As the wheel of fate starts to move

What love can make you do.....

C.A.P.'s POV


 I sped through out the roads of the city to the district hospital, I didn't care about speed limits, well I did  but not like the cops are ever awake at this time of night umm..wait day.. no night no it's day

"Yah! Why am I even arguing about this!" I yelled reprimanding myself.

I stopped talking and continued to drive.

 After 10 minutes I finally arrived at the district hospital. I parked near the elevator in the hospital's basement parking.

Before I went out of my car I turned to see if I haven't left anything valuable and if I got everything secured after I clicked on the automatic lock, my car beeped once signaling it's been locked but for safety measures I tried to open the driver's  seat and it was locked, ensuring me the alarm was . I walked towards the elevator and pressed the button.

I could hear the echo my shoe's tapping as I waited.

I can feel it, my heart was starting to race.

Ding. The elevator finally arrived. I went inside, turned to elevator panel then pressed 1. The doors closed.

I can feel a small amount of mixed anxiety and nausea creeping, slowly engulfing me. I never really liked hospitals, well not really, I mean hospitals is where ill people are looked after and treated, yeah that is their definition. Anyways, what I mean is that I really don't like the strong smell of isopropyl alcohol, skidding noise of a gurney and an almost endless list of all things that are white that you can find in the hospital. Don't get me wrong, I love white, and not everything in the hospital is white, it's just that majority of the objects here and also majority of all hospital's interior design is white, and it makes me feel as if everything I know is disappearing,as if I'm trapped and I feel like the incident before will come back to haunt me again. Minjae's voice echoing in my head *HYUNG!!HYUNG!!*, I began to quiver a little as I kept thinking about it, I was snapped out of my thoughts as the elevator dinged, the doors opened, I was already here at my floor.

I let out a sigh of relief, "saved-by-the-bell-much moment" I chuckled at my remark as the unpleasant feeling I felt disappeared. I went to the main front desk to ask about Changjo's current condition.

"Umm...Hi! I'm Bang Minsoo, I'm here for a patient named Choi Jonghyun" I told her with a gentle smile

"Mr.Bang, we've been expecting you, can please fill this here your relationship with the patient?" she said as she handed me a logbook and pen while pointing out to where I shall answer. I took it then she returned her attention to the monitor's screen.

I wrote in neat print letters, well to me it's neat, 'Guardian'. Changjo and I aren't really related, he arrived in our family when he was seven, the husband of my father's deceased sister. Since my dad is always busy traveling checking our other hotel branches and mom's also busy managing our main branch. So I was left in charge of taking care of Minjae and Changjo, even though we have maids and butlers, I took care of them myself, so that practically makes me his guardiian.

"Here,Miss...Park" I saw her tag said Park Chorong, she must be the one who informed me earlier, I thought to myself only to realize now.

"Thank you!" she took the log book from my hand and checked it "So you're his guardian" she read my answer aloud  and observed me from head to toe "You look quite young to be a guardian" she chuckled at her observation

"Yeah! I get that a lot" I responded with a smirk and she lowered her head to hide her blush. I felt smug with her reaction. I was mentally laughing at my minor achievement while praising myself, oh Minsoo you did it again.

"Mr. Bang, Mr.Choi is confined at room number 79 on the the tenth floor, Nurse Yoon Bomi will you and brief you on Mr.Choi Jonghyun's status" she stated while try to collect herself. 

"Lead the way Nurse Yoon" I exclaimed and again with my bright smile

"You can call me Bomi, this way Mr. Bang" she returned with a flirty chortle as she went towards the elevator. Hmm.. I thought to myself, this ones got game cute too, actually Chorong is also pretty. Damn! this hospital's got a lot of beautiful nurses but Chunji is still much cuter. "Wait what..?" I exclaimed my thoughts out loud.

"Aren't you coming Mr. Bang?" Bomi who was already waiting in the elevator asked

"Oh! Yeah I'm coming, sorry for the hold up" I went in then press the button that was engraved with 10. The doors closed then Nurse Bomi started her briefing on Changjo's condition. My mind still drifted to my previous thought, Oh My God! I mentally screamed here we go again I can't believe I'm still thinking a guy is cute when Nurse Bomi here is so cute, a nurse and most importantly a GIRL, other than that she has milky complexion, a beautiful figure while Chunji has smile that could make the world a better place.

"What the hell are you thinking again!?" I hissed to myself

" Is everything alright?" I turned to her, a bit perplexed

"Huh? Oh yeah! Everything is fine go ahead continue with what you're saying" I assured her and this time you should listen Minsoo I mentally scowled at myself

" Okay! Then shall I start again from the beginning since it seems you've drifted deep in your thoughts?" she suggested with smile

"Sorry! and yes please" I expressed with an apologetic smile. Ughh! How embarrassing Minsoo, I mentally grimaced to myself

"That's alright! Okay, Mr. Choi was involved in a car accident and it seems he hit his head hard on the pavement, the trauma on his head is severe but not life threatening and it's good that he arrived early so that his head injury was immediately treated before he could lose a large amount of blood or else he would undergo blood transfusion. His X-ray results came out just a while ago. As of now he is still unconscious. His temperature is a little high since he still has a fever from the common cold no serious disease or anything but everything seems to be okay, no broken bones or anything except minor fracture on his ribs but it will heal as time pass, a lot of bruises and scratches, his CAT scan will come out tomorrow other than everything is good, heart rate, blood pressure, platelet count, vital organs, well all normal" exactly right after she finished her briefing we arrived at our floor.

The doors opened and revealed the tenth floor's nurse station. Nurse Bomi greeted the nurse at the station then we turned right to proceed to Changjo's room.68, 67, 69, 70, 71, as I counted down to 79 my heart began to race again, I could feel my breathing also became heavy. The mixed feeling of nausea and anxiety is coming back again. 

We came to a stop in front of a room with a number 79 on the door and by side of the door, where the patient's name is displayed is 'Choi Jonghun'.

"Well here we are, I'm going back to help out with other patients, believe it or not we still have a lot of patient's coming in even though it's 3 am, just go ahead in okay and if you need help or anything you can use the phone inside or just come to the nurse station, Bye!" after that she left and I was left alone standing in front of Changjo's room.  

My hand was shaking as I tried to reach for the door. With all my might I tried to comfort myself  that everything is fine and after I  calmed myself then  I slid the door open.

There I saw Changjo, on the bed with an IV needle on his left hand attached to a dextrose, which was half full, that was hanging above his head. I observed the room, it was dimly lit by the light above Changjo's bed, the walls were painted with a light shade of cerulean, a 32 inch flat screen mounted on the wall in front of the bed, an oxygen tank and a bedside locker by the bed, a window parallel to the bed with faded lime colored curtains, three cream colored chairs, a cream colored sofa, a mahogany-wood varnished  table. A Spit AC installed at the front left corner of the room and a cross attached at the right corner by the door, since the district's owner and head is a catholic. I went in and closed the door behind me.

 It was still dark outside, so I took a chair and sat beside the bed facing Changjo. "Oh! Changjo" I said softly with worry.

Changjo suddenly stirred which made me stand up. He responded to my I tried to talk to him again.

"Changjo can you hear me?" I said in a soft voice so he won't be frightened 

"Min-..soo..Hyu-..Hyung?" Changjo responded groggily while fighting to open his eyes

"Yes, I'm here!" I said trying to keep my voice down because I'm so happy he's awake now.

"Minsoo hyung... Changhyun's.. in.. the.. operating room because of's all my fault" he was struggling to finish his sentence as he was trying keep back the tears that was starting to form in his eyes...

 A/N: *phew* This is the first chapter that I really spent time on and by far my longest

chapter. I'm sorry to have kept you guys waiting esp I told you that I will update as soon

as I can but to be honest I took 4 days off no writing this ehehehe Sorry ^w^ but as

promised I compensated for last time's  super short chapter..... though there wasn't that

much drama as I said :( again sorry about that! Anyways thank you for waiting and for 

those who subscribed  thank you so much as SOOOO MUCCHH!!!! Also for those who read

and gave their interest even the slightest hint I also thank you :))))! So comment (I love  

comments hihihi I think a lot of you knows that since I mentioned that in almost ALL

chapters) and subscribe if you like ^_^ ! BTW OhMyGosh I"m SOOOOOO  

LUUUUVVVIIINN  C.A.P. right now #where's ma girl on replay XD! 

Oh OUR dear leader CAP you're hansome to us no matter what ^W^!!!!!!

not to mention HOT!!!!

Yet ADORABLE >_< awhhh he is such a CUTIEEEE !!!!!!!


(credits to the owner of the pics thankyou so much =D!)











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wjPhaeya #1
Chapter 7: OMG ! Trolled ! LOL ! So Changjo threw that tantrum and cause Minsoo to worry for nothing ! XD
HAHAHAHHAA ! Good one, Author-nim ! ;D
Iamthebestttt #2
looks good :3 <3
Chapter 6: Woah. This story looks interseting :) Gotta subscribe this ;)
Chapter 6: Minsoo .. Is so cute .
ILoveYou_Forever #5
Chapter 6: Oh Channie is okay but ChangHyun and JongHyun are in hospital... Well, not okay at all! But LOL at MinSoo's thoughts~ LOL Cute!
chunjiholic #6
Chapter 4: So, L.Joe such a , he's also one in my story lol, he had the same mindset and kissing a girl and omggg. I LOVE THIS! This is too dramatic, even for me to handle, you are such a smootheee writer. Respect you~ jjang. Waiting for the update! And URGH, Cap CRAP! :) lol <3 love u hwaiting!
ILoveYou_Forever #7
Chapter 4: OMG Don't tell me it's Channie who got an accident.....
Chapter 4: lolol cap is soooo funny!!!! haha.. fake advertisement!! and ihate how ljoe is hurting chunji and how chunji lets it happen... ughh.. go with cap.. :D he seems to care about you chunji..!
Thank you people for subscribing also for loving chanhee so much TTuTT!!! don't worry I will never let our chunjoe unhappy and away from each other
ILoveYou_Forever #10
Chapter 3: Channie let that jerk hurt him that many times and he always endure it??? Why is my baby so stupid and suffering the hurt alone like that????? Channir should just leave that jerk because I'm sure he doesn't even love my little poor baby like my baby does... Sobs... Channie yah, please just leave him!!!!!!! T__T