The Human Centipede, Manly Screams and Ring Ding Dong

Just How Perfect Are You?

It had been four days, four days since he'd last contacted the epitome of perfection, Kim Jongin. The tissue paper with his number scribbled on it was still on his desk, untouched. In the past few days, he'd been fidgety, unable to stay in one place and always pacing back and forth when the time allowed it. Anxiousness was also visible in his every action and movement and his friends started noticing too. Jongin was something so different from what he'd ever seen before, so dazzling, so perfect


"Dude, what's wrong with you, Soo? You've been acting really weird." Baekhyun, his ever understanding and concerned friend asked once. Honestly, Kyungsoo didn't know what was wrong with him either, he just didn’t know whether or not to call the younger guy.


"Nothing, I'm fine Baek, thanks." Kyungsoo had replied, just shrugging his head, not wanting his best friend to worry about him.


More days passed, and Baekhyun, Tao, Sehun and Luhan were beginning to become increasingly worried for their "appa's" mental state.


After about a week, they'd had enough.


"Kyungsoo hyung, just call Jongin. Seriously, you're not the only one bothered about all of this stuff, you know?" Tao demanded after he had successfully cornered the older with the others behind him.

"What the hell are you guys talking about? I'm fine," Kyungsoo replied, glaring at the boys cornering him.

"Don't pretend you don’t know Soo, you're being really anxious and I can tell you’re not getting enough sleep, you're basically an anxious, fidgety dead man walking! We're getting really worried, so why don't we just cut the crap and why don't you just call this Jongin guy?" Baekhyun finally burst out, really, he'd had enough. He didn’t like seeing Kyungsoo the way he was right then, all helpless and confused with huge bas under his eyes. Where was the confident and cute Kyungsoo he'd come to know and look up to from childhood? It frustrated him that his 'idol' was this pathetic excuse of a man at the moment.

Kyungsoo was obviously taken back by Baekhyun's words, ever since they were kids, Baekhyun was always on his side, so seeing Baekhyun like that made him realise how much of an he'd been to himself and to his friends for the past few . "Fine."

"Good, but we're not going to let you off easy," said Baekhyun giving Kyungsoo a sly smirk before looking at the others and counting, "1, 2, 3!"

Kyungsoo really wasn't mentally or physically prepared for what happened next. It was an all-out tickle war, Kyungsoo's worst weakness for as long as he could remember.

The four boys lunged at the unsuspecting male, reaching for every part of his body to tickle, throwing their victim into mouthfuls of loud laughter. People stared as they walked past but they didn’t care, Kyungsoo was back to normal and that's what mattered.

"S-STOP! HAHAHA! GUYS! OH MY- HAHAHA! STAHPP! MY STOMACH'S HURTING FROM LAUGHING ALREADY! AHAHA!" Words spewed out of Kyungsoo's mouth then and again, unable to form real sentences  while he was still being viciously attacked by his friends. After a few more pleads and howls of laughter, they group finally stopped. 

"I hope you learnt your lesson, Kyungsoo~" said Luhan. Then he added, "Remember what I said? When you realise it, just embrace it okay Kyungie?~ That way you won’t be miserable."

That made Kyungsoo blush profusely, remembering what Luhan said about a week ago about him 'going gay' for Jongin. 

It wasn't possible though, he'd been straight all his life. He was flirting with the café girl just before for crying out loud! To add to that, he'd never felt any sort of attraction towards men until that day, however miniscule those feelings actually were.

Time dragged on, and even by the end of his last lecture for the day, Kyungsoo's mind was still occupied with thoughts about Jongin and the call he was supposedly meant to make. He couldn't just not call, Baekhyun would have found out sooner or later (he always could, Kyungsoo never knew how) and would have ratted out to the others. Honestly, he didn’t need another freaking tickle fight with those veterans on the art of tickling. No, he would rather just make a stupid phone call to a younger, perfect guy who he may or may not have the tiniest, the most miniscule amount of homoual feelings for.

The thought made Kyungsoo shiver though. "Maybe I'm just too ually frustrated. Yeah," he told himself on the way back to his apartment, the streets were less packed since the morning rush had come and gone. He finally had his own personal space while walking to the twenty storey building where his apartment was.

Yeah, simple was a bit of an understatement.

He lived in the fifteenth floor, and he had a beautiful view of Seoul from his mostly glass walls. His family was dead rich, but Kyungsoo never told that to anybody. He didn't want people to flock around him just because he was some rich kid who can give them whatever they wanted. Even his friends only knew about his wealth after actually becoming friends with him when he invited them over. Except Baekhyun that is, they'd been friends since childhood and he was a bit of a rich kid too anyway.

He walked towards the elevator and pressed the button going up. It was still at the twentieth floor, it was going to be quite a wait.

As he waited, thought about the upcoming call flooded his mind. What would he say? What if Jongin already forgot about him? He started to feel a bit insecure, almost like a high school girl in love. He started fidgeting and was pacing around in the lobby, hands behind his back until he heard the now familiar ding of the elevator. He stopped abruptly and let the family that was previously inside file out of the elevator.

As the little girl about the age of seven passed, she looked at her mother and asked, "Mum, his eyes are so big!" The mother spared a glance at Kyungsoo who was walking into the elevator. "You’re right, he's really quite handsome. Maybe he's a celebrity," and they walked away, still whispering amongst themselves.

Inside the elevator, Kyungsoo smiled to himself, his confidence back up. He had heard the kid's and the mother's conversation and he felt so much better about himself. He pushed the insecure thoughts away, choosing instead to think about the compliments the two people had just given him.

He would call Jongin and he'd…

"What the am I supposed to say?" he said to himself as the elevator made a ding noise and the doors slid open to his floor. As he walked to his apartment, he fished out his card from his backpack, still wondering in his mind what e was going to actually say to the younger if he picks up and still remembered him.

He couldn't just say hey, I'm Kyungsoo, remember me? Yeah, I think I might have some homoual feelings for you so yeah. Sorry about that. That would creep the out of the boy, not to mention it might scar the boy for life. He sighed as he hovered the card over the lock, automatically opening the door, thinking about the things he was actually going to say to Jongin.

Wouldn’t he seem too desperate? But he didn't give his number to the younger. Besides, Jongin did tell him to call right? Wouldn't it be perfectly reasonable and undesperate then? He walked to his room where the tissue paper was still lying on is table, just waiting to be dialled and called. He dropped his bag on the floor and took out his iPhone 5 and then the napkin with the number on it, mentally going through what he was going to say in his brain.

Kyungsoo's palms became sweaty, and the air suddenly became hot. God, it was only a phone call, why was he so damn nervous? He slapped himself in the face and decided, screw it, I'm going to dial the freaking number and I'll call Jongin.

He navigated to the keypad and dialled the numbers written on the napkin. Then he hesitated, took a deep breath and pressed call, bringing the phone up to his right ear.

It took three rings for Jongin to pick up.


He didn’t know what to say to that y voice on the other end of the line. He'd played how it was meant to go (at least, how he wanted it to go) in his head countless times before. Now the words just seemed to be stuck in his throat.

"Umm, hello? Who is this? I'm going to hang up soon if you don’t tell me who you are."

Crap. "Umm! I'm err… Jongin? It's me, Kyungsoo from the café?"

"Oh! Hyung! I've been waiting for your call you know. How many days has it been?"

 "I think a bit more than a week?"


"Yeah, I was really hoping you would call. So yeah."

A few moments of (awkward) silence passed and just as Kyungsoo was about to break it, Jongin beat him to it.

"So how have you been hyung?"

Kyungsoo went out of the room into the kitchen where he pulled out a pitcher of orange juice and a glass  and poured himself a glassful of the orange liquid, the phone squeezed between his ear and shoulder.

"I've been doing good I guess, except for the past few days, I can't seem to concentrate on my work." He would never say it was because of Jongin. Over his damn dead body.

"That's not good, hyung! You have to do well at university you know!"

He took a sip from the glass, returning his phone back to the safety of his hand, "Well, it's not like I'm taking a course I wanted to do in the first place. Wait, before you ask why, I'm telling you now, it's a long story." He sat on his soft couch and put the glass of orange juice down onto the table, grabbing the TV remote and switching the 62 inch TV while he was at it.

There was a bit of silence on the other end, then Jongin's voice suddenly rang out, "Hmm, how about telling me in person then? Want to hang out tomorrow? It's Saturday tomorrow anyway."

"Umm, yeah sure?"

"Great! Meet me in front of the ________ train station tomorrow at 10 then?"

"That's fine with me," replied Kyungsoo, a small smile forming in his lips.

"Cool! It's a date then!"

Wait what. A date? He almost choked on the juice he was drinking. "Err, okay. See you then I guess."

"I'm looking forward to it, hyung. Bye bye~"

"Bye Jongin!"

And then he hung up. Kyungsoo's face was a shade of pink, what the hell. No, it wasn't a date, it was just a… hangout. Yeah, that's what it was, not a date.

Putting his phone down, he let out a sigh and then continued watching his recorded episodes of SHINee's Hello Baby, his mind drifting off to thoughts of the outfit he was going to wear tomorrow to the date-err, hangout.


Morning came a bit too fast, Kyungsoo thought. He'd set his alarm for nine in the morning and truth be told, he wasn't in the best of moods. He wasn't really a morning person, but he woke up when he had to. Weekends were different though, normally he would have just woken up at around noon, a habit Baekhyun found a bit annoying even to this day because he always wanted to go outside and do things. It was just in his nature and since Kyungsoo was Baekhyun's childhood and best friend, they were always the ones hanging out and doing things together. And Kyungsoo's habit meant not a lot of 'hanging out' time.

Groaning, Kyungsoo kicked off the blanket covering only one of his legs and stood upright with his elbows behind him. He'd taken off his shirt since it was so hot and he only had a pair of loose hanging sweatpants that hung low on his hips. [a/n: Yeah, imagine that guys \(*7*)/] His eyes still blurred, he looked around the room, trying to remember why he was up so early.

Being Kyungsoo, it took him about five minutes of lazy thinking to remember why the he was up so early in a ing Saturday morning.

Jongin. Da-hangout. In 55 minutes. Oh .

His elbows gave out and somehow, he managed to roll off the bed, landing with a heavy thud on the carpeted floor.

 "God," Kyungsoo muttered to himself as he scrambled up to gain his footing. Slapping on the clothes he had planned on using the night before, he took more time fixing his hair and face than anything else. Satisfied with the end result, he grabbed his iPhone5 and his wallet which he tucked into his back pocket

Kyungsoo checked his watch, and realised he only had about fifteen minutes to get to the station. Fixing his hair one more time, he went out of the apartment, the automatic lock on the door clinking behind him as he jogged to the elevator and pressed the down button.

Wary of the time slowly passing by, he continuously checked his watch until the elevator pinged and the doors slid open. He hopped onto the elevator and pressed the ground floor button and waited, his foot tapping rhythmically on the floor to the elevator music.

As soon as he could leave the elevator. He half walked, half jogged to the station which was about ten minutes away by foot. Kyungsoo looked at his watch again.

Great, exactly ten minutes left. He wouldn't be early like he usually was when he was meeting girls for a date, which of course, this wasn't. It was merely a hangout in which they would do things you would do in a hangout. Still, it was unusual for Kyungsoo to not be the early one to a meeting of any sort. He was like on of those cliché male characters in one of those cliché chick flicks, where the guy is always earlier than the girl and the girl starts getting all flustered and . Kyungsoo was usually the guy in this sort of situation. Except now….

As he neared the station, he saw the familiar y figure of the guy who was waiting for him, his hair styled perfectly again and his face still as handsome as ever, with his plush lips and pretty eyes. His sunglasses were pushed up to his hair and he was wearing a pair of black leather skinny jeans with a low white V neck t-shirt that revealed at least half his chest and canvas shoes. He looked so perfect in them, so perfect that Kyungsoo felt like the world's biggest dork with his normal skinny jeans, red checkered shirt and his black converse shoes.

Jongin was sitting on a bench, slumped forward while looking through his phone, his shirt hugging at all the right places. He was definitely eye-catching, females, including quite a disturbing amount of ajjummas and males alike stared as they walked past the younger boy. All of them were probably doing the same thing as Kyungsoo was, looking at this perfect human just a few metres away from themselves, except of course, Kyungsoo knew that perfection's name.

Kyungsoo hadn’t realised he'd stopped his half-walk-half-jog and was just staring at Jongin until the latter lifted his head and swivelled it from side to side until the older came into his line of sight. His expression brightened plump lips bursting into a smile revealing perfect rows of shiny white teeth and eyes shrinking, a complete contrast to the one beforehand, bored and seemingly indifferent to his surroundings. He didn't even seem to notice the adoring stares people -including Kyungsoo, but like hell he'd admit that- had been giving him.

Jongin stood up from the bench and started walking towards Kyungsoo, his hands tucked deep inside his pockets. Kyungsoo held his breath, Jongin was so dazzling it had Kyungsoo wondering if he was really an actual human, not some y alien from outer-space unconsciously luring and seducing humans just to wash their brains and bring them back to his home planet. Honestly though, if all the aliens in his home planet were as y as he was, I would be more than willing to go.

Oh God. Did he just have some slightly homoual thoughts about this guy? No, definitely not. He was as straight as a painted maypole.

As Jongin approached Kyungsoo, the younger pulled out a hand from one of his pockets and waved, making Kyungsoo subconsciously let out the breath he'd been holding. He didn’t even know why he was holding his breath. Out of anticipation maybe?

"Hey hyung!~" Jongin greeted, his expression screaming I'm so happy to see you! Kyungsoo thought about it and internally flipped out, willing for it not to show on the outside because he'd had enough of his manliness temporarily (and he's saying this because he thinks it’s only going to last a few days then come back after that) shattered and destroyed.

Instead, he gave Jongin a cool smile and replied a, what Kyungsoo hoped to be, cool sort of tone. His voice and throat decided to betray him  though, the word, "Hey" coming out in a testipop, his voice hitching an octave as he said it. Kyungsoo mentally slapped himself in the face. Wow, just great Do Kyungsoo. Way to make an awesome first impression.

Jongin smiled at him warmly, there was a kind of fondness in his eyes that Kyungsoo failed to see yet right at that moment. Then he chuckled and said, "You look cute today again, hyung."

Kyungsoo's eyes grew bigger (if that was even humanely possible) and he stared at Jongin for a moment before his cheeks were tinted pink. He shifted his gaze to look at the ground, hoping Jongin couldn't see the expression in his face.

Of course though, he did see and chuckled again, the sound low and somehow seductive. It took Kyungsoo a few more moments to finally muster a, "You look good too" just loud enough so the younger could hear. He willed the heat in his cheeks to just get the hell away because Jongin was right next to him and he was being a complete girl. Yeah, somehow, however much he hated to admit it, he'd reversed roles from the guy who comes early to the embarrassed girl who comes late. Great.

"Thanks, so what do you want to do first?" asked Jongin, snapping Kyungsoo out of his struggle to keep his pride as a man. The older looked up, satisfied that the heat was gone, pondering about what they'd do next.

"What about a movie? There's this new movie out that I really want to see…" suggested Kyungsoo, his mind on the horror film whose trailer came out about half a year ago. He'd been dying to watch it.

Jongin gave him a smile, "Yeah, that'd be good."

The walked to the nearest cinema and had a nice conversation about Jongin's dream of turning into a banana and then all the other fruits of the world chain after him and trying to kill him. They both laughed loudly on the street, ignoring the weird stares they got from the bystanders. To hell with them, they probably weren't having as much fun as Kyungsoo and Jongin.

They reached the cinema, by now the conversation shifting to another one of Jongin's dreams where this time he turned into a watermelon ninja fighting the Nokia Power Rangers. Kyungsoo couldn’t hold in his laughter, his voice echoing all throughout the whole lobby [a/n: Idk what the place is called. It's the big space where you order/buy your tickets and stuff]. More people gave the pair weird looks, even a kid with his mother made the 'shh' gesture, saying "You are really loud ahjussis!"

The pair just looked down to the floor and walked slowly and awkwardly towards the counter to buy their tickets, ashamed that even a kid told them to be quiet. But wait, ahjussis?

"Do I really look that old?!" muttered Kyungsoo under his breath, cupping his own face. Jongin laughed, this time a lot softer, conscious about his surroundings.

"You really don’t look that old hyung."

"The way you say hyung makes me feel even older!" He cried out (silently) in despair, his hands pulling and dragging his face down, making it look like the scream guy in that painting The Scream.

Jongin chuckled, "Can I call you Kyungsoo then?" his voice smoky and low. Kyungsoo felt the heat building  up, threatening to release its full power very soon if he didn’t do anything about it.

"Y-yeah, sure…" his voice breaking again, the testipop loud and clear. Jongin just grinned.

Kyungsoo cleared his throat, deciding to change the subject, "So about the movie... Can we watch The Human Centipede?" he asked, pointing to the poster featuring the movie that he'd been anticipating for so long. Aside from sweets, he had a knack for horror movies too, it just gave him a lot of adrenaline and was fun watching them. A lot of the time, they were just so surreal it was actually funny for Kyungsoo.

Jongin's face turned visibly pale, an expression of slight discomfort etched through it. An idea popped into Kyungsoo's mind, "You're not afraid of horror movies are you? Because if you are, we can watch Pirates of the Caribbean or The Hangover, it doesn’t really matter to m-"

"No! It’s fine, I was just… thinking of something. Yeah," Jongin cut in, his expression turning back to normal but his complexion still a bit pale.

"If you're sure…" To be honest, Kyungsoo wasn't so sure himself, Jongin looked so bothered, his plump lips pursed and his eyes darting to and fro everywhere. He looked at the taller worriedly, his appa instincts resurfacing. The younger realised that he was looking reassured Kyungsoo he was okay, his complexion turning somewhat back to normal.

They bought the tickets, not without Kyungsoo asking one more time if Jongin really was okay with it. He got another reassuring smile and a "It's fine hyung, I always watch these sorts of movies. I actually love them." from him.

In the cinema, Jongin was gripping the armrests tightly, his eyes fixed on the carpeted ground. He was obviously not okay with the movie. It was too late though, the commercials had ended and the actual movie had started.

Halfway through the movie, Jongin elicited an extremely loud manly scream. He was curled up in the seat, his knees pressed against his chest and his eyes half covered by his hands. Kyungsoo jumped, not because of the movie, but because of Jongin's manly scream.

"Yah! Are you okay?!" whispered Kyungsoo urgently to Jongin's ear. He patted Jongin's back and died internally inside when he realised that the younger man was trembling in fear. Why'd he not insist on Pirates of the Caribbean? He could feel the piercing stares the people in the cinema were giving them, and reckoned Jongin could feel them as well, he was just too scared to care.

He patted Jongin's back again, whispering comfortingly in his ear, "It's going to be okay. Let's just get out of here okay? I'm really sorry, come on, let’s go."

He got Jongin to stand up from his position and with his hand still reassuring circles on his back, led the younger male out of the theatre to save the last bit of both of their dignities, still able to feel Jongin trembling under his fingers. He leaned against Kyungsoo's shoulder, his breathing starting to slow down and his trembling staring to cease

They made their way out of the cinema just like that until Kyungsoo decided they needed to sit down on one of the benches outside.

"I'm really sorry Jongin, oh my God I'm so sorry," Kyungsoo repeated it like a mantra, until Jongin gently placed one of his big hands over his mouth.

"It’s fine hyung. It was my fault anyway."

"No it isn’t, I made you watch that movie and oh my God, I'm so sorry."

"I told you, I'm fine. I should be the one apologizing, you said you really wanted to watch that movie didn’t you? Now I've gone and done this."

"I'm really sorry-"

"I'm really sorry-"

The said the same thing at the same time and a few moments of silence followed, then laughter from the both of them. For the first time in years, Kyungsoo felt like he could maybe, just maybe, trust someone again. The last time he completely trusted someone, that trust was betrayed and it hurt and scarred him. Sure, Sehun, Luhan and Tao were his friends and he did trust them. Just not the same way he trusted his parents or Baekhyun and now it seems, Jongin.

Jongin who he'd only met in real life twice, Jongin who he'd only been with for less than three hours and Jongin who was the most perfect being Kyungsoo had ever known. So perfect he wondered if he was worthy of even just talking to this perfection. He just shook his head slightly, Jongin caught the gesture and tilted his head to the side curiously.

Kyungsoo just gave him a reassuring smile, the smile telling the younger that everything was fine, that there was nothing to worry about. Because the truth is, it was more than fine and a warm feeling spread in his chest, making him smile even more, though more to himself than Jongin.

"I'll go get some coffee. There's a good coffee shop nearby, do you want one?" Kyungsoo asked as he stood up, patting the dust off his . Jongin looked up at him, smiling that adorable smile of his, "Yeah, a caramel latte for me please, thanks."

As Kyungsoo started to walk towards the café, he heard a phone ring. His ringtone, SHINee's Ring Ding Dong, played. Checking his back pocket where his phone should have been and pulled it out, surprised when it actually wasn't his phone ringing, but Jongin's.

Kyungsoo smiled inwardly to himself, feeling strangely happy that they both had the same ringtone. He figured it wasn't his business though, so he just kept walking to the café.

All the while as he was waiting for his coffee to be ready, his thoughts wandered off to Jongin, still amazed at how much the taller guy had affected him.

The walk back was the same, still wondering about how someone as perfect as Jongin would even hang out with someone as imperfect as him. He arrived back at the bench greeted by a really stressed out Jongin.

"What’s wrong? Are you okay?" Kyungsoo asked, the guy looked like he was in a real big hurry.

"I'm really sorry hyung. I have to go now! I'm really sorry!" and off Jongin went, leaving Kyungsoo stunned with the two coffees and the donuts he bought along with them in his hand.

The walk back to his apartment seemed to go on for too long. People flooded the streets but Kyungsoo really didn't care, all he could think about was Jongin. What had he done wrong? It must have been the movie. He'd made the poor guy watch it and now he probably didn’t want see him anymore. He looked like he was in such a hurry to get away from Kyungsoo and frankly, the older couldn’t really blame him. Why would he be with someone as imperfect as Kyungsoo in the first place? He guessed that it was for the best.

He sighed as he opened his apartment door, bee-lining for his room just so he could lay on his bed and maybe cry about how much he'd just ed up. How he'd just lost the first person he'd fully trust for years in a second.

His head hurt, and he felt memories of his past creep back up onto his brain.

"You can't do anything properly! God, you’re so stupid, you know that?" said one of the boys in the class. Kyungsoo felt the tears from behind his eyes threaten to fall. Yuhan had been teasing him for years, but he was still seven, so he didn’t know how to get used to things like that.

"Your eyes are so big, are you an alien or something? Ew, get away from us!"

He was the popular kid too, so everyone adored him and did whatever he did. Which meant the teasing multiplying tenfold. It hurt so bad, and finally tears fell.

He gasped and choked back a sob before he buried his head in a pillow, thinking about the times in his childhood where he couldn't do anything right. Now he'd done the same thing, he ed another thing up.

That day, he cried himself to sleep even though it was only two thirty in the afternoon.




Sorry I couldn't update last week! My laptop got confiscated from me and so yeah.

Anyway I hope you guys like this chapter! Again, comments, subs and votes are LURVED <3 

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Chapter 12: OH MY GOD! this is amazing!! I'll be waiting for the next one! this is good~~!!!It's not entirely focusing solely in 'love' but also in other things like a bit of slice of life or something that REALLY made me so excited to continue to read it!and it's also so hilarious!! great job author-nim!!! :DDD
gellis #2
Chapter 12: Welcome back authornim! Love the update! I can't wait to read more!
Chapter 9: Please update!!!
gellis #4
Chapter 9: Another great update authornim! A pineapple glued to the ground! lol how random is that! Ok so now I know more about Jogin/Minseok relationship. And I can finally see a hint that Jongin is thinking of Soo as more than a hyung! Yea!!!! Baeksoo's relationship is cute too! But I can't wait to read some Baekyeol. I can just tell it will be fluffy^^ - Please update soon. Happy New Year!
gellis #5
Chapter 8: I always get a bubble of excitement when I see you've updated ^^ ~
Even though I cried at the length T_T it was filled with tons of information!
I'm so glad to finally know why Jongin kept on abandoning Kyungsoo and the reason why he recorded him singing.
Too bad he doesn't feel that way about Soo yet but I know it will get there! (Random thought ~Why do people always make Jongin like ty big ies girls? >_<)
Minnie and Jongin's relationship is so cute! Once again do I see a love triangle developing???
Anyway good luck on your upcoming performance! Fighting!
And your loyal subscribers will be here when you return.^^
gellis #6
Chapter 7: Thanks for the great update aurthornim! OMG Jongin left Soo again!!!! >_< I know he didn't do it purposely but he should have at least put up a fight. I was really hoping to read a dancing scene between them. That would have been so hot XD.
I'm so glad Xiumin wasn't a T_T ~ he seems really nice. Is there going to be love triangle? O.O
Why the heck does Kris's keep talking about his ? o.O
Can't wait to read the next update. And don't worry I'm sure your loyal readers understand that life can get pretty busy. We'll still be here ^^
Woowww.. You mentioned my name!! >.<
Thankyouuuu dear :*
Authornim, i havent read this yet but i really want to tell you about that LINK matter.. Is it okay?? Yeah..
You could block the words u want to like KEEP COOL GRAPHICS SHOP then click LINK at the toolbar n u can copy paste the link of the said Graphics Shop..
Uhmm.. Give it a try :)
Im gonna read the story..
gellis #9
Chapter 6: OMG authornim did I tell you how much I love this story. The way you write. >_<
Words can not describe.....I'm glad Kyungsoo finally realizes he "likes" Jongin hopefully he won't be as tortured now that he's come to terms with it. I'm glad you gave us a glimps into his past. Now if only we could figure out what's going on with Jongin. He seems to really like Kyungie but is it "like" like. Oh I hope so. I mean why would he record that performance if he didn't ^^ ~ And I still want to know why he kept leaving in the beginning :( ~ I love that the Barkyeol was love a first sight. They're cute...if I could upvote a million times I would ~ if I could subscribe a million times I would because your story is just so perfect. please please please update soon.
gellis #10
Chapter 3: Author-nim welcome back~I missed this story so much. I had to reread from the beginning again. And it was even better the second time read it! ^^ ~ I love the new update. Please let it be true that you will update again soon >_< ~ I'm dying to know what's going on with Jongin ~ why does he keep leaving ~ my poor baby Soo is really taking it hard. Who tramatized him as a child? Who the heck is at the door? Please please please update soon. ^^