Rain Sound


"On a rainy day, I fell for you " -Rain Sound


Another thing that's weird about me is that I like school.

Yeah, I like the place that supposedly drains all the individuality of your soul and personality. Why?

1.  I like learning.  I like the idea of going to a place where you can learn about different things and become more aware of the world around you.  I guess that's why I let Sooyeon tutor me.  She's the smartest person I know and we learn together?

2. I get to see my friends at school.  B.A.P are the best friends anyone could ask her.  Plus, I get to see Yongguk outside of rich people socialite parties that my parents host at our house like every month.  

3. Hyosung

I like her.  















NOT as a crush.  




 But as a friend.

She's different from other people and she seems to understand me even though I've never spoken a word to her.  

I have nearly every class with her so I get to spend time with my friend.

Which is good.  Right?

She's special.  Even though she doesn't think she is. she's the most wonderful person I know.

She acts cold and unfeeling and sometimes mean but that's her way of protecting herself from people.  I guess I can relate to her.  We both know what people are capable of doing.  

But underneath her hard exterior she's kind, and sincere which isn't what most people are.

That's why she got  so riled up and angry at their teasing.  I was a bit miffed, if she wants a boyfriend it's her choice.  










But honestly,  Shin Dongho isn't that handsome.  

I mean, I've seen better.  Before you assume that I'm a homoual, hear me out.  I hang out and is considered with like supposedly the hottest guys in our school. 

Himchan and Daehyun are much handsomer than Dongho.  And I mean that in a completely platonic way.  But I don't think their Hyosung's type.  Himchan's too playful and Daehyun's too...Daehyun.

I don't even know if she has a type but there are a lot of guys who like her.  They follow us around but really sneakily but a large group of guys can't really be subtle.  It's easy to point them out in a crowd.  

Shin Dongho is like the leader of the awkward guys.  He's not bad looking but seriously.  He isn't that handsome.  But he's what girls call cute?  He has his own fair share of fangirls, so I understand his pain.  

Just look for the awkward group of guys following a tall teenager and a pretty purple haired girl.  

I wasn't kidding when I said Hyosung was pretty.  

I mean have you seen her?  




If you haven't seen her, she has long wavy purple hair.  It sort of makes her stick out but it oddly fits her.  She has pretty eyes which she outlines with eyeliner and naturally long eyelashes.  

She doesn't wear a lot of make up but she still wears a bit but honestly, she doesn't need it. She's shorter than me (much like everyone else) but she's not considered short for our age.  And she has a nice smile.

At least I think she has a nice smile.  She never smiles, which is a bit of a disappointment.  

Not that I blame her.  There's not a lot of things to smile about today.  

But, if I wasn't who I am today. 



Could I make her smile?



So when school was over I was a bit bored.  My hyungs usually played sports for a bit at school then went home.  Usually I'd join them to play but today I really didn't want to play sports for two hours or more, probably get injured, and then go home in a limousine with five other sweaty guys.

I wanted to be free.  

So as soon as the bell rang I nodded to Hyosung to tell her I was leaving.  She was talking to Sooyeon so I don't think she saw me.  I felt a pang of jealousy.  Sooyeon and Hyosung were going to be good friends.  Better than me.

I think Sooyeon sensed something and our eyes met.  Her eyes twinkled as she whispered something into Hyosung's ear.  Hyosung looked up at me and her cheeks tinted pink slightly.  

"Bye."  She mouthed over the loud students rushing to go to their lockers.  I ran to my locker and apidly started shoving all my books and folders that I needed in my schoolbag.  

I went to the washroom and changed into something less restraining and nerdy and grabbed my skateboard and skated away.  My house is in the rich people neighborhood and the school was pretty near my house so I skated as far as I could from my house.  

Skateboarding was my only form of freedom for a long time.  Before I went to high school my parents had me homeschooled by multiple private tutors, thinking their 'mute' son they don't give a damn about was too stupid to be exposed to the outside world.  

I was never allowed to leave my house.  I was forced to stay in the place I hated the most.  My parents didn't need a mute, worthless, son to tarnish their reputation.  They barely kept their affairs under wraps and away from the tabloids.  They didn't need the world to know about their imperfect son.  ME.

So I was alone.  Pretty much all the time until my parents decided I needed a friend.  Actually, they needed to strengthen their company's relationship with a cousin who never knew I existed.  

Since I never had any friends and much human contact with someone in the same age group that wasn't like 30 years older than me.  So when I first met Bang Yongguk I was pretty impressed.  

He had spiky blonde hair (at the time), heavily outlined eyes, and was dressed in completely black and red.  He wore a black leather jacket with red tassels and ripped black jeans.  He had probably custom made nike hightops with red and black wings.  

I looked at my own clothing that paled in comparison to his.  A white tee-shirt and white jeans.  The first thing he said to me was completely random and out of the blue and so weird that I wonder why the hell he did that. 

He screamed.  

"What the hell are you wearing?!"  

I looked at him weirdly.  He let loose a couple of swear words.  "Right.  I remember now."  He took out his phone and started texting.  I beat him first.

What the hell are you wearing.  

"What normal people wear?"  He asked me weirdly.  Define normal.  "Something that DOESN'T look completely void of emotion and personality."  He said grumpily making his way inside my house.  "You are Choi Junhong right?"  I nodded.  "And you don't talk?"  He asked carefully.  I nodded.  

He sighed and looked more relaxed.  "Thank God.  I don't need another preppy nerdy talkative relative my parents force me to befriend for the sake of my company."  I was a bit suprised, I had thought he would've been taken back by my muteness.  I get how you feel.  "First things first.  Show me your closet."  He demanded.  

I led him into my room and not suprisingly it was completely white.  "Do you like white or something?"  I shook my head.  My parents didn't care for me so instead of allowing me to choose my room they decided to choose everything to be white.  I opened up my closet and suprise suprise.  Everything was white.

"This is ing ridiculous."  He muttered.  "Seriously?"  Yep.  Welcome to my life.  He snorted lying down on my bed.  "You like Simple Plan?"  Yeah.  Their pretty good.  He smirked.  "Now we're talking.  What else do you listen to."  Anything.  I like will. i. am, Kanye West, Eminem, and 50 cent the most.  He laughed.  He had a low and husky voice.  "You're not so bad.  I'm Bang Yongguk."  Choi Junhong. 

 We talked for a bit and it was cool to have a friend, who liked the same things as you did.  We exchanged phone numbers and emails.  A week after he came I received a package.  I had never received anything through the mail and it was pretty heavy so I was excited.  

I inhaled sharply when I saw the contents.  There was a black hoodie with bright blue neon markings, Cyan probably custom designed Dr. Dre beats, and the best thng of all.  

A skateboard.  


After that I self taught myself how to skateboard. Skateboard was pretty tricky to learn by yourself but the internet's a gold mine.  

 I never quit the habit to skateboard when I felt like I need to escape life for a while.  Even after Yongguk introduced me to his  four other best friends.  Or when Yongguk claimed it would be good for me to move into a penthouse apartment with B.A.P in Seoul to go to TS.  Or when bad things happened. 

I kept skateboarding until I left the rich neighborhood in Seoul.  Into the local skatepark.  The entire park was covered in layers and layers of graffiti.  I wore my bandana to hide my face.  "Zelo!'  One of the local skaters called out to me.  I nodded.  "Long time no see."  There weren't a lot of people since nearly all the skaters were nocturnal.  

The skate park was quite large since many people used it daily.  There were some benches surrounding the skate park and trees as well.  I skated for about 30 minutes just enjoying being in sync with my skateboard.  

And suddenly I tripped.  A familiar looking girl with purple hair was reading and walking to a bench.  

It was her.  

I self consciously pulled up my bandana to cover my face.  She was reading so her eyes never left the book as she read intently.  Why would Jun  Hyosung out of all the places come into a local skate park in the bad side of Seoul?  

But she looked at ease in the local skatepark, which was strange.  Weren't all students in the academy rich?  

Hyosung out her book away and started doing her homework oblivious to the outside world. She was pretty hardworking.  Not once stopping or slacking off.  

I stood up and brushed dust off my clothing and kept skateboarding.  Even though I wouldn't talk to her it was nice seeing her out of school and not being with other people.  

I resumed skateboarding for a good amount of time but suddenly a raindrop hit my cheek.  I looked up.  It was raining.  I mentally cursed.  How was I going to go home in the rain?

 I looked to the bench where Hyosung was sitting.

She was gone.  

I hope she's safe and dry not like me who's completely drenched-whoa.  

Hyosung was standing in front of me trying to not laugh.  

She held her umbrella up so the both of us wouldn't get drenched by the sudden downpour.  Unfortunately her umbrella was the types that you could fold up and put in your bag so it was pretty tiny.  

And in order for the both of us to not get drenched, we had to remain in REALLY close proximity with each other.  Close proximity meaning that we had to be really close together.  So close that I could see every detail on her face.

Hyosung's cheeks were slightly pink, her hair was a little bit wet but that's not unusual.  Some raindrops clung to her eyelashes and shimmered like diamonds.    


"Didn't you check the weather forecast?"  She said raising her eyebrows at me.  She looked at my blonde and blue hair now dripping with water.  Apparently not.  She smiled a bit.  

She smiled.

She smiled. 

I was right.  She had a pretty smile.  

But in the midst of the falling rain and me able to analyze every tiny detail on her face.  

She wasn't pretty anymore.  

She was beautiful.

I probably stared at her for a short amount of time but it felt like eternity just staring at her smiling back at me.  She tiptoed and ran her fingers through my hair gently to get rid of some of the raindrops.  

My breath hitched, and i swallowed dryly.  She had delicate hands, I noticed.  She started to blush, I would've blushed if I wasn't so shocked.  She moved even closer to me and gently placed the black umbrella on my shoulder.

What are you doing?  

"There."  She said still blushing.  "Now you won't get wet."  

What about you?

"It's fine.  You need it more than me."  She quickly said smirking at my drenched state.  I pouted, she was teasing me again.  Suddenly she grabbed my wrist.  My heart was beating so fast it was a wonder she didn't hear it. 

She looked at the time on my watch and her eyes widened dramatically.  She swore underneath her breath and looked at me apologetically.  "Sorry, I got to go.  See you around Zelo."  

She ran across the street and into an alley. I watched her until she disappeared from my vision.

What just happened? 


Hey!  Haha another author's note.  It's a pretty short chapter but it's Zelo centered so yaaaay.  I'm so excited!!! B.A.P is coming to Hong Kong (which is where I'm living in but I'm Australian ;) But I can't go since I'm in Brisbane at that time for summer but my B.A.P obsessed friend is seeing them.  i'm so jelly :PPPPP

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lovcom00 #1
Chapter 9: thank you for rushing <3
lovcom00 #2
Chapter 8: Ok, I must say I squealed a little when I read the red/orange word *Updated* on my tablet and I saved this for night reading (then I squealed more), the new chapter is too CUTE for words (favorite lines by Dae "She's Zelo's girl." and "Free food." lol) and I can't wait for moar. She'll go to bring him home works right? Right?? Of course they'll see each other in the next chapter.. Right..? ~ ^^ Thanx A. LOT. for this squeal worthy update <3
lovcom00 #3
Woah.. I really wanted to read a good hyolo(?) story and I just LOVE this one, keep updating PLS ^^
Chapter 3: I like it! Update soon!