
Try to Fall in Love

Sam stayed for a while after he dropped Seoyeon off. She could hear his soft voice through the thin walls of the house, even when she closed her bedroom door and climbed into bed. He was obviously talking about something to do with her, because in the morning her parents gave her knowing looks and smiles.

“I'm going into town,” Seoyeon announced at around 11, pulling on a jacket. “I need to get some stuff. Do either of you need anything?”

As an only child, she could've turned out bratty and spoilt, but her parents worked hard to make her a considerate, helpful girl.

“We could do with some more washing up liquid,” her mother said.

“On it.” Seoyeon stepped out of the door and closed it softly behind her.


“Washing up liquid... Washing up liquid...” Seoyeon muttered to herself as she walked through the supermarket, checking all the shelves. Finally she found it, and she turned around quickly- right into another person, knocking all of their shopping onto the ground.

“Gosh, I'm so sorry!” she cried, kneeling on the floor and picking everything up.

She looked up to hand the shopping to the victim of her clumsiness, and in a breath- it was Teo.

“I'm really sorry,” she blushed.

“Don't worry,” he laughed. “I, uh... I'll see you on Monday.”

He strode away from Seoyeon, leaving her embarrassed, holding her face in her hands.


“And then he just left!” Seoyeon spluttered into the phone.

“At least he wasn't annoyed,” Yun reasoned. “Most people would get angry.”

“Yeah, I guess,” Seoyeon agreed. “I just thought he'd recognise me.”

“Maybe you're gonna have to make the first move,” Yun said. “You said he lives on your road, right? Walk to school with him. Get to know him.”

“You're right!”

“I know.”

“Thanks,” Seoyeon smiled, even though Yun couldn't see her. She heard her mother calling for dinner and hastily said goodbye.


Unusually, the family ate dinner in silence. Seoyeon's parents would glance at each other and raise their eyebrows every so often, until Seoyeon couldn't stand it any more.

“Is something happening?” Seoyeon asked, putting down her glass.

“No, dear,” her mother said calmly. “But if something does, remember that whatever you decide, we'll support you, one hundred percent.”

Seoyeon raised an eyebrow. “So something is happening.”

“Not at the moment,” her father said. Seoyeon huffed and made to leave the table.

“Park Seoyeon, sit down,” her mother ordered. Seoyeon of course obeyed.

“We only want the best for you, remember that.”


Seoyeon woke up late on Monday and ended up rushing. She forgot to eat breakfast and left the house dragging her fingers through her hair to tidy it up. This wasn't an uncommon occurrence, but it surprised Teo as he walked to school to see Seoyeon with her socks falling down, her shirt buttoned up wrong, and no makeup on her face. He watched in amusement as she attempted to sort herself out, rebuttoning her shirt and bending down to pull up her socks.


“You look awful,” Yun laughed as Seoyeon rushed into the classroom with a knot in her hair and bags under her eyes.

“I was up until 5 finishing that project,” Seoyeon grumbled. “Then I woke up late.”

“And Sam wants to see you tonight!” Yun said brightly.

“Seriously?” Seoyeon groaned. “I guess it doesn't really matter- he's seen me in the morning.”

“Anyone who's seen you in the morning is never scared of anything ever again,” Yun giggled. Seoyeon slapped the back of his head jokingly and gave him a stern look. She leant her head on the cold surface of her desk and closed her eyes.


Seoyeon woke up as darkness was falling in her bedroom. She glanced around, confused, and her gaze landed on a small note on her desk. She stood up and walked over to read it.


You fell asleep in class and had to be picked up. Sleep more! We'll be out until late tonight, don't wait up.

Her parents had signed the letter and left it for her to find. Immediately she wondered if she could stay at Sam's house, but remembered what he said about being tired after work. She texted Yun, saying she was coming for a sleepover.


Seoyeon pulled a bag from under her bed and threw some clothes in and her washbag, as well as making sure she had movies to watch and her favourite book. She slung her schoolbag onto her shoulder before checking her reflection in the mirror and leaving the house.


Teo threw his bag down on his bedroom floor, tired after a long day at school. He glanced out of the window and saw Seoyeon walking purposefully away from her house with a rucksack and a duffel bag. Of course he was curious- was she running away? He took the stairs two at a time and flung himself out of the door just in time to see her cross the busy road and turn down an alleyway. He quietly followed.


Seoyeon smiled as Yun opened the door. She could hear his mother yelling at his father.

“Are they okay with me staying tonight?” Seoyeon asked over the racket.

“Of course! They love you,” Yun assured her. “Where have your parents gone?”

“No idea,” Seoyeon shrugged. “Probably out to dinner with some important business people.”

“Ah,” Yun nodded.


Teo watched as Seoyeon knocked on a door, and Seungyun from class opened it. They seemed to talk for a minute, and then Seoyeon stepped inside, closing the door. Were they... dating? They seemed awfully close. He carried on watching for a while before turning and walking home.


“Chubby bunny,” Seoyeon giggled as she stuffed yet another marshmallow in .

“Chubby bunny!” Yun yelled through the seven marshmallows in his own mouth. Seoyeon shoved another marshmallow in .

“Chubby bunny,” she said, an overly serious expression on her face. Yun glanced up at her and laughed- spitting out the marshmallows in his mouth all over the floor.

“Ew!” Seoyeon exclaimed, scuttling away from the mess on the floor.

“Seoyeon!” Yun called, pulling out his phone. Seoyeon looked up just in time for him to take a photo of her cheeks bulging out like a hamster.

“What are you doing?” Yun's mother came running up the stairs as she heard Seoyeon screeching at Yun.

“Sorry,” Yun said as she noticed the mess on the floor.

“Clean it up, please,” Mrs Han sighed. “I'm going to bed. Your father is sleeping downstairs.”

“Doesn't he always?” Seoyeon whispered when Mrs Han left.

“Yeah, but they're always alright in the morning,” Yun nodded. “Then dad will annoy mum again and they'll get angry.” He shrugged. “We're used to it.”


“Yun?” Seoyeon whispered through the darkness. The neighbourhood was asleep.

“Hm?” he answered groggily.

“Do you know if anything's happening soon?” she asked.

“What do you mean?”

“Involving a big decision for me.”

“No!” Yun said hastily. “No. I don't think so, anyway.” His mind flicked back to the Sunday he spent listening to Sam's new songs and Sam's words floated round his head.

“Oh,” Seoyeon said. “Go back to sleep. I'm sorry.”

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Chapter 24: Can I just cry now like please omg update juseyoooooooooooo
Chapter 8: mfrwkdnfceda

*First comment* Pwease update soon *^* I'm dying
SapphireDragon245 #3
Chapter 7: Ohh what's she gonna say?? ^^
I love this story so much! Well written and with not a single boring scene. :) How did Yun suddenly go missing though? Just because he let it slip about Taeho? ;;
SapphireDragon245 #5
Chapter 5: Yaah I'm so excited to know what's going to happen! ^w^
-Foreverkissable #6
Chapter 1: This sound interesting...