Six years ago…


Chanyeol walked out of the classroom for the last time in his life. He was in his suit and tie for the graduation ceremony the school was hosting. Prom was later in the evening but he has not found a date yet. Or more like, he has rejected all the girls who asked him out to prom. He held a box of creampuffs in his hands and sighed at himself.

“Will this convince Hahyun to go to prom with me?” Chanyeol walked down the corridor, reaching towards the main exit to find Hahyun who was probably busy taking pictures with her friends. As he was trying to reach for the door’s handles, he heard a voice from behind,


Chanyeol looked back to see Hyura, one of his classmates. Hyura was the student council’s president and a straight A student. On top of that, she was also one of the beauties in their batch. She was wearing a red long dress, which accentuated her slim figure.

“Ah, hi…”

“Umm, I know this is awkward and all that, but I heard you haven’t found anyone to go to prom with, do you want to go with me?” Hyura asked Chanyeol shyly as she fiddled with her fingers and looked down.

“Oh, umm, sorry, but I… I…”

“It’s alright! I know you would say no, but it’s better to try than give up!” Hyura looked at Chanyeol and smiled forcefully.

“I’m so sorry…” Chanyeol bowed at Hyura, feeling truly remorseful.

“It’s fine! It’s fine! Ah, well then, I’ll go! Hope to see you tonight!” Hyura walked away leaving Chanyeol all alone to listen to her heels clacking against the floor.

Chanyeol sighed a sense of relief. He was lucky that Hyura was really cool about it. At least that was what he thought.  

“Look who’s popular?” Hahyun shocked Chanyeol. She walked towards Chanyeol in her pink dress, matched with a rose hair clip on her hair that was lightly curled.

“Gosh! Care to say hi first?”

“Haha, I’m sorry. Why did you say no though? She’s really pretty!” Hahyun asked Chanyeol and signaled him to sit on the staircases with her.

“I just don’t like her… like I never thought about her at all… I mean, yes we talk in class, but that was not much I think…”

“Then is that a reason to say no to her?”

“Maybe… I guess…” Chanyeol murmured. In his heart he knew that was not the only reason. The other reason was, of course, he wanted to ask Hahyun to go to prom with him. At this point he was not sure whether he has fallen head over heels for her, but he just felt, comfortable with her.

“Although she looks very cool about it, I don’t think she really do feel that way inside… I think you should go talk to her again… tell her the real reasons you could not go to prom with her.” Hahyun looked straight into Chanyeol’s eyes. She then continued, “You know, loving people isn’t about putting yourself first though… It is not simply the things you see in TV. It’s about putting other people first. The willingness to sacrifice things, and go beyond your comfort zone for other people.”

Chanyeol sat still. He hated being “bossed” around, but everything Hahyun said really spoke to him. He was being selfish the whole time, only thinking about himself, and maybe Hahyun occasionally. He has not been thinking about other people. His head started rambling through the things he said to the girls whom he rejected. He felt very guilty. Very very guilty.

“You know what? I think… I’ll probably give Hyura a chance…” those words rolled out of Chanyeol’s mouth. Hahyun looked at Chanyeol proudly as Chanyeol was feeling  awkward. He was stunned that he said those things. 

“Really? That’s my boy!” Hahyun hugged Chanyeol. Chanyeol hugged her back, but inside he felt weird. He was happy that he could make Hahyun and probably Hyura happy, but deep inside, he still wanted to go to prom with Hahyun.

“Oh Hahyun, I brought you cream puffs!”

Hahyun looked at Chanyeol and her lips began to curve up.

“How do you know I love cream puffs! Aww thank you Chanyeol!”

Chanyeol thought to himself “I know everything about you…” but he did not say it. He has no courage. “Oh well, maybe next time…” He handed the box of cream puffs to Hahyun and excused himself. He walked away and waved his hands goodbye to Hahyun. She did the same and left the building.

“I guess I have to see Hyura now…” Chanyeol scratched the back of his head. “What have I gotten myself into…” 

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