“How long have you guys been together?” Ms. Park asked them both as she hands over the japche over to Chanyeol.

“Umm, like slightly over a year?” Chanyeol replied although he was not exactly paying attention. He was busy with his, food, as always.

“Oh really? I thought you both have been together since highschool!”

Hahyun did not say anything. She knew the answer to the question, but she just does not want or did not know how.

“I was dating a different girl… I broke up with her cause I realize I could not get over Hahyun… There’s this constant voice in my head telling me there is someone I love more… Someone I could give more of my time and energy to…” Chanyeol said those words in a voice which sends Hahyun back to Chanyeol’s room a year ago. He said those exact lines when he was not really sober. Now Hahyun realized, maybe he was. Maybe he was all along, and he did all these just to get Hahyun’s attention. Hahyun was probably to busy pitying herself with all the things that was going on in her family which made her forget to look and search within her own heart. It was Chanyeol who re-ignited Hahyun’s heart.

Hahyun looked at Chanyeol and without her realizing, tears started rolling down her eyes. She quickly wiped them away.

“Thank you… Chanyeol” Hahyun’s lips curved up in the prettiest and most sincere smile Chanyeol has seen.

“Aigo! These lovebirds! So cute! Doesn’t this reminds you of us when we were younger?” Ms. Park joked.

“Of course! But I think I was of course more romantic than Chanyeol! He still needs a lot of learning to do!” Mr. Park chimed in.

“Aish, mom and dad! Way to ruin the moment! Although I had to say I was extremely cool several minutes ago!”

“Chanyeol!” Hahyun gave Chanyeol a friendly slap on his left arm.

“Haha, I’m sorry jagi! Thanks for loving me although I am so uncool!”

Hahyun giggled. She realized that she was not tense anymore. She felt as if she was part of the family. “Maybe this is what it feels like to be a member of the Park family. It feels very warm.” She thought to herself.

“I’m home!” A voice was heard from the living room. The voice felt closer as the figure approaches the dining room. Clacking sounds were heard as the person’s heels clacked against the polished marble floor.  

“Yoora noona!” Chanyeol jumped out from his seat and greeted his older sister.

“Oh! You’re here! I’ve missed you so much punk!” She hugged him and playfully tried to put him in a headlock.

“Dang, you’re still very strong although you age.” He chuckled.

“Excuse me? Do you want me to finish you?”

“Mian… you do know I love you right? By the way noona, meet my girlfriend, Hahyun!”

“Annyeonghaseo! I’m Chung Hahyun! Nice to meet…”

“Hahyun? Wait, I thought you’re dating Hyura…” Yoora remarked and acting as if Hahyun was not there.

“Oh… no we broke up. I have been dating Hahyun for a year…” Chanyeol immediately put his arms around Hahyun, a sign of protecting her. He knew her sister’s personality and he knew where this conversation is going.

“Wait, wait? You broke up with her? And you did not tell me? I thought we promised that you would tell me everything.” Yoora folded her arms and tapped her heels.

“But noona…”  

“Gosh Chanyeol. How many times do I have to tell you this? Make sure you date someone around your standard. Lee Hyura was the student council’s president and you dumped her for this…” Yoora’s eyes glanced at Hahyun and continued “average girl?” 

Hahyun was shocked at how vocal Yoora was and how inferior Chanyeol acted when he was around Yoora.

“Aigo! Yoora! Why are you causing such commotion when we have a guest here!” Ms. Park nudged Yoora who kept ignoring her mother.

“Look at how she dresses… a pink skirt that looks like it was stolen from a kid’s ballet costume? And oh, you do know I can tell who’s intelligent and who’s not… and this kid… definitely does not look like the intelligent type.”

 Yoora’s words were like a sword stabbed directly to Hahyun’s pride but Hahyun heard words like these a lot so she handeled it well.

“Chanyeol, do we need to talk? I think I need to wake you up from this dream so that you would go back to doing things… properly.” Yoora added.  

Hahyun was ready to feel Chanyeol lifting up his arms and leaving her to talk to his sister, but instead, he did not. He clenched his left fist and tightened his grip on Hahyun’s shoulder. He gathered his courage and finally let out his thought.

“Noona, why are you telling me whom I should date? I don’t think you understand me enough to know my feelings. Also, I am old enough to make my own decisions. Why should I always be under your control? Am I your pet? No I don’t think so. But really, if you’re mad at me for “choosing” the wrong person I want to spend my life with, you have no rights to mock Hahyun. You barely know her. Also, I know her and she has an amazing personality. So, don’t treat her like she’s lowly cause she is not! If you’re mad at me, then tell me. Don’t lash it all out on my girlfriend.” his voice was stern and he looked very serious. Chanyeol’s breath was heavy from anger.

“Chanyeol, I’m okay…” Hahyun tugged Chanyeol’s shirt.

“Hahyun, let’s go…” he went to the dining table to pick up Hahyun’s handbag.

“Omma, Oppa, thank you for having us. Sorry we had to leave early. I’ll come over again next time.” Chanyeol bowed to his parents. Hahyun followed him and said, “Thank you Mr. and Ms. Park for such a nice hospitality. The food was very delicious...” she also tried smiling along with the words, but it was hard for her.

Yoora just looked at them with annoyance engulfed inside her. “That bish…” She murmured.

Before they left the room, Chanyeol turned back one last time and told his sister, “noona, I am very disappointed with you…”

“Fine! I am very disappointed with you too! Go! Just get out now!” Yoora shouted but Chanyeol could not care less. As they both walk out, Chanyeol kissed Hahyun’s head and whispered,

“I’m sorry…”

“It’s ok… Chanyeol… I’m really proud of you…”  

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