No Mercy


Eventually B.A.P started to climp up the social hireachy of TS Academy and completely dominated the school.  Even the SM students felt threatened by their overwhelming charisma and talent.

It wasn't suprising though, it was almost obvious that the group of 6 hot guys would be the popular ones.  

I started to tolerate them.  They were annoying and unrealistically immature at times but they were like annoying little brothers.  

Really hot annoying little brothers.  

I took my folders out of my locker and put them in my backpack and suddenly two hands covered my eyes.  "Guess who!"  Someone said excitedly.  "I know it's you Yongjae."  He removed his hands and pouted.  "Am I THAT obvious?"  "Yes."  Daehyun said smirking at him.  

Daehyun took his mask off when they started gaining popularity.  He was gorgeous.  He was probably the most popular among the fangirls of B.A.P right next to Himchan.  "You can stop staring you know?"  He said smugly.  Correction. He had a gorgeous face that i would not hesitate to claw off and horribly disfigure.

"Stop playing around."  A deep voice said grumpily.  Grumpy stood in front of my locker, grumpy as always next to Himchan who was busy staring at his reflection in the mirror.   

"Hey Grumpy."  He grunted.  I narrowed my eyes at him,  How rude.  "You should say hi."  A girl I never really noticed  who had the locker next to mine told him.  She was very pretty.  Big eyes, chocolate brown hair, and long dark eyelashes.  

Grumpy scowled at her, if possible, made him look grumpier.  "I don't take orders from peasants."  He growled.  I scowled.  After B.A.P became popular Grumpy's ego inflated as well did his grumpiness.  That wasn't nice, rich people think they can look down on poor people like me.  

The girl didn't even bat an eyelash.  A really long eyelash.  I mentally reminded mysef to curl my eyelashes after school.  "That's no excuse to be rude."  She retorted, eyes flashing.  "Yongguk she's right, you should be nice to Hyosung."  Yongjae chided, Grumpy mumbled his apologies to me.

Yongjae turned to the girl.  "Don't mind him, he's always like that."  She nodded, "At least one of them is polite."  She strode away carrying her books.  I walked away and sensed someone following me.  

I smiled slightly.  

He was there.

Even though B.A.P started to become famous we still mantained our...friendship?  He never spoke.   The only time I ever heard his voice was when he was rapping with his hyungs.  Still we were quite close even though he never spoke to me.  

We had a basic understanding.

The corner of my lips quirked slightly.  I stopped and he stopped.  I know you're there.  He hesitated, I guess he didn't know whether to keep walking or walk in front of me.

I resumed walking a bit faster because people were starting to notice us.  When people started to like B.A.P Zelo and Daehyun were constantly chased after.

Not that I'd blame them though, Zelo was pretty cute in this sad puppy way but he wasn't my type.  He dyed his hair blonde with a chunk of blue which made him look more mature than his bubblegum pink hair.  


Zelo was even nicknamed "pocket boy" because apparently he was so precious you really wanted to keep him in your pocket and leave him there forever?  I have no idea, sasaeng fans are hardcore and frankly completely and undeniably CRAZY.

"ZELO SARANGHAE"  Zelo walked a bit faster.  "LET NOONA LOVE YOU"  Zelo was running now next to me he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to run faster.  He had a determined look in his face.  "Who is that girl?" People started to wonder out loud.  "The coolest person you'll ever meet!"  I yelled as we ran past them.  

Zelo rolled his eyes.  "What?!  It's true!"  I protested.  

We arrived outside of our classroom breathing heavily.  Why was our school so big?  "You can let go of my wrist now."  He let go like it was on fire his cheeks flaming.  

"What?  Never held hands with a girl before?"  I asked, he ignored me and walked inside the classroom stil blushing.  

It was Biology.  Zelo's favorite class.  Biology was cool I guess but I prefered learning about Outer Space.  I mean there's no people.

Can you say best place ever?

I was staring off into space while Zelo listened to the teacher give us a lecture on ameobas.  Hideous blob like microscopic creatures that I frankly do not give a damn about.  

Zelo nudged me with his elbow.  Pay attention.  His eyes were gleaming with interest and excitement.  "I can be a science teacher you know?"

 I cleared my throat and said in a professional voice.  " Ameobas are frankly the most disgusting and ugly creatures that everyday I thank God that I can't see them because if I did I would probably cry myself to sleep every night."  

Zelo looked at me strangely and nudged me again.  "What?  I just summarized what he's trying to say in one sentence?" Righttttt.  He rolled his eyes.

I scowled, "Like you could do any better."  I muttered.  He took out his sleek expensive one and started texting.  My phone started to vibrate.  I took it out and glanced at the message.

Ameoba is a genus of Protozoa, consisting of shapeless unicelluar organisms, ameobas reproduce aually and are known for their remarkably large genome.  


Pfft.  I did it better.  

Zelo snorted.  I poked him in the ribs and glared at him. He completely ignored me and listened to the teacher lecture us on ameobas.  

"You'd rather listen to him than me?"  i said pretending to be offended.  "I'm hurt."  

He turned to face me with an alarmed expression on his face.  I almost laughed out loud,  'Relax,  I'm just joking."  He looked unconvinced.  My eyes softened.  "I'm not mad."  I ruffled his hair.  

He stared at me oddly and I laughed softly.  

I could feel people stare at me.  I wouldn't blame them.  I was pretty weird and sort of anti-social and yet I ended up being (?) with one of the most popular boys in our school.  They often wondered who I was to Zelo, there were some really freaky rumors.  I made a list.

1. His arranged bride

2. His sister?

3. One of the members of B.A.P's girlfriends who I was cheating on with Zelo

4.  Daehyun's unsocial stalker protege

5.  His female bodyguard Yongguk hired

6.  Zelo's babysitter 

7.  Zelo's girlfriend

And these are just a few.

First off,  are you ing serious?  Zelo, I'm assuming from his flashy gangster bling and expensive phone is pretty rich.  So what the is a rich person with (I'm assuming) influential wealthy parents marrying someone like me?  A poor person with no connections to ANYTHING.  

Seems like a crappy arranged marriage to me.  

Second of all, do I LOOK like Zelo?  He's 6 feet and still growing I'm barely 5 feet 3 inches.  Besides, we don't even look alike.     

Third of all, B.A.P are like my atractive  little brothers.  There's no way I'm ever going to date them.  


Four is ing ridiculous, seriously?  Stalker protege?  Dream on.  

Five is pretty accurate.  I've had to drag multiple fangirls of Zelo and fight them off.

Six is probably the most realistic. I've had B.A.P dump Zelo on me to do other things multiple times.  

And seven?  Well that's just so unbelievably ridiculous I'm not even going to justify it.  

Sometimes I wonder who I am to Zelo.  His noona?  Female acquaintance? Or dare I say it, 










I don't know.  

We're pretty weird that way.  

But I'm always weird so it's normal.  

Zelo and me still stuck together through out the day even though he got used to the new schedule.  

And he's my friend and he's a bit younger than me so I guess I consider him my dongsaeng.  

Class passed by pretty quickly and soon enough it was lunch already.  

Like the rest of our large and adverse facilities the lunchroom was enormous.  There was a real lunchroom but then there was also a podium with several tables and umbrellas outdoors where people could randomly dance and sing.  

Yes.  They built our school a podium so people could randomly dance and sing.  

Like for example the popular SM group called f(x) was dancing and singing on the podium.  

Nanananananana E-E-E-Electric Shock

Their soprano voices blended together perfectly.  Zelo and I walked to one of the outdoor tables were B.A.P and some of my friends were sitting on.  

"Hyosung!'  Sunhwa greeted me politely.  "Noona!" Yongjae shouted with his mouth full.  He choked and Daehyun hit his back.  "Pabo."  Daehyun muttered. He nodded at me in acknowledgement.  "Annyeong."  Ji-eun said smiling from next to Daehyun.

Jongup smiled shyly at me and I sat next to him with Zelo.   

Grumpy was sitting there grumpily eating his lunch.  "Awww, why the frowny face."  I said with mock-concern.  "Lee. Soo. Yeon."  He gritted out.  

"The nice girl who has the locker next to me?"  I asked, he nodded grumpily.  Zelo tapped me on the shoulder.  I turned to face him.  He pointed at Soo yeon.  She was surrounded by that stupid Cube Academy transfer girl group 4 Minute.  

The leader of 4Minute, Kim Hyuna was the most annoying you would ever meet.  She also (weirdly, and like many others) had a creepy weird fangirl crush on Grumpy.  What the is wrong with her and everyone else who has a crush on Grumpy?  

He's ing GRUMPY and will rain on your parade.  And obsessively wear eyeliner.  

Hyuna said something and her 3 other friends cackled creepily in unison.  Soo yeon looked distressed but she looked Hyuna in the eye and said something.  Hyuna didn't look pleased so she yanked Soo yeon's brown hair.  

Before I knew it I walked towards Hyuna and punched her in the jaw.  I had no idea why I did that but at that moment I felt a surge of protecctiveness.  Grumpy and Zelo followed me.  She glared at me angrily after she got over the shock of being punched but then she noticed Grumpy.  

"Yonggukie!"  Yonggukie? Oh God.  Help me, I'm going to puke.   "This ,"  She said emphasizing that word still glaring at me.  "Just punched me."  She flung herself at him but he held her back with his muscular arms.  

Mmmmm.  He had hot arms.  "Get off me."  He growled.  Hyuna did as she was told.  

"Hey you deserved that punch."  I snarled at her.  "What do you mean 'deserve' the punch, no one deserves to be punched."  She protested.  "Except for you."  Grumpy said bluntly.  Hyuna looked dismayed, oh Grumpy.  You really know how to charm a girl.  

"Besides,"  I said flipping my hair.  "What did she ever do to you?"  

Hyuna composed herself and pouted.  "She tried to steal Yonggukie oppa from me."  "How?"  Soo yeon asked standing next to Zelo.  "By not putting up with his horrible attitude?"  

"And eyeliner."  I added.  Grumpy glared at me.  I shrugged nonchalantly.  "You were trying to steal him from me!"  Hyuna screeched and lunged at Sooyeon.  And the weirdest thing happened. 

Grumpy stepped in front of her and Zelo and pushed her away from them.  "Don't hurt her."  He said in his naturally grumpy voice laced with warning.  

Hyuna was so shocked she just stood there with dangling open.  I chose to break the ice.  "Come on."  I said to Sooyeon.  "You can sit with me."  I said dragging her into our table.  

The rest of B.A.P and Secret were staring at us blatantly.  "I know I'm gorgeous, but you guys can resume eating."  I said bluntly.  "Thank you."  She said gratefully to me.  I shrugged, "It was nothing.  She deserved the punch."  Zelo nodded in agreement.  

"You too."  She said to Grumpy.  "Thanks."  He looked suprised but he nodded.  "You have no idea how long I waited to do that."  He mumbled.  "Yeah, Hyuna's pretty annoying."  Yongjae agreed.  "You don't say."  Jongup murmured.

 "HEY GUYZ!"  Himchan ran over to us.  "The hot girl group over there?"  He pointed to f(x).  "They're done performing.   Let's say we get this party started."  

Grumpy nodded in consent and cracked his knuckles.  Zelo wore a baseball cap and a black hoodie.  The rest of B.A.P followed suit.  Himchan winked at f(x) as he took the microphones from one of the pretty girls.  She blushed and handed him the microphones.  I rolled my eyes.  

Zelo took out his blue i-pod and plugged it in to the speakers.  They crouched on the podium silently.  They were a formidable sight all of them were in black hoodies.  The students looked at each ohter in uneasiness as music became louder and louder.

Zelo leapt in the air and landed amazing;y on his feet and started rapping.

I  nearly spat out my drink.  Zelo's voice was stll suprising to me.  Even though I knew he was a rapper, it was weird.  
Sounds good!
We fly here B.A.P, leggo!
Boom clap! Boom boom clap!
Boom clap! Boom boom clap!
Boom clap! Boom boom clap!
Yeah, let it go something like..
마, 느그들 그건 아이다 아이가
음악이 장난이가? 고마 우린 아이다
니 그카니 내 이카지, 안그카면 내 이카나?
고마하고 됐다마, 느그껀 저리 치아뿌라
아따 갸들 짜세가 진짜로 아니여
워메, 행님들 이 꼴좀 보소, 겁나 아니여
나쁜자슥들 씹어주는게 사내 아입니까?
므째이처럼 하는 랩, 바로 이 맛 아입니까?
틀에 갇힌 패러다임, 부셔줄게 we so fly
바보같이 따라하진 않겠어
앵무새 같은 너와 나를 비교하지마
마, 콱 궁딜 쌔리삐까? Let me work out
가짜들을 깨 삐라, we are worldwide
No, no, no, no mercy!
Yeah, we are the B.A.P
Baby wussup! 우리가 왔어!
이제는 너그럽게 봐주지 않겠어
No, no, no, no mercy!
Yeah, we are the B.A.P
이제 알겠어? 자비란 없어!
우리를 느낄 준비 됐음 put ya hands up!
더 크게 소리 질러봐 get ya hands up!
Boom clap! Boom boom clap!
Boom clap! Boom boom clap!
Boom clap! Boom boom clap!
Yeah, let it go something like..
아는 사람만 알아, 다 바라봐, we are the main
우릴 따라와, 잘 알아, 음악은 신나는 게임
차원이 다른 스타일, we makin’ classic
제대로 느끼게 해줄게 이젠 너희들이 무서워할 말 we’ll be back
음악이 울려 퍼진다
함성이 크게 터진다
마, 콱 궁딜 쌔리삐까? Let me work out
가짜들을 깨 삐라, we are worldwide
No, no, no, no mercy!
Yeah, we are the B.A.P
Baby wussup! 우리가 왔어!
이제는 너그럽게 봐주지 않겠어
No, no, no, no mercy!
Yeah, we are the B.A.P
이제 알겠어? 자비란 없어!
우리를 느낄 준비 됐음 put ya hands up!
더 크게 소리 질러봐 get ya hands up!
No, no, no, no mercy!
Yeah, we are the B.A.P
Baby wussup! 우리가 왔어!
이제는 너그럽게 봐주지 않겠어
No, no, no, no mercy!
Yeah, we are the B.A.P
이제 알겠어? 자비란 없어!
우리를 느낄 준비 됐음 put ya hands up!
더 크게 소리 질러봐 get ya hands up!
They finished and the entire B.A.P fanclub from TS starting cheering.  "GO GRUMPY!"  I cheered enthusiastically.  Soo yeon snorted, "Aren't you going to cheer for him?"  She asked teasingly.  "Who?"  "Zelo, your friend.  Duh."  She said blatantly.  
"Nah. he's got his own group of fangirls that are already cheering for him."  I said jerking my head to Zelo's mini fanclub of sasaeng fans.  "OHMYGAWD ZELO MARRY ME."  "SARANGHAE ZELO!"  "HE'S SO PERFECT."  "ASDFGHJKL;"
"Your praise means more than theirs."  She had a good point.  Zelo was looking around for something.
Or someone.
"Go Zelo!"  I said a bit louder than I intended to.  I even smiled a bit.  All to show support for my...
He looked at me and blushed furiously.  I waved at him and mouthed "Good job."  Wow.  I am feelng WAY too nice for my own good.  
"He didn't even respond."  I told Soo yeon.  "It meant a lot to him."  She smiled at him as well.  "How would you know?  You just met him."  She rolled her eyes at me.  "Just because you failed to notice me doesn't mean I'm invisible.  He's a smart kid.  I tutor him."  
"Isn't he like a genius already?"  It was true.  Zelo was talented.  He could dance, beatbox, play video games like a boss, rap, make cookies, and be a nerd at the same time. And I'm not even including his academic talents.  
"Yeah he is but we're overachievers.  We can't help it."  I snorted.  "What do you mean?  You're both in TS, you can't physically and mentally overachieve."  
She glared at me, "If I'm lucky maybe I WON'T be in TS for long.  I've mannaged to convince all my teachers to allow me to switch branches as long as I pass their test.  Zelo studies with me for fun."
"That has never happened in our school's history, you know that right?"  She nodded seriously.  "Why do you think I'm always reading?"  
"Because reading is fun?"  I answered questioningly.  
"I love reading!"  Sunhwa smiled.  "No, I mean yes I do but I'm reading all those books to pass my test."  "I wish I was this hardworking."  Ji-eun said smiling at Sooyeon.  

"Hey guys!  Did you miss me?"  Yongjae asked cheerfully.  "Of course!"  "Not really."  "Umm, I just met you."  "No."  He ignored my comment, "Were we good?"  "You guys were awesome!"  "Pretty good."  "What just happened?"  "Suprisingly decent."
"Good job."  Grumpy mumbled to his friends.  "Especially you Zelo."  His eyes softened just slightly when he said that to Zelo.  Zelo nodded and took a seat.  "I didn't know you could rap."  Sooyeon said quietly.  He shrugged, still blushing.  
"You guys know each other?"  Grumpy looked at Zelo questioningly.  "How?"  "I tutor him."  Sooyeon said.  "Tomorrow, I'll meet you in the library arasso?  I have to go study now."  She walked away.
"Whoa there."  Daehyun said smirking.  "Our baby Zelo has a girlfriendddd."  Zelo glared at him.  "Grumpy you got some competition."  I said teasing Grumpy.  
"Zelo's on his way to steal your girllllllll."  Yongjae joined in the teasing.  Zelo pouted and folded his arms across his chest.  "Aisht.  Don't be so mean to him."  Ji-eun said glaring at us.  
"You're right."  Daehyun said.  "Hyosung noona won't be happy about Zelo dating Sooyeon."  Zelo's eyes widened dramatically.  "What's that supposed to mean."  I said icily glaring at Daehyun.  
"Nothing."  Daehyun said innocently.  "Just commenting on your 'special relationship' with each other."  "Just like your special relationship with Yongjae?"  I said just as innocently.  
"We're best friends.  Glad to see Zelo's your best, friend, forever."    He said smirking.  "I'm so hungry."  He reached over and stole a potato chip from Yongjae.  Then reached to his right where Jongup was sitting and stole a rice cracker.  Himchan ate all his food and Grumpy swatted Daehyun's hand away.  But Daehyun wasn't finished.  
He reached across the table and Ji-eun rlled his eyes and gave him a bit fo her chocolate bar which he ate immediately.  Sunhwa gave him half of her cookie.  When he reached my lunch his face lit up.  "Ooooh!  Vegetables!'  He t0ook a carrot stick from me."  He chewed on it thoughtfully, "Okay I'm full i'm going to spy on people now."   He disappeared.
"Weird kid."  Sunhwa said looking at where Daehyun was a moment ago.  "He seems nice."  Ji-eun said optimistically.  "Right?"  "Yeahhh.  Well I've got to go."  I said packing up my lunch.  
"Where?  To meet your secret boyfriend?"  Grumpy said in his grumpy deep voice.  "You're hilarious."  I deadpanned.  "No."  "Why?  You've got plently of admirers."  Ji-eun pointed out. "You're quite pretty."  Jongup said quietly then blushed when I looked at him strangely.
"What admirers?"  "Haven't you noticed like a really jumpy group of guys who blush a lot when they're around you?"  "No?"  "Of course not, they're scared of you but they like you.  You could go out with one of them and you know, not be forever alone."  Ji-eun nudged me.
"Please.  The last thing I need is a boyfriend right now."  "Awww."  Sunhwa pouted.  "They're pretty cute you know?  Especially Dongho."  "Who the is Dongho?"  
Suddenly out of nowhere Daehyun appeared beside me and whispered, "Shin Dongho.  A member of the clique U-KISS.  Transfer student."  
He took out his expensive phone and showed me a a picture of a cute guy with black hair and a smile on his face.
"He's cute."  I commented.  "YES!"  Daehyun high fived Sunhwa, Ji-eun, Himchan, and a disgruntled Grumpy.  "She shows an attraction to the opposite gender!  Thank goodness I thought you were a lesbian."
He gave me a hug.  "Group hug!"  Yongjae announced and everyone apart from Grumpy and a confused Zelo hugged me.  "Okay!  Okay!  Get off."  I shoved them off.  
Zelo tugged at my sleeve and pointed at his blue G-Shock watch.  "I'm going to go with Zelo and not  be late for our next class because you were to busy discussing my love life."  I snapped at them.
Zelo walked beside me but kept his distance, which was probably wise.  I had a mini storm cloud brewing above my head.  My phone vibrated.  I scanned the message.
Don't be mad at them, they're just joking.  
Wasn't funny.  I'm not pretty, and i don't need a boyfriend.
Zelo looked at me weirdly,  "I don't need a man."  I said plainly.  "What?"  A random girl looked shocked.  "Jinja?"  Her friend looked equally shocked.  
"Let's go before my love life becomes a hot topic."  I muttered walking qmore briskly than usual.  He followed but he was still texting.  I looked at him enviously, the last time i tried that I walked into a tree.  Not funny.
That's not true.  You're pretty.  
I blushed as i read that and he blushed.  You don't have to be nice.  But it did feel nice to receive a compliment.  
I'm serious.  
I blushed a darker shade of red.  We reached the English classroom.  Our English teacher was a young woman named Lee Yee-jin but her English name was Ailee and she insisted that we call Her Miss Ailee.  
"Hey there!"  She said in fluent English and a smile on her face.  "Annyeong-haseyo."  I muttered and bowed as we entered her classroom and took the table at the very back of the classroom.  
Sooyeon was already there her head buried in a book.  She looked up and raised her eyebrows.  "Why are you two blushing?"  "It's nothing."  I mumbled.  I sat next to Sooyeon and Zelo across me.  
Suddenly Grumpy charged inside the classroom right before the bell rang.  Miss Ailee looked amused.  A few of the girls in our classroom started to squeal.  Grumpy took the seat next to Zelo across Sooyeon.
"A wild Grumpy has appeared."  I deadpannned.  He glared at me and tried to kick me under the table.  He missed and kicked Sooyeon's heavy backpack no doubt filled with books.  Sooyeon kicked him and glared angrily.  "Stop playing footsie."  I reprimanded mockingly.
They  both gave me evil looks but the teacher started to speak.  "Annyeong-haseyo.  Today we we're going to learn English..."  She started drawing English words on the board.  
빨강색 ppalgangsaek
orange 주황색 juhwangsaek
yellow 노랑색 norangsaek
green 초록색 choroksaek
blue 파랑색 parangsaek
보라색 borasaek
black 검정색 geomjeongsaek
white 흰색 hinsaek
"Repeat after me.  My favorite color is."  "My favorite color is."  We repeated,  "Tell your partner your favorite color."  I turned to Sooyeon.  "My favorite color is purple."  I said slightly unsteadily.  She looked at my hair.  "I noticed that."  She said dryly.  
"My favorite color is white."  She said in fluent English.  "My."  Grumpy paused.  "Favorite color is red."  He said slowly.  The teacher handed Zelo a whiteboard and he quickly scrawled the words "My favorite color is blue".  "Good job Zelo."  She said smiling.  He nodded.
"I hate this class."  Grumpy said angrily.  "Something tells me this is what you say EVERY class."  Sooyeon said.  Zelo nodded, ""You're not wrong."  I said plainly.  
Grumpy was the grumpy storm cloud that would rain over everyone's parade.  He hated people and the only people who wouldn't put up with his was Sooyeon and me.  
Since I was, (I quote Daehyun directly) "Baby Zelo's babysitter and my informant she is a valuable asset that I will not allow your petty vendetta against her to get in the way of my plans."  
So I was spared from Grumpy's inhumane wrath.  Sooyeon?  Not so lucky.  He had this weird power complex over her, like he would be super mean and grumpy to her but when other people were mean to her *cough*Hyuna*cough** he would be like super over protective boyfriend.  
But I have better things to do than to focus on Grumpy's non-existent love life.  Right?  
I don't.
But seriously Grumpy and Sooyeon is like the beauty and the beast.  Grumpy is the ugly one and Sooyeon is the pretty one.  They're polar opposites, that's why they'd go so well with each other.  
I don't even know why I'm doing this, probably because since I'm doomed to spend my life forever alone I want to help other people to be happy?  
Or i don't have anything better to do.
Either works for me.
Hey!  Thanks for the people who suscribed.  *cries* It means a lot to me,  and since I haven't updated in a while I have a super long chapter to make up for my absence.  So in this chapter we explore Zelo and Hyosung's relationship?  Like they're friends but they're not friends so they are  friends? I guess Zelo's this angsty kid who's got a lot of problems and Hyosung accepts him for that.  Next chapter will be in Zelo's POVand now I'm going to go on fangirl mode: OMG DID YOU GUYS SEE ZELO PERFORMING IN AMERICA HE'S IMPROVED SO MUCH FROM WHEN HE FIRST STARTED AND I'M SO PROUD OF MY BABY GROWING UP SO FAST ALREADY!  I'M JUST SO HAPPY AND LIKE SDFGHJKL IT SEEMS LIKE JUST YESTERDAY HE WAS PERFORMING WITH BYG IN NEVER GIVE UP WITH WEIRD CURLY NOODLEY HAIR I'M JUST SO HAPPY.  AND WHEN HE PERFORMED NEVER GIVE UP WITH JONGUP IN NY WAS HIS VOICE DEEPENING?  I;M JUST SO HAPPY FOR MAH BABY.  *CRIES*  



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lovcom00 #1
Chapter 9: thank you for rushing <3
lovcom00 #2
Chapter 8: Ok, I must say I squealed a little when I read the red/orange word *Updated* on my tablet and I saved this for night reading (then I squealed more), the new chapter is too CUTE for words (favorite lines by Dae "She's Zelo's girl." and "Free food." lol) and I can't wait for moar. She'll go to bring him home works right? Right?? Of course they'll see each other in the next chapter.. Right..? ~ ^^ Thanx A. LOT. for this squeal worthy update <3
lovcom00 #3
Woah.. I really wanted to read a good hyolo(?) story and I just LOVE this one, keep updating PLS ^^
Chapter 3: I like it! Update soon!