

I hate humans.  We're horrible....creatures.  We hurt people, we cause pain and destruction for fun.  We do bad things.  I know you might think i'm a hypocrite because I'm human too but I hate myself.  I'm just like everyone else.  I'm a sinner.  

I hate talking to people because they don't understand me.   No one  understands me except for Yongguk hyung and still he doesnt understand me completely.  He thinks that I'm too young to think this way, he insists that I need to act more like my age.  Like a carefree 17 year old.  Yeah right, like that's ever going to happen.

My parents hate me.  I'm a nusicance and a pest.  I'm the only thing that's getting in the way of their divorce.  They think I'm a freak and a basket case (which isn't entirely untrue) and make me visit a shrink every month and ask me questions on wqhy i don't talk.  

You might see me on the street.  I look perfectly normal.  My strangely dyed spiky hair, outlined eyes, hip-hop inspired clothing, and my trusty skateboard makes me look like a typical rebellious teenager but I'm way different.  

Normal rebellious teenager's parents aren't two of the wealthiest people in Korea.  

Normal rebellious teenagers TALK.  They have huge mouths.  They blab all the time all over the place.  I know this from everyday life.  I'm best friends with Kim Himchan, the perfect role model of a rebellious teenager with a huge mouth.  Instead of talking I text. And I don't text a lot either. I don't like talking.  I like my personal space and many people don't understand that concept.  I'm probably half mute but I'm pretty sure deep down inside I use that as an excuse to tick my parents off.  

Most rebellious teens have parents that actually LOVE  them.  

And they're pretty short.

I know the last one is pretty lame but I'm running out of ideas.  

I'm tall.  Like REALLY tall.  I'm taller than everyone in B.A.P which is strange because I'm the youngest.  I hate my age.  People look down on me because of my age.  Even my hyungs in B.A.P do that sometimes. 

I'm good at reading people.  I'm probably the second most observant member in B.A.P after Daehyun.  I can take one glance at your face and see all your emotion.  So when i see my hyungs hurt or angry I "ask" them whether they're okay.  We're guys and we don't like admitting we need help so they usually say it (without realizing) "You're too young to understand."  

I HATE my age.  I'm 17.  I can't wait until I become an adult.  Then i can leave my parents once and for all and do something with my life.  

Even though my life is pretty bad I have the best friends in the world.  

I have my cousin Bang Yongguk, who looks like a grumpy bunny killer which girls seem to like but is really the best hyung anyone can ask for.  He's great at rapping.  He's a rebel from the inside to the outside.  Instead of playing piano or violin like all the wealthy parents insist their children to do, he bribed his teacher and went underground performing. 

Moon Jongup, who looks a bit awkward but is one of the best dancers I know.  When he dances, all his awkwardness disappears and is replaced by a smooth, graceful dancer.   

Kim Himchan, the derp and the playboy.  Like the best word to describe Kim Himchan is derp.  He's also handsome apparently because lots of girls like him.  I have no idea why.  

Yoo Yongjae, the talker and the happy one.  Like he is so happy it almost hurts.  How does he remain so happy all the time?  He's kind and likes talking.  He can talk about random things for hours and hours and not be bored of doing so.  He's tried that before.  We had to shove kimchi in his mouth to make him stop.  Apart from being happy and talkative, Yongjae is the cleverest.  He's a genius.  He loves electronics.  You should see his room.  He's also a good singer, but not as good as Daehyun.  

Jung Daehyun, the ninja and the spy.  He's very quiet. After Yongguk I  think Daehyun is the one I'm closest to.  He's mysterious and is best friends with Yongjae but he barely talks, but he's the best singer in the entire school.  He's very secretive about himself.  The rest of us (apart from Yongjae) only know that he's from Busan and he moved to Seoul to live with Yongjae.

And that's all of my friends.  We're a close knit group and we're fiercely protective of each other.  Yongguk (as tough and grumpy as he is) is like our umma.  He checks up on us all the time and asks us about our day.

Jongup is like our appa.  He's calm and very organized and knows all the right things to say and gets along with everyone.

Yongjae is the nerd of the "family", as well as the happy virus.  Daehyun the emo.   Himchan the pabo.  And me.  

We're probably the most unlikely group of friends but we're friends anyways.  Luckily we all transfered to a new school.  

We are going to dominate this school.  


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lovcom00 #1
Chapter 9: thank you for rushing <3
lovcom00 #2
Chapter 8: Ok, I must say I squealed a little when I read the red/orange word *Updated* on my tablet and I saved this for night reading (then I squealed more), the new chapter is too CUTE for words (favorite lines by Dae "She's Zelo's girl." and "Free food." lol) and I can't wait for moar. She'll go to bring him home works right? Right?? Of course they'll see each other in the next chapter.. Right..? ~ ^^ Thanx A. LOT. for this squeal worthy update <3
lovcom00 #3
Woah.. I really wanted to read a good hyolo(?) story and I just LOVE this one, keep updating PLS ^^
Chapter 3: I like it! Update soon!