My own world

Green popularity


Yoo yoon's pov

After his death, after her suiside. I have nothing to look forward to. Nothing to count on. No one exept me. Its like my own world. Theres no point of living but do I have a choice? My dad died 5 weeks ago and my mom suisided a hour ago living me here. I am in my own world. I wake up and its complete emptiness. I come home and no ones there to greet me. Ever since then I kept my inner feelings with this notebook. The last present I ever got. Sad huh? Thats my life. 


Thats the school bell. 

Class starts now and the teacher comes in with two boys behind him. One has yellow hair and ulzzang. I think. Unusual... The other has light brown hair and his good looking. All the other girls are staring at them. Their actually taking pictures of them. Popular? Idol? Who knows...

"Okay kids these are two new kids. So I wish you all to be kind and nice to them. Introduce yourself.", Mr. Kang said.

The other girls are literally drooling.

"My name is Yoo Youngjae and I'm from TS entertainment. I am currently in a group called BAP. I think Most of you guys know me" The yellow haired one said.

Then some girls or most girls started to scream. A idol huh? I rolled my eyes. He kept looking at me when he was talking. I looked away. 

"My name is Ilhoon"

Well that was short. I stared at him for a long time. There was a awkward silence and then the girls started to scream and took pictures of him. Another Idol? 

"Well... Okay umm So Youngjae I want you to sit and the left end that empty seat and Ilhoon I want you to sit next to Yoo-yoon. Yoo-yoon raise your hand."

I looked at the sit next to me and then raised my hand. Ugh i don't want to sit next to anyone. But he is sure good looking. He walked toward the seat next to me and sat down. He had his hand in his pocket and he looked like a jerk. A good looking jerk.


Ilhoon's Pov

I walked into the classroom. I looked around then my eyes caught on this girl. Shes pretty. Really pretty. The teacher told us to introduce our self. Ugh I hate introducing myself. Most girls took their phones out and took pictures. Yup yup my popularity. 

"My name is Yoo Youngjae and I'm from TS entertainment. I am currently in a group called BAP. I think Most of you guys know me" 

Know you? You mean know me... I bet im more popular then you are. I guess its my turn...

"My name is Ilhoon" 

Wow I sound so cool. Then there was a long silence and fans started to scream. I looked at the pretty girl. Is she my fan?

"Well... Okay umm So Youngjae I want you to sit and the left end that empty seat and Ilhoon I want you to sit next to Yoo-yoon. Yoo-yoon raise your hand."

The pretty girl looked at the empty seat next to her and then raised her hand. Yoo-yoon was it? 

I walked toward her. I put my hand in my pocket to look cool. She’s gonna fall for me in 10 seconds. I sat down and looked at her. She was looking at her phone. SHE WAS LOOKING AT HER PHONE WHEN THE MOST GOOD LOOKING MAN WAS RIGHT NEXT TO HER!!! Maybe shes looking at the pictures of me she took. 



Yoo-yoon’s pov’

I looked on my phone because I felt like it. Then I got up and took my bag. It was loud.

“Yoo-yoon.. sit down”, Mr. Kang said.

I walked toward the door and opened it.

“Yoo-yoon its not good to ditch class. Please sit down. Also we need you because Ilhoon needs to share your book.”

O yea the book. I took my book out and then gave it to Ilhoon. Then I walked out of the class. Ilhoon was staring at me. I got my phone and earphones out. I started to listen to instrumental song so I can sing along with it. I walked to the emergency stair way. Theres no one there ever. Thats why its so rusty and dirty. I sat on the stair and closed my eyes. I was listening to “can you smile” from Infinite. Tears started to come out. I wiped it away. 

Can you smile? 

Actually I can’t. I miss my parents. I miss everything and everyone. Soon tears dropped like rain drops. I didn’t realize that the bell rang. I ran up stairs until I reached the roof. I didn’t know why I was there. I looked down. 

Wow I’m really high up.

“So thats where you were... I was looking for you”

I heard something and thought it was IU but it was the blonde guy. Youngjae? Right. I didn’t want to talk so I just walked away. Then he grabbed my arm. 

“Aren’t you hungry? Do you want to eat? I’ll treat”, Youngjae asked.

I was hungry but eat with him? No way. 

“No now go away”, I said.

“I’m not going away until you eat with me”, Youngjae said.

“Are you treating me?”, I really didn’t want to eat with him. Or maybe I did. He was good looking and kind.

“Yup I am so are you gonna eat?”, Youngjae asked again.

“Yea, I’m gonna eat.”, I said and his face brightened up. “But not with you”, Then his smile went away.

“Okay then I’m going to stay with you for the rest of the day.”, Youngjae said.

I really had no choice. Its been a long time since I ate with anyone. 

“Fine, but you pay”, I said. I didn’t have money.

“Okay!” He smiled at me. He looked cute and looked like a puppy. I smiled. Wait I smiled. its been so long since I smiled that it felt weird. Really weird. 

We walked together to the lunch tables. Everyone was looking at us. I remembered that his an idol. Ugh this is gonna get dirty. I realized that we were holding hands. OMG we’re holding hands. I let go and Youngjae looked at me.

“Why? Do you have a problem with holding hands?”, Youngjae asked.

Yes, I do. I hate holding hands especially with you.

“Everyones staring.”, I said.

“Who cares”, He smiled at me then held my hand again. 

This kid... 


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