren't even eighteen yet and they have more balls than you to go," he gestured at Chanyeol and Jongin. "You're older, man up already!"


"I-I'm sorry, hyung…"


"Naww, you cutie wootie Tao!" the oldest squealed.


Kyungsoo was still doubtful. "Then we shouldn't even be going to a ing club if these two aren't even ing legal age, Luhan!"


"Oh hush, appa. Don't be such a killjoy."


"ing fine then. But boba help us if we get into trouble Luhan, because God knows I won't be defending you and your sorry ." That was a lie of course, and Luhan knew that.


"Sure, Kyunggie. Sure." he smirked. They walked for a few more minutes, turning a few sharp corners now and then until they reached a dead end with a door that lead to what seemed like a basement and which was lit up with bright fluorescent lights that almost blinded Kyungsoo. A long line started from the door and two mean looking bouncers with huge, muscly builds and set frowns on their faces guarded the door from the pushing crowd. Thank God they had sunglasses on, else they would have probably looked a thousand times more intimidating than they did now even with them on.




"We're here!" Luhan exclaimed cheerily.


"I don’t know, the place looks pretty dodgy to me," said Chanyeol who had been next to Baekhyun the whole time talking happily with the shorty.


"Oh poppy ! [a/n: Ooooh yis. You saw it. Poppycock.] I've been to this club a thousand times! It's relatively clean."


"Note the keyword 'relatively'." Kyungsoo's voice dripped with sarcasm. Besides, what is he, a grandma? Who says poppycock anymore in a civilised conversation nowadays? Last time Kyungsoo checked, Luhan was a college student, not an 80 year old grandma.


Luhan just gave Kyungsoo a look and shamelessly started pushing through the long line of waiting people and ignoring the annoyed protests he got until he was face to face with the two intimidating bouncers.


"What the Lu-" Kyungsoo started, but he got cut off when Luhan actually gave the two bouncers a hug. A freaking hug.


"Hey, Luhan! Haven't seen you in a while, break up with your boyfriend or something?" greeted the slightly shorter one of the two bouncers.


"Nah. Just came here with my friends to teach them how to parteyyy," Luhan replied, giving a knowing smirk to both men and then gesturing to the awkward group of boys he just left behind. The taller bouncer raised a bushy eyebrow.


"You sure they're legal, Luhan?"


"Yep! Well except Jongin and Chanyeol…"


Now the other eyebrow shot up as well. "You know we can't le-"


"Oh come on you , they're almost eighteen anyway. Remember that time I saved your when you slipped on a piece of on the tra-"


"Shut up!" The bouncer snapped, tensed then shivered, the shorter one quietly snickering next to him. "Fine."


"Thanks man." Luhan thanked, giving the two bouncers a man handshake and a brohug then afterwards gesturing for the group of boys to follow him down the stairs to the door into the actual place. Not after hearing groans of annoyance and frustration trailing after them from the crowd that had been waiting quite a while of course.


When Luhan pushed the door open, the loud bass of the music poured out, and so did the smell of sweat, alcohol and . The place was dimly lit with a light that had a slight blue tinge to it, and the bright colourful strobe lights made it even harder to see anything.


The room itself was packed and in the middle, there was a huge crowd of men and women dancing vigorously against each other, seemingly having trouble keeping their hands to themselves.


"Well, have fun and let's partaaayyy!" cheered Luhan, running straight to the dance floor, Sehun automatically following after him. Tao went to sit quietly at a free seat on the bar, not really knowing what to do. Baekhyun and Chanyeol went to sit at a table somewhere in the corner of the room and Kyungsoo was left with Jongin, unsure of what to do next.


He turned to face Jongin, "So wha-"


Then an annoyingly high pitched female voice interrupted him, "Excuse me, hi!" she said, looking at Jongin with eyes of a predator. The male looked startled for a second, "Uh. Me?"


"Yes, you!" She giggled. The girl didn't look too bad. In fact she was incredibly pretty, her features were like a doll's especially with her blonde hair that she actually managed to pull off looking natural  and she had big eyes that wasn't typical for a normal Korean. Her eyes weren't as big as Kyungsoo's though. She was wearing a really short and tight red dress finished off with high red stilettos. "Do you want to dance?" she continued, and before Jongin could even reply, the girl had grabbed his wrist and tugged him away towards the dance floor. As he was being dragged away, Jongin gave Kyungsoo an apologetic look before being swallowed up by the huge crowd of dancing bodies.


Kyungsoo felt a slight tug at his chest as he walked towards the bar to get a drink, expecting Tao to be there. When he arrived though, the panda wasn't anywhere to be found and Kyungsoo figured that he just went ot the toilet or something so he ordered his drink-water please he doesn't want to be drunk since he still had to go home to finish off that report that was due on Monday-and he sat at a single table, probably looking like the most forever alone person in the world right then. He just stayed there for what seemed like hours waiting for Jongin to come back when really, it had only been about an hour.


"Well you look lonely," came a voice from behind Kyungsoo. He turned to see a boy almost as short as himself with cute puffy cheeks that were just screaming to be pinched and squished and eyes that didn't have double eyelids.


"Well, yeah I guess I am."


"My name's Kim Minseok. What's yours? If you don't mind, I mean. Now everyone would be comfortable telling their name to a stranger."


Kyungsoo looked at Minseok for a few moments and decided what the hell. He didn't look like a bad person. "Kyungsoo. Do Kyungsoo," he replied and the two boys shook hands.


Minseok nodded in approval, "That's a nice name!" Kyungsoo blushed. "So, Kyungsoo. What's gotten you so down?"


He had to think about it for a while and then he answered, "Well, I just got ditched again. And by the person I think I like too."


"Same person both times?"




"Ah, right. I don't see why anyone would ditch you though. You seem like a nice enough person and you're pretty good looking." Minseok said, making Kyungsoo blush a bit at the compliment.


"Well technically he didn't ditch me, he was dragged off by some pretty blonde doll. She didn't even give him time to answer."




"Yeah well... I can't do anything about that now," Kyungsoo sighed, then put the glass in his hand down onto the table. "I just really want to go home now. But my ride's somewhere probably mucking around with his boyfriend so I can't."


"Want me to give you a ride? I was going home too anyways."


Kyungsoo pursed his lips, "How do I know you're not some sort of ?"


Minseok laughed, "Have I acted anything like one?"


"… no. You look like a meat bun."


"Meat bun? Anyway, it was just an offer, you don't really have to take it."


"Nah, I'll take you up on that offer. But I swear if you try anything bad, I have pepper spray."


"Wow. Pepper spray. They still sell that sort of thing? And trust me, I won’t."


Kyungsoo, finally convinced, followed Minseok back out the front door (waving bye to the two bodyguards who smiled back) to his car. Which was a Lamborghini. A Lamborghini. He only had a Ferrari back home [a/n: Yes, I know. Ferraris are generally better but I feel like saying this okay ;P].


"Oh my God. What. You have a ing Lamborghini. A Lamborghini." Kyungsoo gaped in awe to which Minseok just shrugged. "I guess I've got the money."


Shaking his head in disbelief, he climbed inside the car after Minseok gracefully opened the passenger's side door. Minseok climbed in into the driver's seat before starting the engine, it rumbled to life, the growling sound almost soothing to Kyungsoo.


"So where to?"


I probably shouldn't tell him where I live. "I'll tell you where to turn and everything." Minseok shrugged again. "Okay, cool."


The ride wasn't awkward and was filled with talk. Minseok couldn't seem to stop talking about his week-how he'd only arrived back in Korea from China a few days ago and all his seemingly extravagant experiences in his two years in the other country. Kyungsoo actually found himself having fun, and almost missed the area he was planning to let Minseok drop him off to.


Kyungsoo clambered out of the car and walked towards the apartment block that he didn't live in, but not after he thanked Minseok.


"Thanks for the ride," said the shorter with a smile. Minseok smiled back, "No problem. I guess I'll see you around?"


"Who knows? Maybe." And with that, he walked off as he heard the car's soothing rumble get fainter and fainter. When he was sure Minseok was gone, he turned back abruptly and began walking back to his actual apartment. It really shouldn't be too far from where he was. He knew this part of the neighbourhood well enough, even though he'd only passed by a few times.


Well, at least that's what he thought.




Tao sat alone on the stool at the bar sipping on his can of diet coke. He'd been there for a while, and he couldn't see Kyungsoo hyung anywhere, nor could he see Sehun and Luhan hyung. He saw Baekhyun hyung leave with Chanyeol a few minutes ago.


I wonder where they all are…


Then a deep voice broke his train of thought.


"I mean, why can't they just let me debut earlier?! My would be earning them big cash you know. My is perfect."


Tao's gaze shifted from the floor to the assman (that's what Tao decided to call him since he kept on ranting on about his ), who was sitting three seats away from him and who looked drunk out of his mind. Though putting aside the fact that he was whining about his and that he looked drunk as hell, the panda could definitely say that he was gorgeous. His blonde hair was dishevelled and his face was shaped perfectly to compliment the rest of his face which consisted of beautifully cold looking eyes and perfect lips that just looked y on him. They weren't huge like Jongin's (to be honest, Tao found them a bit too big) and they weren't too small either. They were the perfect size. [a/n: for those who haven't guessed yet because of my horrible description, this is Kris lol]


"I mean look at it!" he whined to the bartender to looked anything but pleased at this man's behaviour. He just looked so done. The gorgeous man then proceeded to show off his to the bartender who looked disgustedly away. Really, looking at butts wasn't in his damn job description.


Tao decided that enough was enough and stepped in to save the bartender from his dilemma. He marched up to assman and tapped his shoulder lightly. The man looked sharply at him, obviously unpleased at the fact that someone had just interrupted him in the middle of his business of showing off his perfect .


"Please stop now, you're bothering the poor bartender." Said bartender looked at Tao gratefully and the panda took it with a smile. Assman, however, was not happy.


" off man."


Tao's eyes widened. Assman did not just say the "f" word in front of him. He hated it. He hated it when people swore. Even though all his hyungs did it, he didn't mind though. They were them. In a split second, he had moved and suddenly had assman in an elbow lock. Ah, Wushu can be so helpful.


Assman groaned in pain, and Tao loosened his hold a bit, not wanting to really hurt the guy. The panda threatened softly in his ear. "Don't ever say the "f" word in front of me ever again. And stop bothering the bartender or else."


He let go of assman and walked quickly away. He really didn’t want to have anymore trouble and he just wanted to go home.


Meanwhile, assman was left awestruck at what had just happened to him. He was just owned by a guy who looked like a panda. A really hot panda. After stretching his arms a bit to get the pain out of his system, he looked around, trying to look for the said panda, but to no avail.


"I like you," assman smirked, suddenly not so drunk anymore. 


AYYYYYYYYY. SO I FINALLY GET TIME TO UPDATE. The past two weeks have literally been the most busy ones so far in the year. I had four tests on the same day and two assignments due on the same day as well. I had to go attend a party where I had to make two tribute videos. Then I get two more assignments and mt mids a mess so I'm sorry for not updating any sooner. I barely have time. I will still really try my best though.

Anyway, I hope his chapter is crappy. I had to type really fast because I don't get to have much time on the comp nowadays for stuff like this OTL. Excuse typos and grammar errors D: XIUMINAND KRIS HAVE MADE THEIR ENTRANCE <3

I hope you liked it (however y it was lol)

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Chapter 12: OH MY GOD! this is amazing!! I'll be waiting for the next one! this is good~~!!!It's not entirely focusing solely in 'love' but also in other things like a bit of slice of life or something that REALLY made me so excited to continue to read it!and it's also so hilarious!! great job author-nim!!! :DDD
gellis #2
Chapter 12: Welcome back authornim! Love the update! I can't wait to read more!
Chapter 9: Please update!!!
gellis #4
Chapter 9: Another great update authornim! A pineapple glued to the ground! lol how random is that! Ok so now I know more about Jogin/Minseok relationship. And I can finally see a hint that Jongin is thinking of Soo as more than a hyung! Yea!!!! Baeksoo's relationship is cute too! But I can't wait to read some Baekyeol. I can just tell it will be fluffy^^ - Please update soon. Happy New Year!
gellis #5
Chapter 8: I always get a bubble of excitement when I see you've updated ^^ ~
Even though I cried at the length T_T it was filled with tons of information!
I'm so glad to finally know why Jongin kept on abandoning Kyungsoo and the reason why he recorded him singing.
Too bad he doesn't feel that way about Soo yet but I know it will get there! (Random thought ~Why do people always make Jongin like ty big ies girls? >_<)
Minnie and Jongin's relationship is so cute! Once again do I see a love triangle developing???
Anyway good luck on your upcoming performance! Fighting!
And your loyal subscribers will be here when you return.^^
gellis #6
Chapter 7: Thanks for the great update aurthornim! OMG Jongin left Soo again!!!! >_< I know he didn't do it purposely but he should have at least put up a fight. I was really hoping to read a dancing scene between them. That would have been so hot XD.
I'm so glad Xiumin wasn't a T_T ~ he seems really nice. Is there going to be love triangle? O.O
Why the heck does Kris's keep talking about his ? o.O
Can't wait to read the next update. And don't worry I'm sure your loyal readers understand that life can get pretty busy. We'll still be here ^^
Woowww.. You mentioned my name!! >.<
Thankyouuuu dear :*
Authornim, i havent read this yet but i really want to tell you about that LINK matter.. Is it okay?? Yeah..
You could block the words u want to like KEEP COOL GRAPHICS SHOP then click LINK at the toolbar n u can copy paste the link of the said Graphics Shop..
Uhmm.. Give it a try :)
Im gonna read the story..
gellis #9
Chapter 6: OMG authornim did I tell you how much I love this story. The way you write. >_<
Words can not describe.....I'm glad Kyungsoo finally realizes he "likes" Jongin hopefully he won't be as tortured now that he's come to terms with it. I'm glad you gave us a glimps into his past. Now if only we could figure out what's going on with Jongin. He seems to really like Kyungie but is it "like" like. Oh I hope so. I mean why would he record that performance if he didn't ^^ ~ And I still want to know why he kept leaving in the beginning :( ~ I love that the Barkyeol was love a first sight. They're cute...if I could upvote a million times I would ~ if I could subscribe a million times I would because your story is just so perfect. please please please update soon.
gellis #10
Chapter 3: Author-nim welcome back~I missed this story so much. I had to reread from the beginning again. And it was even better the second time read it! ^^ ~ I love the new update. Please let it be true that you will update again soon >_< ~ I'm dying to know what's going on with Jongin ~ why does he keep leaving ~ my poor baby Soo is really taking it hard. Who tramatized him as a child? Who the heck is at the door? Please please please update soon. ^^