A day with Jeongmin & Too close!

Smile for me

☞Minwoo's POV☜

Is he always like this? And isn't this his first time meeting Hara? Why wasn't he like this to me earlier? This is weird.. I puffed out my cheeks like a pufferfish. Hara, of course, saw this and flipped.

"Awww! Why are you so adorable, No Minwoo!?"she said before pinching my cheeks. I took her hands off my cheeks.

"Noona, it hurts,"I pout which made her fangirl even more. Zoning out on what she was saying I look towards the kitchen. I hope he's okay.. I mean he did say he had a headache. Maybe I should go check on him. Wait.. no maybe He'll think I'm weird, since I just got here and I want to take care of him. Or.. will he think I'm caring? Or both?

"Excuse me," I bow and leave towards the kitchen."Jeongmin? How's your head?" I ask peeking around the corner,"you did say you had a headache.. Didn't you?" he nods and smiles a sweet smile at me.

"Yeah, but it's getting a little better,"he leans against the counter"is the annoyance still here?"his smiles fades. I nod as I slip in the kitchen all the way. "Damnit.. say, do you wanna go somewhere? I won't get rid of this headache if she's still here. And you haven't had a proper tour of this place," I nod.

"A tour would be nice," I smile.

"Glad to hear it, let's go," He grabs my hand pulling me through the door, out into the living room and outside. I swear everyones eyes had been on us. I yank my hand out of his.

"I..I can just follow without holding your hand,"I say shyly looking down.

"That's okay, I don't even know why I grabbed your hand..Maybe I just wanted to get out of there," he shrugs putting his hands in his pockets, turning. "Plus, I'm not gay," when he said those words my heart sank into my stomach. Why do you feel this way, Minwoo? You have only known him for 5 hours and you already fell? You idiot! I didn't move after he said those words. Aish.. such an idiot.

"Hey? You coming?" he calls after me, I nod and run up to him.


"This is delicious!" I take another bite of the brownie chunk ice-cream he bought for me. He laughs."So where to next?" I ask wiping my mouth.

"Umm.. I don't know, where do you wanna go?" I shrug.

"Ah, I never asked.. how old are you?," he looks at me confused,"S..so I know if I call you Hyung or-"

"Eighteen,"Ah.. so it's his last year in the dorm.."So are the twins, just incase you where wondering." he answered my other question (won't let me un-italic T3T sorry for any confusion.)

"O..oh okay.. So is this the last year for you guys?" I ask and he nods. Great, I'm going to be alone next year..

"But you don't need to worry about new people, we will go here for college, so we stay in the same dorm," he announces with a smile. A smile lights up my face. I will get to stay with this man longer than I thought. "So where else?" he asks again.

"Um.. I think I've seen everything and it is kinda getting a little dark.."I mumble the ending looking at the setting sun.

"Are you scared of the dark?" Jeongmin asked wide eyed. I slowly nod. "That is adorable. Come on let's go home," He called me adorable.. I thought as I felt my face flush red.

"N..neh," I answer following him back home.


Youngmin's pov

"Byee!" Kwangmin waved goodbye to Hara and Jiyoung as they left. "Youngieee~" I heard him purr.

"What?" I ask not looking up from my textbook.

"You've been doing nothing but studying since you got up,"he pouts"and we are alone now!"he smiles taking the book out of my hands.

"Ya-"I try to yell but he already had his lips on mine. I swear to God, Kwangmin, I'll kill you! I threaten in my head.   No matter how much I want to push him away, I don't. To be honest, I've been waiting all day to feel his lips against mine again.

"Kwangmin, we're going to get caught," I say between kisses.

"No we won't," he replies. I love the way his lips fit like a puzzle on mine, how they are so soft. They're like a candy that I simply can't get enough of.

"But we could've last time.. and we're in the living room this time," I explain as he moves down to my neck. I moan to my surprise.

"Then we will move to the bedroom,"wait...is he wanting to go that far tonight? What happened to my kid brother who was playing with his pikachu dolls? I shake my head and pull on his neck, making him lean down on my lips. I didn't le go until we needed air.

"I..I'm not ready to go that far, Kwangiee~" I admit to him, my cheeks as red as his pikachu's.

"Aww you're so cute! We don't have too if you don't want too," he smiled"I'll wait until Hyung is ready," he pecks me on the lips. I was still struggling to catch my breath from our last makeout session. As soon as I caught most of it, I pulled him in for more.

"I love you," I whisper, putting my forehead against his.

"I love you too, Hyung," he giggles sweetly and kisses me once more. We both jumped when we heard someone unlocking the door. I push Kwangmin of off me and sat up on the couch.

"Owwie~" he whines sitting on the floor now. Annnd the child is back I smile at him, both of us still struggling us with catching our breath.

"Hey," Jeongmin tossed the keys on the coffee table. "Why are you guys breathing all weird?"

"He stole my pikachu and so I stole his textbook and we chased each other," Kwangmin smiled towards Jeongmin and secretly winked at me. He sure can think fast oh my god

"Really? You two are so childish!"

"N..no I'..m Not!

"You're stuttering, Youngmin," Jeongmin, knowing somethings wrong when I stutter, crosses his arms.

"Nooo I'm just gunna go to bed! Night!" I quickly say as I fast walk towards mine and Kwangmins room.

That was too close.

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Chapter 6: Haha so cute! ^^ I get the feeling of when Pokemon's over. xD
Keep it up! I really like it so far. ^^