Bonding with the blonde

Smile for me

Jeongmin's pov

"I'll go see if he's okay.. Night Hyung! Night Minwoo!" he waved as he left. Those two are hiding something... but what? Oh well. That can wait. I need my rest for now.

"I'm going to bed, k Minwoo?" I tell him stretching.

"O..oh I will too," he follows me into the bedroom. I began changing into my pajamas but noticed Minwoo blushing,  looking the other way. Heh, are you embarrassed? I put my pajama shirt on.

"Aren't you guna change?" I ask him smirking. He nods quickly, grabbing his pj's out of his suitcase and walks into the bathroom.

"Ah, so he is embarrased," I smile and climb under my own bed sheets.

  ☞Kwangmin's pov

"Hyung, I'm sorry,"I whine to my mad hyung."Younggiee I really am," I pout. I only thought they would be out later since they left hand in hand.. I feel tears starting to form in my eyes. Youngmin finally looked over at me.

"Omo, are you crying?" he sits next to me. I nod."I'm sorry, I just don't want to be caught. What If we do next time? And I think Jeongmin's suspicious of us since I started stuttering-"I shut him up by giving him a kiss.

"But what if he accepts us?" I ask quietly looking into his eyes.

"But what if he told auntie.. then she would tell Umma and Appa and everything could go wrong. They could disown us and everything! I don-"

"Youngmin, you talk and think too much. Let's talk about this later. I'm tired." I pouted. He nods and pulls me down on the bed next to him, covering us in his blankets. There we went to sleep, cuddling like a real couple. I couldn't help but smile.

  ☞Minwoo's pov

**the next day**

I woke up in the same room I fell asleep in. I turn over in the bed to see Jeongmin isn't in his own. I sat up and dug through my suitcase for some clean clothes.

"Umma didn't pack much, did she?" I paused as my eyes caught the sight of my mickey mouse night light. "I didn't sleep with you like usual, did I.. Was it because of Jeongmin?"I wondered"he makes me feel safe so maybe.." I got up and changed. Then I headed out towards the living room. Jeongmin didn't appear to be there either. Only the twins. Youngmin reading and Kwangmin snuggling his pikachu while watching tv.

"Oh, Morning, Minwoo,"Youngmin smiled at me,"theres cereal and orange juice in the kitchen,"he tells me closing the book he held.

"Oh, okay,"I respond while looking at the tv. Pokemon was on and Kwangmin seemed mesmerized by it. He's older than me but still acted like he was a twelve year old.

"Are you coming?" I glanced over at Youngmin who was standing in the opening of the kitchen door.

"Y..yeah," I walk over to him and he smiles, turning back into the kitchen. Ahh where is my room-mate? He just disappeared.. I wonder if he always does this.

"Jeongmin goes out every morning for a jog and stuff like that, just in case you were wondering. He's the type of guy who like's to stay fit." Youngmin pours himself a glass of orange juice. What?? Did he read my mind of something.. no, that's not possible. I must be giving signs or something.

"Oh okay, I was wonder where he had gone." I answer sitting at the table.

"I know," he takes a sip of his juice."But sometimes he takes forever to come home. Sometimes he comes home at midnight if he wants. I told him to come home early tonight, since we are going to have a little party for your arrival, thats what Kwangmin and I did to him and thats what we shall do to you."

"Oh okay," I smile

"So how was your first night?" he asks me leaning against the counter similar to the way Jeongmin did yesterday.

"It was fun meeting all you guys and I'm glad you guys are my friends, I never had any before so I am really happy," I was a bit embarrassed telling him that.

"That would explain why you're so nervous and shy, well you have us now and you won't have to worry."

"O..okay,"I answer, my voice a little shaky. To be honest, I was scared I wouldn't be much of a friend since I don't know how to be a good one. I've never had the chance to know what it's like. Ever since I was little I was the strange one. Always sitting alone at lunch and alway's partner less unless the teacher picked them. But that's all going to be different now since I have Kwangmin, Youngmin, Ji Young, Hara and hopefully Jeongmin.

"So tomorrow's your first day at your classes," Youngmin now sat across from me. I nod."Scary, I know but you'll love it. You might have the same teacher as Kwangmin and I since everyone's mixed together. Like the Freshmen are mixed with the sophomores and Juiniors with seniors,"he explained. I just sat there and nodded with what he was saying. "But don't worry, You'll have a great time. Why don't we go back out with Kwangmin? I bet he's getting lonely," he smiles getting up Maybe Jeongmin is right... is something going on between those two? No, he just smiled, Minwoo, stop jumping to conclusions. So we went back into the living room with Kwangmin who sat watching the news.

"Pokemon's over?" I ask him

"Yeah,"he pouts not looking away from the TV. "Ah! There's going to be rain tonight! I love rain so much! It smells just as nice as it sounds when its falling, doesn't it Hyung?" he looked over at Youngmin who nodded in agreement.

"T..thunderstorms?" I ask when I see the picture of the cloud with a lightning bolt coming out of it. Kwangmin nods

"My favorite!"he smiles. That makes one of us. I think to myself.

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Chapter 6: Haha so cute! ^^ I get the feeling of when Pokemon's over. xD
Keep it up! I really like it so far. ^^