Four years ago…


“Are you seriously making me do this?” Hahyun asked Chanyeol as she looked in the mirror one more time and noticed she accidentally smudged her eyeliner.

“No way…” she mumbled to herself and took a cotton swab trying to fix her eyeliner without ruining her glittery eye shadow. 

“Come on, we’ve been dating for a year and every single day my mom has been nagging and telling me she wanted to see you. I think she asked me more about you than about myself!” Chanyeol looked and knew Hahyun was extremely nervous. She never made a mistake when she does her make-up but today she did.

“It’ll be alright. My parents don’t bite!”

“Funny, but that’s not enough to convince me that today I will be sailing smoothly…”

Chanyeol hugged Hahyun and held her face. “It’ll be fine. I’ll be there, watching you, arasso?”

“Arasso…” Hahyun nodded and tried to smile. She hoped Chanyeol would buy it, but he did not. Chanyeol has been watching Hahyun for long enough to know what is going on in her head. He knew definitely that she felt like her heart’s going to burst from uneasiness.

“Alrighty, shall we go?” Chanyeol held his hand out for Hahyun to hold. Hahyun took Chanyeol’s hand and they walked out Chanyeol’s lavish apartment together. Chanyeol came from a wealthy family and he was always treated like a prince at home. He has several maids and butlers and each family member has their own personal driver. Although Chanyeol has all these privileges, he never wanted to be treated differently than normal teenagers. He walked to school everyday back in high school. Now he drives a very average car. He decided to live in an apartment by himself so that he can learn how to take care of himself. Chanyeol wanted to live a humble life because he always felt that his friends are only after his wealth instead of in pursuit of really being friends with him. That is why he kept this a secret. Hahyun did not know this only until they started dating. On the other hand, Hahyun came from an average middle class family. His father is an aspiring businessman, even after 20 years of perpetual trying and failing to start up his own company. Her mother had to support the family by working as a biology professor in a renowned university. Hahyun’s older sister is in her last year of medical school. Hahyun knew it was hard for her family to support themselves. Medical school bill is extremely high, the dwindling family business has a large cost and unfortunately being a professor would not land the family a large paycheck every month. Hahyun has never received pocket money since she was in middle school and she was completely fine with it.

“Aigo… Chanyeol… I think I’m going to die…” Hahyun held on to her seatbelt as if she was saying she was going to die from Chanyeol’s driving. But no, she was nervous to the point where sweat started to escape from every possible pore in her body.

“Sorry, I had to catch the red light cause we’re kind of late… but hey, at least I’m a better driver than you!” Chanyeol laughed at his own joke.

Hahyun gave Chanyeol her iconic “I will finish you look” which made Chanyeol laugh even more.

“I was not talking about your driving! But excuse me! I drive quite well too!”

“Haha, sorry sorry, you know, if anything gets awkward, remember, I’m there to alleviate the mood. You know I’m good at doing that right?”

“What if… my awkwardness beats your ability to do that… otuke…”

“Hey, let us not worry about anything now and just enjoy the food my mom has prepared…. Oh god, she makes the most delicious kimbap ever. I think if I were to get stranded on an island, I’ll be alright as long as I have a lifetime unlimited supply of her kimbap…”

“Oppa!” Hahyun shouted in a high-pitched voice. She does not usually call Chanyeol “Oppa” since they grew up being friends, but when she gets annoyed, she call him that just to annoy him back.

“Sorry I got carried away… Eh, we’re here already! Kimbap here I come!” Chanyeol drove his car through the gate of his house. To Hahyun, the house resembles more of a castle. A very grand castle. Hahyun thought to herself “Whoa, this place is no joke, I bet there is at least 10 chandeliers inside… daebak!” 

Chanyeol opened the car door for Hahyun and held out his hand, as always, for Hahyun. He squeezed her hand, a signal to tell her everything will be fine as they both walk into the house through the tall heavy wooden doors.

“Aigo! Chanyeol!” Chanyeol’s mother power walked towards her son in her slippers as she extended her arms, preparing to engulf Chanyeol in a big bear hug. Chanyeol hugged his mother and then addressed Hahyun to her.

“Hi mom! It’s been a while! This is, well you know who she is, Hahyun!”

“Annyeonghaseo Ms. Park! I’m Chung Hahyun!” Hahyun bowed to her politely.

“Ahhh, finally! Hahyun! You’re very pretty and good mannered! I’m so glad you wanted to date someone as annoying as my son!” Ms. Park chuckled.

“Hey mom! You should at least tell my girlfriend my good traits instead of my bad, although she probably has seen them all!”

Hahyun laughed with the two of them. Suddenly a calm yet very husky voice came from behind Hahyun.

“Oh, so this is her?”

“Dad! Yes this is Hahyun! Hahyun, this is my dad!”

“Annyeonghaseo Mr. Park! I’m Chung Hahyun!” Hahyun repeated what she said several seconds ago, along with the bow too.

“I have heard a lot about you from my son. Nice to meet you! Aren’t we all hungry? Let us all head over to the dining room and eat together!”

“Arasso!” Chanyeol said and immediately grabbed Hahyun’s hand. Mr. Park led the group and they all walked together as they continued chatting. Chanyeol looked at Hahyun’s eyes as if he was telling her “See I told you?” and smirked. Hahyun nodded and secretly whispered, “I’ll bake you something when we get home!” as she admits her defeat. Chanyeol put his right thumbs up and they both continued chatting with Chanyeol’s parents. 

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