The Twins(INTRO)

Smile for me

Youngmin's pov

"Youngmin! Where did you put my pikachu!" Kwangmin yelled down the hall

"Hm? It isn't on your bed?"I asked getting up from the couch and walked down to see my mad twin. When it comes to Kwangmin and his pikachu pulshies he didn't mess around and if someone miss places it or loses it, you might as well scream bloody murder.

"No, it's not youngiee~" he pouted, pointing in the room towards his bed. I peek in and it's not there. Huh? I swore I had put it there.. "Youngie, find it since you cleaned our room last," he crossed his arms in a demanding way. Ughh he's so cute.

"Fine, I will just for you Kwangminnie," I pull him in for a kiss. He blushes and covers his face.

"Hyungg what if Jeongmin came in and saw that? We would be caught," he pouted peeking through his fingers."I, for one, don't wanna get caught so go find my pikachu!"he said angerly before passing me. I just wanted a kiss.. I wonder what's got him in a bad mood besides the pikachu. Oh well, I better find his pikachu before he pops a blood vessel. Searching the room I couldn't find the plusie anywhere. Not on his bed or mine and not where he would usually look. Wait.. I got on my knees to look under the bed and there it was.

"What the hell where you doing down there, you little block?" I scold it tossing it on Kwangmins bed."Kwangmin, I found him. He was under the bed." I say walking towards the door. Immediatly, Kwangmin was there. He rushed in there, knocking me into the door frame.  He hugged the pikachu close to his chest. Sometimes I think he loves that thing more than me. Rolling my eyes in annoyance, I left the room. I feel like an idiot being jealous of a stuffed toy.

"Youngmin? Kwangmin? You home?" I heard a familiar voice call followed by the front door closing. Creeping into the front room I see Jiyoung struggling to take off her shoes with one hand. I giggle at the sight.

"Jiyoung!" I run over and hug her"what brings you here today?" I ask letting her go.

"Oh nothing, I had nothing better to do so I made you and Kwangmin lunch," she smiled holding up a bag filled with containers."And Jeongmin if he's home." for as long as I can remember Jiyoung has liked mine and Kwangmin's room mate(not to mention our cousin) Jeongmin. But Jeongmin doesn't want to be tied down with one person.

"No, he's out right now, sorry," I say leading her into the kitchen."Kwangmin time for lunch!"I yell down the hall.

"Oh.. when will he be back?" she asks.

"No one really knows when. He can come home at midnight if he wants." I say leaning against the counter. Just then Kwangmin comes skipping out of his room, still with his pikachu in his arms. Aish, that doll gets on my nerves. "Kwanggiee~ No toys at the table remember?Umma's rules." I say to him.

"You're not Umma and I'm not a child," he pouted.

"Go put it back," I say pointing towards our room. Giving up he turns with an angry and pouty face and heads back to the room. Jiyoung starts giggling to herself. "What? You think it's funny?" I smile at her.

"Yeah, it's like your both his Umma and Appa put into one," she says back. It's true thought, I have to do everything for Kwangmin even though he's the same age as me. Ever since Appa and Umma sent us to this weird private school. But it will teach us, especially Kwangmin, responsibility.

I shrug.

"Okay, he's put back. Can we eat nooow?"Kwangmin whines coming into the room. "Oh, Jiyoung! I didn't know that you where here! When did you get here?" he looked at her surprised. You're so clueless Jo Kwangmin. I laugh at his lack of noticing what his surroundings are.

"Nice to see you too, Kwangie," she laughs unpacking all of her prepared meals, uncovering them and setting them out on the table.

"These look so good Noona!"Kwangmin sits down admiring Jiyoungs cooking. "Mmm they smell good too,"

"Well dig in, k? Eat as much as you want!" she laughed at my brothers comments. Then we all ate the meal and waited for Jeongmin to get home.

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Chapter 6: Haha so cute! ^^ I get the feeling of when Pokemon's over. xD
Keep it up! I really like it so far. ^^