meeting suju M


Recap: Julia, Emma, Merlissa and Manali raised their hands pointing to the killer.
They pointed at…THE FATHER!!! The father looked at them confused. While they just shrugged their shoulders and smiled. Then Emma’s facial expression turned serious.
“Handcuff him. He is the killer.” Emma said to the local police. The police looked at each other, none of them daring to move.
Emma sighed impatiently, “Handcuff him.” She said this time to her companies’ police. They all hesitated for a second, before one of them spoke.
“Mam, would you please explain why the father is the killer before we do what you instruct us to do.” Emma grew impatient and was about to handcuff the father herself when Merlissa spoke up.
“This…” Merlissa gestured to what fell out the cloth, it was medicine woman use when they have babies, the medicine kept the babies healthy. “Is the proof that the father killed his own daughter and sons and wife.”
“But how?” asked a family member angrily. “How can you accuse this man. He just lost his kids and wife.”
Manali spoke up. “Apart from him there is no other men in the house, am I correct?” Manali asked a member of the guy’s family.
“Ye. So what?” the person replied.
‘What attitude!’ Emma thought completely pissed yet her facial expression remained mutual.
“If you’re implying that he made her pregnant and killed the wife, that medicine is not enough proof to say that he killed them. Maybe she got pregnant outside with another guy.” The person said.
Julia smiled and shook her head, she turned to the local police, “See, she…” Julia pointed at the person, “already sold him…” Julia points at the father “off.”
“WHAT… NO!!! How did I sell him off, what kind of…” she looks at our uniform, “detectives are you?” she said defensively.
“Because none of us said that she was pregnant and you said it. Just because that medicine fell out, it doesn’t mean she is pregnant, we never said that she was and you said it, meaning you know what happened don’t you?” Julia explained.
“Wh…what?” the person stuttered.
“Save your breath.” Emma muttered under her breath.
Manali walked over to the servant and grabbed her wrist and tested her pulse rate.
“Yep! Pregnant.” She confirmed.
“I remember on the document on each of these servants, this one  doesn’t have a family so she lives here, in this house, and she never goes out, so obviously it is the father who got her pregnant.” Emma said.
“What are you talking about?” the father shouted furiously, “How can you say such things.” He continued with tears in his eyes.
“Even if he did get her pregnant why would he want to kill his wife and kids?” asked a local police.
“I’m guessing because the wife and kids and he didn’t want this to spill out. Oh! And the gg company that he has.  A company so huge it affects the whole world. If this affair got went on t.v. he would’ve been doomed.” Emma explained.
“But why kill the baby?” asked a family relative.
“His afraid that the baby will grow up and find out and take revenge for his mother.”  Merlissa said with a ‘isn’t it obvious’ tone.
“And this…” Manali pointed to one of the blood stains with a fingerprint on it that was on the mother.  “Was left by him. Look at the shape, isn’t it peculiar. A fingerprint with bulge in the middle.” Manali pointed at the father’s finger. “The ring and the fingerprint fits exactly.”
Yesung smiled beside the JemM members. If it weren’t for them his detective company would’ve fallen a long time ago. One by one when the former detective members died in his company because the killers were able to track the company down, no one ever wanted to do with his secret detective company again. And when JemM turned up they were willing to help. Yesung’s company was well known but no one knew what were the real names and faces behind each person was. It was kept a secret so that no one died again. Masks and cover names were usually used at crime scenes and when catching the killer, it was nearly impossible to figure out what the real names and faces were.
Masks? You may be thinking. Didn’t they take them off long ago? And didn’t Merlissa complain that they were itchy and Yesung let them take it off? Well let me explain this clearly. These masks could be in any form. At school they wore weird make up to make them look ugly. At crime scenes they wore a skin mask so it made them look like an entirely different person.  When they already know a killers identity and they find him and they are ready to catch him, they also wear skin masks. Sometimes they choose not to wear their masks. Just then Merlissa was complaining about the make up being uncomfortable.  
After explaining and fighting (the father tried killing the JemM members) they captured the man and Yesung and Julia, Emma, Merlissa and Manali went back in/on their vehicles and drove off back to the company.
At the company Julia, Emma, Merlissa and Manali and Yesung removed their skin masks and entered his office.
“Good work!” Yesung exclaimed to them. The five of them laughed and high-fived.
“Number 99, done!” Julia said ticking off the number on a chart next to the door.
“Wow! Have we already solved 99 problems?” Merlissa asked walking over smiling widly.
“Time and missions fly fast right, don’t they?” Emma asked while sighing happily. All of them stared at the blue chart.
“You’ve got another coming up.” Yesung said standing behind his desk and picking up another set of papers. The girls heads whirled around and stared at him.
“Seems like we’re getting less and less rest time.” Emma said walking over to his desk.
“It’s another one of those ‘capture the killer’ crime.” Yesung stated handing out the papers to the members.  "Remember do not let anyone recognise any of you." Yesung said seriously. The girls nodded and scanned the set of documents.
“So when should we take care of this?” Merlissa asked looking up.
“Tonight” Emma said before anyone could say anything.
“Where?” asked Manali and Julia in unison.
“Look at the documents carefully.” Emma said teasing them.
“Just tell us.” They said and sighed.
“At tonight’s ‘Beijing transferred store party.” Emma said unhappy that her members wouldn’t work it out for themselves.
“Ah! I see.” Merlissa said.
“Me too.” Manali added.
“Me three.” Julia added.
“Right meet here tonight at…” Yesung couldn’t decide what time.
“Wait!” Manali suddenly yelled. “I have to return home early remember?” she asked her boss.
“Well try and get out of it then.” Julia said.
“All right! I’ll try.” Manali said unwillingly.
“Eight then, at this office.”  Emma said ending the conversation there.

Yesung smiled and left his office after the other JemM members left. Heechul met him outside the company’s door and got into a car with him. Today they were in a rush because they were going to see the ‘long-time-no-see’ Super Junior M  members. When they arrived at their dorms they pressed the doorbell.

(Inside the dorm)
“Is Heechul and Yesung hyung (elder brother) coming over today?” asked Kyuhyun while staring at his laptop screen.
“Ye” replied Hangeng simply.
“Great.” Eunhyuk said.
They heard the doorbell rang.
“Here they are.” Sungmin said.
No body moved.
“Umm… Kyuhyun go get the door.” Donghae said.
“No! Henry you go get it.” Kyuhyun said.
“Why should I? Zhou Mi why don’t you?” Henry said.
I’ll go get it then.” Hangeng said.
"Oh hi Yesung it's been a long time since we saw you." Hankyung said smiling as he opened the door.
“Yo bro!” Yesung said.
“HAHAHA.” Heechul laughed.
“What asked Hangeng looking down at himself.
“Your hair.” Heechul said trying to stifle his laughter.
Sorry people! Sorry for not updating in such a long time!  Sorry with the teaser, i realise that i'm gonna have to add the other two bits in the next chapter.


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jamyung #1
Chapter 26: ok this chapter is so awesome and lame
hehehe sorry
jamyung #2
Chapter 25: love the ending
so sweet
Chapter 25: That was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jamyung #4
Chapter 23: plaese update a chapter that has the triangles together
jamyung #5
thankyou for the update
can't wait for the next chapter
wonder when the triangle is going to be together
So short!! I want to read loads of more stuff. >.<
I'm getting so excited for the next chapter!
Update Soon
Hip Hip Hooray for the Hangeng and Emma couple....but now I kind of feel sorry for the Yesung and Emma couple...what about poor poor poor Emma...ripped apart in two by her two star-crossed lovers (from Romeo and Juliet)...hahahahah!!
hahahahahahahahah!!!!! Emma can't COOK!!! (Quoting) "Keep her out of the kitchen!" Hehehehe!<br />
Update Soon!
uhhhhhhhhh......why does my heart start beating really hard while reading your updates?