Meeting Kim Jongin

Just How Perfect Are You?


The thing about Kyungsoo is that, he doesn't like, or rather tries to avoid new things or changes to routine. He's the type of person that just sticks to the plan, and doesn't exactly welcome unexpected plot changes, save for a few occasional outings, like the abrupt after work party or maybe sometimes some random events.


So when unexpected plot changes do come, he's a bit put off and sometimes it just knocks him down like a falling pillar and it takes a bit of time for him to get back up and cope with it.




With his hands in his pockets, earphones plugged into his ears and his backpack dangling on one shoulder, Kyungsoo walked his usual route towards the college where he'd only started attended just a week ago. He reckoned he made a good impression on the teachers and the other kids. He was a hard worker, and pretty damn intelligent too, if he could say so himself.


He was just one of the many people going about their business in the streets of Seoul, all busy holding suitcases, phone in hand and talking rapidly though the receiver. This had been his everyday life since a week ago, when his parents decided that he needed to go to college and get a degree or maybe even a PhD. They said that even though he was smart enough to be able to get a decent job to go through life without any hitches, he needed to aim high and be a doctor or something.


Kyungsoo begged to differ. All he really wanted was a low profile life and a settled life with a person he loves. And maybe a dog, two of them actually. He wanted all that while writing his own music, and maybe sometimes performing some gigs at a hotel or something at night also while having an actual job that earns money.


Music was his passion, but his parents didn't support it as much as discovering the cure for cancer or finding the complete cure of your father's ingrown toenail. Honestly, Kyungsoo couldn't care less about finding the cure for cancer or for his father's ingrown toenail, not that he didn't care for the people with the actual diseases and illnesses, he just thought it wasn't his thing. He could leave it up to the many scientists and doctors of the world.


His parents though, the incredibly pushy people they were, threatened Kyungsoo, saying that we'll disown you if you don't even try. And so, there was Kyungsoo, kicked out of his home and transferred to a simple but comfortable apartment, walking to his university as he had the past few days.


Kyungsoo was never really a big fan of change, and it hadn't really occurred to him that so much of that was going to happen in a matter of weeks to him.


He blasted his music up to full volume, drowning out the sounds and noises of a Friday morning in Seoul. He stops by the small coffee shop on the way to his destination that he'd discovered three days ago hidden in a much less busy street through a small alleyway.


The shop was small and comfortable, the employees warm and friendly and the cheesecake there was delicious, one the best he'd ever tasted actually. He's always had a knack for sweet things too and strangely enough, he never seems to get fat at all. His mother told him that he was one of the 'lucky ones'.


He walked in the shop and turning his music volume down, he greeted the pretty and smiling cashier girl and when she asked him for his order he answered with a sly, "I'd like a piece of you please," with every intention of flirting with the poor, now flustered girl. He chuckled lightly and relieved the girl of her embarrassment, "Just joking, could I please get a regular caramel latte and a slice of the mango cheesecake for take away please?"


The girl nodded vigorously, her face still a slight shade of pink. Kyungsoo gave her his best smile, the one he knew would swoon the girl. Maybe it was time to be in a relationship again, he's had time to heal from his last one, when his last girlfriend had dumped him because he "just wasn't enough" for her. That unexpectedly cut pretty deep.


But now, the newly Kyungsoo Version 2.0 is here and he's finding for a new love, that just maybe, could last for a long time.


Kyungsoo paid the correct amount of money and sauntered over to a seat near the serving table, turning the volume up of his music again. TVXQ's Before U Go was on and he tapped his fingernails with the beat of the music. It was a y song, the melody seductive and really, not only Kyungsoo admitted that. Three quarters of the comments in YouTube on the video were about Changmin and Yunho making ovaries explode and fangirls or maybe even fanboys making love to the song. If that was even physically or even mentally possible.


He started humming along to the song, and when it came to Changmin's 'scream' he might have -just maybe- fully belted it out. Realizing what he did, he looked around and no one he could see was around. The only other human being he knew was in the shop there with him was the girl making his coffee for him. She just gave Kyungsoo a flustered smile.


She finished brewing Kyungsoo's caramel latte and walked over to the serving table with a small white box that Kyungsoo knew was the mango cheesecake that he couldn't wait to eat. She looked at Kyungsoo and he smiled back, standing up from his chair and strutted towards the counter, taking his orders from the pretty girl, pointed to himself saying "Kyungsoo" and gave her one last wink before leaving the shop, happy with the impression he'd most likely just made.


Not many people were on the street, so Kyungsoo could walk with all the comfort and ease that he wanted. And of course, as all stories like these go, not everything goes very smoothly for the main character. As he strolled along the sidewalk, his earphones still plugged in, bag dangling on one shoulder, one hand holding the cake box and the other his coffee, a tall figure ran towards his direction and knocked him right off his feet. That’s sent the cake and the coffee flying everywhere, luckily, nowhere near any of the two individuals.


The world seemed to slow down a bit and Kyungsoo made a dramatic -albeit painful- fall on his . The impact sent a rippling effect to the rest of his body, the pain of landing on rough cement lingering.


"Oh my God! I'm so sorry!" The other guy apologized, running to Kyungsoo and helping him up with an offered hand which Kyungsoo gladly took. As he stood up, he groaned in pain, patting his partly because of the pain and partly to just get the dirt off his pants.


"Are you alright? I'm really sorry!" the other guy says, uttering a seemingly endless stream of sorry's. Kyungsoo looked at the other guy properly, his eyes were covered by Rayban sunglasses, his lips were incredibly plush and y, his skin bronze, his black hair looked soft and silky and styled so perfectly so that it matched and complimented his face perfectly. He was dressed fashionably too. Oh my good Lord, what the hell is this good looking guy doing in a shady street like this?


"-Sorry! I'll buy you another cake and a cup of coffee for compensation," the gorgeous boy interrupted his thoughts. Kyungsoo looked eyed him for a moment then remembered that he still had class to attend. The latter looked so apologetic and desperate to compensate though, so he shrugged to himself.


"Why not? Skipping a class shouldn't hurt."


The boy beamed brightly, "Cool! Just show me where you got them. I'm Jongin by the way."


Kyungsoo nodded, giving the boy a smile back, "I'm Kyungsoo, and don't be so sorry." He laughed and Jongin laughed with him. Together, they walked back to the small café where Kyungsoo found the same girl from before behind the counter. She looked at him, then at Jongin then back at him before giving him a shy smile. Kyungsoo smiled back at her more than aware that the poor girl probably had a mini crush on him then.


Kyungsoo and Jongin went up to the counter and Jongin ordered a regular caramel latte and a slice of mango cheesecake for Kyungsoo and a regular flat white with a slice of strawberry shortcake for himself.


"So you've got a sweet tooth too?" Kyungsoo asked Jongin as they sat down at the same table as where Kyungsoo was before. Jongin smiled, revealing a perfect set of pearly white teeth.


"Yeah, I don’t tend to tell people that though, it’s more of a personal thing."


"Well… You're telling me. Unless I don't count as a person, which by the way, is offensive," said Kyungsoo, pouting his, as his friends always said, cute pout. Jongin laughed and took off his sunglasses, revealing the most gorgeous eyes Kyungsoo had ever seen, they shrunk when he laughed and cute wrinkles formed at the corners of his eyes.


Kyungsoo stared at the boy in front of him, mesmerized and the latter stopped laughing and stared as well. They just stayed like that, staring into each other's eyes and the world stopped moving until the café girl called out their order's names. That broke their trance abruptly, and both had slight shades of pink in their cheeks before the taller stood up to get their orders while the other just stayed on his seat.


"Oh my God. What just happened?" Kyungsoo murmured to himself, quickly calming himself down and willed the hotness in his cheeks to go away.


Shortly after, Jongin returned with a cardboard cup holder with both of their drinks in them and a tray with the slice of mango cheesecake and the slice of strawberry shortcake. He smiled a dazzling smile at Kyungsoo, "Food is served, Kyungsoo-ssi." He put the tray and the cup holder down onto the table and all awkwardness was gone in the sight of the elaborately decorated pieces of cake. Kyungsoo's mouth almost literally watered.


Jongin looked at him, amused at the latter's reaction. "So you like sweets too? Wait, you said too before too. What the hell, I'm saying too too many times now. I'm rambling, sorry," said Jongin, his face a mask of embarrassment. Kyungsoo only laughed though, this guy's too cute, seriously, how perfect can he be?


"Don't worry, I do that too sometimes and to answer your question, yeah I do," Kyungsoo replied then added, "So how old are you? You look pretty young."


Jongin chuckled, a gesture Kyungsoo was sure was going to keep repeating in his head for the next few days. There was something just so… alluring about his voice, without realising, Kyungsoo was already longing to hear that voice again. Jongin gave the latter a smile, "I'm on my last year of high school, and you don't look so shabby yourself, how old are you Kyungsoo-ssi?"


Kyungsoo cleared his throat and an awkward laugh escaped from his mouth, "I'm uh… a college freshman. Wow, I feel old."


Jongin only looks at him in mild surprise, "You don't look old at all hyung." The words rolled off his tongue like a pretty melody and Kyungsoo felt a shiver run up his spine. It wasn't exactly the bad sort of shiver either, it was actually a pleasant shiver.


The rest of the time in the café was spent with pleasant conversations and the occasional laughter with mouthfuls of cake still in their mouths.


About an hour and a half had passed and both males didn't realise until Jongin looked at his watch, straightening up and suddenly looked like he was in a hurry. "Oh , I really gotta go hyung. Could you pass me that napkin?" he asked, pointing at the napkin next to Kyungsoo's plate. Kyungsoo puzzled, handed the younger the napkin.


"Do you have a pen, hyung?" Kyungsoo nodded and tilted his head before rummaging through his bag and fishing out a pen. He handed the other boy the pen and giving the older a shy smile, started scribbling onto the paper.


After a few hurried moments of scribbling, Jongin finished and passed the napkin to Kyungsoo. A sequence of numbers were scribbled on and the older realised that it was a phone number. Jongin's phone number. He looked up at the younger just about to leave.


Jongin winked at the older, "Call me?"


Kyungsoo's stomach made a slightly uncomfortable lurch. Oh God, Do Kyungsoo you're a man! Are you a e too? Not to mention, you're ing straight. He nodded, replying with an awkward sounding, "Yeah" and a small smile. He raised his hand and waved goodbye and so did Jongin before the younger hurriedly jogged out of the café, leaving Kyungsoo wondering what the just happened.


----Seoul National University----


He missed the first lecture of the day but hey, it was worth it. Though completely annihilating his first slice of mango cheesecake and his first cup of regular caramel latte wasn't really exactly part of the plan and neither was meeting perfection going by the name of Kim Jongin, let's just say he had fun.


Period two was a free period for him and so he went his usual spot under a tree where him and his friends shared their daily adventures and useless gossip with each other. He knew the others had free periods as well and soon the others arrived one by one. First was Baekhyun who had just come back from the same class Kyungsoo was meant to attend.


"Where were you, Soo? You better be thankful I'm such an amazing friend because I wrote notes down for you as well," he said, passing Kyungsoo his notebook with all the notes from class in it. Kyungsoo gladly took it, there was an essay that they'd get soon and that lesson was probably pretty important.


Jongin's smiling face flashed in his mind. What the ? "I'll tell you when the others come. Speak of the devil, hey Tao!" he said, when Tao came into view.


The panda walked up to the two slightly older males and smiled his cute smile. Seriously, the guy was a ing Wushu master and had a muscular build but he still managed to be extremely cute. He was the ing Kung Fu Panda. Being the youngest, he was also the one who was always pampered and had the mentality and behaviour of a child. He was a tough kid with a lot of aegyo and cuteness to hide, he made the saying don't judge a book by its cover spring back to life.


"Hi hyungs~!" the two males really weren't hat much older by Tao decided to call them that anyway, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo didn't really mind. "Where's Sehun hyung and Luhan hyung?"


"We're here."


Sehun and Luhan had materialised from behind of Tao, making the panda gasp in surprise and pull a Wushu stance.


"Calm your Zitao!" Says Sehun, stepping protectively in front of Luhan. Zitao realised what he did and relaxed, withdrawing from his defensive stance.


"Sorry hyung. You just surprised me! I'm really sorry, hyungs~!" he apologised to Sehun and Luhan, giving the two said males his puppy eyes, almost growing as big as Kyungsoo's. No one could ever say no to those eyes, and that wasn't even an exaggeration. It was the honest-to-hell truth.


Sehun sighed, defeated and then turned to Luhan, "You okay?" he asked, cupping the shorter's face, checking for non-existent damage on his face and body. Oh yeah, Sehun and Luhan are together.


Tao, Sehun and Luhan proceed to make themselves comfortable next to Kyungsoo and Baekhyun on the grass. Kyungsoo looked at Luhan curiously, "I thought you had soccer practise today?" Luhan was the captain of the Soccer group of the University and he sure as hell takes sport seriously.


Luhan smiled and looked at Sehun who was busy taking something out of his bag, "Today's practise was cancelled and besides," he hooked his arm around Sehun's, demanding the latter's attention and then continued, "I want to be with Hunnie as much as I can." He kissed the taller's cheek, making him blush.


Kyungsoo snorted, "You guys are so in love with each other."


'Yeah, we know," said Sehun who had kissed Luhan's forehead as a reply from his earlier gesture.


"Alright, alright. Halt! STAHP! Stop before you go any further! We don't want to see full-on make-out session here guys." said Kyungsoo before the lovers could start their full on make-out session. Not all of them were gay for 's sake.


Sehun and Luhan stopped, remembering the last time they got carried away. Tao had run away, far, far away and it took a lot of to actually find the panda. He hid himself in his cabinet in his home, apparently never having seen two boys eat at each other's mouths before. The two resolved not to do anything too intimate in front of the Chinese panda.


"Yeah," both managed awkward chuckles. "Sorry about that, Tao." The said male didn't seem as bothered as he used to be, he just stared; before in the past, he would have shivered and just looked at anywhere but the lovers.


Tao just shrugged, "It's fine hyung, I've actually gotten used to it already. Besides, you guys really do love each other so what's wrong with that?" He gave an encouraging smile to Luhan and Sehun, and suddenly, his hyungs were proud of their baby Kung Fu Panda, he was growing really well. It was like an umma hearing her baby's first words, it felt good.


Baekhyun gave Tao a warm hug, "We're so proud of you Tao!" The others nodded in agreement. Baekhyun who was still hugging a proud-looking Tao suddenly remembered something and snapped his gaze to Kyungsoo's direction, "So why weren't you at class today, Soo?"


Kyungsoo stilled, contemplating in his head whether or not to say the whole truth (including the bits where, he had strange feelings) or to say it subtly, leaving all those other parts. But then he decided, hey, it's not like I'm telling them something weirder than what I've told them before.


He told everything and towards the end, Sehun and Luhan started to try stifling huge grins and exploding laughter. By the end of Kyungsoo's explanation, all the four other males were staring at him curiously (two of them were on the verge of bellowing into fits of laughter).


"YAH! What's so funny?" Kyungsoo demanded when the Sehun and Luhan couldn't hold it in anymore and had started laughing like idiotic elephants.


"OH MY GOD, DO KYUNGSOO. THIS KIM JONGIN HAS YOU GOING TOTALLY GAY." Luhan burst out in midst of laughing his off. Sehun just laughed even more.


Kyungsoo felt his face heat up, he stood up and cuffed the two boys at the back of their heads. "I AM NOT GAY YOU IDIOTS."


The two just kept on laughing, eventually ending up on the floor rolling and spazzing out like fishes. "Yes, whatever you say Kyungsoo appa~!"




The next few moments were spent strangling each other playfully (except Kyungsoo, who was a tad bit earnest in strangling the two lovers) with Baekhyun finally stepping in to try stop them being the apparent "umma" of the group. Tao, confused at first decided to join the semi-not-so-serious fight, giving more work for Baekhyun. When the youngest started strangling the others though, being the Kung Fu Panda, he wasn't able to control his strength and almost fully choked Kyungsoo.


"Tao! T-TAO! I'm dying! OH MY GOD I'M GOING [cue choking/gurgling noise] TO DIE! BAEKHYUN HELP ME!" screamed Kyungsoo, making gurgling and choking noises in the middle of his words.


"OH MY GOD SOO! TAO! LET GO OF YOUR HYUNG BEFORE HE DIES!" Baekhyun intervened, panicking when Kyungsoo started making choking noises in earnest. Tao let go of his hyung's neck, "DEAR GOD HYUNG, I'M SO SORRY! ARE YOU DEAD? IS HE DEAD?"


Kyungsoo stilled and for a moment the other four believed that he was actually dead. Just before they started mourning though, Kyungsoo sat up abruptly, coughing.


"I'M ALIVE!" he exclaimed, raising both hands up into the air. "DEAR LORD I'M ALIVE!"


Tao hugged Kyungsoo, squeezing the elder in his arms, tears forming in his eyes, "I'm so sorry hyung! I almost killed you! Oh my God!" Kyungsoo just laughed and hugged the Panda back. He understood that the younger couldn't control his strength and technically, he was still a child at heart.


"It's alright Tao, don't worry. Hyung is ALIVE!" he screamed out the last word, raising his hands up again and wiggling them the way he knew Tao and the others found funny. At that, the mood lightened up, all memory of the almost death incident gone, driven away by the laughter of the boys.


In his mind though, Kyungsoo still thought about what Luhan said earlier. It wasn't possible dammit. He was straight! That was all because the boy looked like a ing superstar. Yeah, that was it. He looked like a superstar. It wasn't anything more than that.

YAY~! First Chapter is done! Yeah. Kyungsoo's gonna be a bit of an in this but oh well. Lettuce make it a bit more interesting in the next chapter shall we? Ahaha, thank's for reading this far! Comments would be reaally appreciated and loved <3 This isn't gonna have a reeaally long hiatus like One Shot of Espresso so please trust me? <3 

Again, thanks for reading and yeah, If you want more, subshcribee~!

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Chapter 12: OH MY GOD! this is amazing!! I'll be waiting for the next one! this is good~~!!!It's not entirely focusing solely in 'love' but also in other things like a bit of slice of life or something that REALLY made me so excited to continue to read it!and it's also so hilarious!! great job author-nim!!! :DDD
gellis #2
Chapter 12: Welcome back authornim! Love the update! I can't wait to read more!
Chapter 9: Please update!!!
gellis #4
Chapter 9: Another great update authornim! A pineapple glued to the ground! lol how random is that! Ok so now I know more about Jogin/Minseok relationship. And I can finally see a hint that Jongin is thinking of Soo as more than a hyung! Yea!!!! Baeksoo's relationship is cute too! But I can't wait to read some Baekyeol. I can just tell it will be fluffy^^ - Please update soon. Happy New Year!
gellis #5
Chapter 8: I always get a bubble of excitement when I see you've updated ^^ ~
Even though I cried at the length T_T it was filled with tons of information!
I'm so glad to finally know why Jongin kept on abandoning Kyungsoo and the reason why he recorded him singing.
Too bad he doesn't feel that way about Soo yet but I know it will get there! (Random thought ~Why do people always make Jongin like ty big ies girls? >_<)
Minnie and Jongin's relationship is so cute! Once again do I see a love triangle developing???
Anyway good luck on your upcoming performance! Fighting!
And your loyal subscribers will be here when you return.^^
gellis #6
Chapter 7: Thanks for the great update aurthornim! OMG Jongin left Soo again!!!! >_< I know he didn't do it purposely but he should have at least put up a fight. I was really hoping to read a dancing scene between them. That would have been so hot XD.
I'm so glad Xiumin wasn't a T_T ~ he seems really nice. Is there going to be love triangle? O.O
Why the heck does Kris's keep talking about his ? o.O
Can't wait to read the next update. And don't worry I'm sure your loyal readers understand that life can get pretty busy. We'll still be here ^^
Woowww.. You mentioned my name!! >.<
Thankyouuuu dear :*
Authornim, i havent read this yet but i really want to tell you about that LINK matter.. Is it okay?? Yeah..
You could block the words u want to like KEEP COOL GRAPHICS SHOP then click LINK at the toolbar n u can copy paste the link of the said Graphics Shop..
Uhmm.. Give it a try :)
Im gonna read the story..
gellis #9
Chapter 6: OMG authornim did I tell you how much I love this story. The way you write. >_<
Words can not describe.....I'm glad Kyungsoo finally realizes he "likes" Jongin hopefully he won't be as tortured now that he's come to terms with it. I'm glad you gave us a glimps into his past. Now if only we could figure out what's going on with Jongin. He seems to really like Kyungie but is it "like" like. Oh I hope so. I mean why would he record that performance if he didn't ^^ ~ And I still want to know why he kept leaving in the beginning :( ~ I love that the Barkyeol was love a first sight. They're cute...if I could upvote a million times I would ~ if I could subscribe a million times I would because your story is just so perfect. please please please update soon.
gellis #10
Chapter 3: Author-nim welcome back~I missed this story so much. I had to reread from the beginning again. And it was even better the second time read it! ^^ ~ I love the new update. Please let it be true that you will update again soon >_< ~ I'm dying to know what's going on with Jongin ~ why does he keep leaving ~ my poor baby Soo is really taking it hard. Who tramatized him as a child? Who the heck is at the door? Please please please update soon. ^^