The roommates meet

Smile for me

Jiyoungs's pov

Youngmin called me during my nap demanding that I get my over to their apartmant right away. Aish, what's so important that I have to miss my nap, that boy. I pouted drying my hair from my shower.

"Hey, are you going somewhere? You're dressed all fancy," Hara entered the bathroom while eating an apple. I nod turning off the hair dryer.

"Yeah, Youngmin wants me to come over. He says it's important. Do you wanna come? I mean, I don't want to walk all the way there alone." I usually don't mind going to the twins dorm alone but, I didn't want that today."besides I want you to meet Jeongmin, since you've never met him before."

"Whoa, I can meet him? The one boy that stole my bestfriends heart? OH BOY." she sounds sarcastic at the ending.

"Aish, if you don't want to go you can just say so," after I say this, she starts laughing.

"No, I'll go get ready just wait," she says leaving"By the way I do want to meet him!" she yells on the way out. I laugh and finish putting my hair up, along with putting on my "face paint"as Youngmin likes to call it. Hara took longer than me to do everything. Taking a shower, drying and putting her hair up in a fancy way, followed by her face paint as well. Then her outfit. Which, to my surprise wasn't that much of a hassle as it usually was for her. She chose a white dress with a little black bow and black pokadots. The only thing was her shoes.

"You do know we are walking, right?" I ask her, an eye brow raised.

"Wait.. what? I thought we were taking the bus like we did last time," she replies. I shake my head.

"Last time it was raining, let's change out of those high heels fast 'cause Youngmin's wondering where we are," she rolls her eyes, annoyed and changes her shoes.

"Happy?" she asks with a slight smile

"Yeah, now let's go before Youngmin loses it,"  Knowing that boy, he has very low patience.

 ☞Youngmin's pov

"Ahh, where is she?" I sat down on the couch, complaining outloud to myself.

"Minwoo! Where are you?You're too good at this game~"Kwangmin entered the room pouting. I laugh at his cuteness"what? you think this is funny? He's like houdini with his hiding! I don't know where he is," he came over and sat by me and turns on the TV"I give up," he announces.

"You give up a lot, Kwangie, when games get hard," I point out,"I'll give you a hint, look in that area," I whisper in my brother/lovers ear and point in the direction Minwoo is hiding.

"Okay!" he got up and searched the area. Jiyoung where are you? I'm so bored! I thought as I turned the TV off again and continued to study.

"Yah! What's so important?" I heard someone yell, knowing it was Jiyoung. "YAH!" she hit me upside the head"I was sleeping, y'know?"she complained. I turned around holding my head to see Hara standing next to her.

"Oh, hey Hara, how are you?"I ask as soon as I see my friends room-mate.

"I'm fine, what about yourself?" she smiled glaring at Jiyoung who was getting annoyed.

"YAH!" Jiyoung AND Kwangmin yelled. Both Hara and I jumped where we sat/stood."Youngmin! I win!" he prances into the room with Minwoo following close behind."Oh!Jiyoung Noona! Hara Noona! This is Minwoo! He's our new room-mate!" Kwangmin immediately announces to the girls.

"That's why I told you to come over, I wanted you to meet him," I say looking back down at my book.

"O..oh Sorry for getting angry Youngie~" she rubbs the back of my head like a dog"I'm Khan Jiyoung, and this is Goo Hara, my room-mate." She introduces herself and Hara to Minwoo.

"I'm No Minwoo, I hope we can become good friends!" Minwoo bows.

"Awww~!so cute~!" Hara exclaims while squishing her own cheeks"How old are you, Minwoo?"Oh we go I think to myself. Jiyoung elbows her in the side."What? I was just wondering,"she pouts

"Seventeen," he answers. Just seventeen? He looks more fifteen to me.

"Well that's too bad," she pouted"I'm twenty-two,"

"Aish what's with you?" we heard a new voice enter the room. We all look up to see Jeongmin.

Jeongmin's pov

"Aish what's with you?" I'm looking at the girl I've never seen before in my life.

"Excuse me?" she asks shocked at my words.

"Why are are you so damn loud?" I snap"I was trying to get rid of a headache but you just made it worse. Jiyoung? Is this your friend?" I ask her. She nods looking down. Don't tell me I hurt HER feelings. Damn it.

"She's my room-mate we just came over to meet Minwoo. But we'll be going now," she says taking the girls hand.

"Wait is that him? The boy of your dreams?"she points at me,"Oh I'm Hara, you must be Jeongmin." what the hell is with this chick? "You can do waay better then him," she adds

"Hara.. Hara the annoyance. That's your new name? Alright?" I inform her "Oh, and respect age got it? It's disqusting when a Noona has a crush on a dongsaeng," she laughs at me. What's so funny?

"Is this how you treat new quests? And whoever said I had a crush on him-"

"Hara stop," Jiyoung stopped her from talking

"What? He started it," she said as she kept staring at me. Rolling my eyes, I walked into the kitchen. Even in here I could hear Hara's ing.

"Aishhh, how long am I gunna be stuck with this,"I complain rubbing my head.

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Chapter 6: Haha so cute! ^^ I get the feeling of when Pokemon's over. xD
Keep it up! I really like it so far. ^^