“I have a serious question.” I asked as Chanyeol as I dig into my Japanese curry. We were eating at our favorite Japanese restaurant downtown Seoul. I have not seen Chanyeol in almost a week because he had to work in the States. But when he comes home, he always makes sure that we come here. Always. Chanyeol looked up at me and just nodded signaling me to carry on “Yes baby, I’ll answer any questions you have despite how crazy they are.”

“Why me? I mean, we have been going out for how long now… like five years, but I can never understand how you could put up with me.”

“Why you?” Chanyeol put his fork down and placed his hands under his chin. “Cause you were different.” He continued and smiled at me.

“Different? I don’t think I buy that... I am like every other girl in class back in high school.” I joked and laughed it off.

“No you weren’t… You were different!” Chanyeol smiled, trying to make his case.  

“Prove me wrong!”

“I will!” he took my hand and held it tight.


Seven years ago…


“Why does it always have to rain?” Chanyeol grumbled and looked into his black backpack, trying to find his umbrella. “Not again… I should really tell Baekhyun to stop taking my umbrella!”

He pondered back and forth at the school’s lobby. He has to go as he has to go to see his friend, but the rain made it impossible. Chanyeol looked at his hat and thought to himself, “I guess this hat will suffice…” He puts on his hat, and as he was about to unhappily embrace the rain, he felt a slight tap on his shoulder.

“Hello!” Hahyun smiled and waved her hand.

“Oh hi Hahyun! What’s up?”

“I see you don’t have an umbrella…”

“Yes and I am running late to see Kyungsoo at that bubble tea place down the street… Can I catch up with you later?”

“Oh! That bubble tea place? I feel like having some milk tea myself, so… I’ll walk you there!” Hahyun took out her pink polkadot umbrella and opened it, handing it over to Chanyeol. “You’re too tall, so you should hold the umbrella!”

“Uhh, for us?”

“Yes duh, who else?”

Chanyeol was slightly shocked by Hahyun’s actions. Although he was very popular among the girls in their high school, he could never really build a friendship with any of them. He only got along well with the boys, and with the exception of Hahyun. It was funny how they even knew each other. They started hanging out since Chanyeol recognized that Hahyun was always sitting at the same table every single day in the library, which coincidentally was his favorite spot too. Their friendship pretty much started from when Chanyeol asked Hahyun to share the table with him.

“Alright if you’re so willing!” Chanyeol took the umbrella and they both started walking out the school gates.

“Why does it rain when yesterday the TV said that it wouldn’t? I have definitely lost my faith in weather reporters now.”

“Chanyeol… you know, you can choose to be bitter or happy about everything in life. Same thing applies with the rain…” Hahyun said calmly.

“In what way? I can only think of negative things when I hear the word rain…”

“Think of rain as a… blessing. Rain gives life! Look at the flowers, they would not bloom if they were not watered…”


Hahyun continued, “Also, if you think of standing under the rain, you will feel, cleansed. Cleansed from your past, from your guilt and… you’re born new. You have a new life.”

Hahyun stared at Chanyeol, straight into his hazel eyes. Chanyeol laughed at how corny, yet so true, is Hahyun’s statement. “Alright, alright! I guess from now on I will always think of the rain differently!”

Hahyun looked up and radiated her typical eye smile. “You know what? Let’s try embracing the rain!”

“Oh no you’re not doing this!”

“I definitely am!” Hahyun took the umbrella from Chanyeol and closed it. She laughed at how Chanyeol felt very uncomfortable but then she shouted between the rain “See? It’s fun!” Hahyun ran away from Chanyeol, holding tightly on her umbrella.
“Hey! Give me that umbrella!” Chanyeol tried to catch Hahyun and followed after her. He finally caught her and hugged her.

“Gotcha!” He said and took the umbrella from her. In all honesty, he was not sure whether he was referring to the umbrella or to Hahyun. Or probably to how Hahyun has gotten his heart. Then they both laughed. 

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