first mission as easy as ever

IT IS TIME FOR JEMM AND THE MYSTERIES (Moon) (Jade) (Marble) (Emerald)

here are the pictures of the bikes, i tried to find the same styled ones but i couldn't, imagine there are lightning strikes on them. let's get on with the story then. just incase you forgot Emma is Emerald, Julia is Jade, Merlissa is Moon, Manali is Marble. if you're wondering where their bags well they are already back in their own homes, they have servants who do that for them.

Recap: Julia and Merlissa started screaming at the top of their lungs and hugged each other tightly. Manali’s eyes widened and Emma took a step back looking bored. The corpse fell on the floor with a thud. 
Then Merlissa and Julia started laughing hysterically.  Emma rolled her eyes and Manali just shook her head. One after the other they stepped over the corpse and walked onto their level, level 30. Their manager stepped out from behind a pot plant and sighed.
"Awww! That was no fun! You guys used to scream on forever, and get real scared. But now all you do is scream, laugh, then 'let's step over it'. NO FUN!" The manager pouted.
"Scream on forever, hmmm." Emma said she briskly walked over to her manager and SCREAMED in his ear. The manager jumped and ran behind Julia, then HE realised she was going to be no help and ran over to hide behind Merlissa, again he realised he ran to the wrong person and ran behind Manali. The three JemM members raised an eyebrow.
"Uh huh. So what is the reason for hiding behind Marble." Merlissa said with an evil grin. The manager gulped.
"W...we...wel...well... you know... you and Jade... will help Emerald instead of ME. ME! Come on I'm your manager. And yet you guys still help Emerald." The manager stuttered.
"Well now duh! Everyone knows to take Emerald's side in situations like this." Merlissa rolled her eyes.
"I agree you know." Manali said looking down at the manager. "Moon, let's do this!" Manali said enthusiastically.
"Noooooooo!" the manager wailed. The three JemM members dragged their manager who was on his knees to Emma, she grinned.
"Can I scream now?" Emma asked.
"Saved" the manager muttered.
"Lucky you! O well, come one let's go guys, Hamlet *snicker* (the manager, real name is Heechul) don't forget you still owe me dinner money." Julia said as she started running towards the boss' office. The others ran after her. The manager yelled after them.
"MY NAME IS COVER NA... MY NAME IS HAMNET, OK? HAMNET!" the manager sighed. "My cover name is Hamnet not Hamlet." Heechul whispered under his breath. He looked at Julia's disappearing figure. "If only you know how much I love you, Jade." He said. 'What am I thinking' he thought, he shook his head violently and walked back into his office.
The JemM members arrived at their boss’ office.
“We’re here.” Emma said as she entered. 16 needles came flying across the room at different angles. Julia caught four needles without trouble in between her fingers. She used her sense touch to catch them and not hurt herself, she smiled happily. Emma immediately closed her eyes and used her hearing skills to catch four needles effortlessly in between her fingers. She smirked at the boss. Merlissa used her sharp sight and caught four needles easily in between her fingers. She smiled lightly. Manali also caught four needles easily with her sense of smell, to her everything had a smell no matter what. She smiled lightly too.
The boss clapped. “Very well done girls.”
“Yves!” the girls said exasperated.
“If those needles hit me in the eye someday I’m gonna kill you, you get it.” Said Merlissa.
“Stop playing around now! We have a new mission don’t we.” Emma said, resuming back to her cold self. She went over to Yesung’s (cover name Yves) table and looked for the documents on the crime scene Yesung told her about.
“Yes Yes, let’s get to work.” Yesung said. He went over to his desk and helped Emma get the documents on the crime scene. “Here, this is it.” He handed Emma the documents, which then she handed out to her team mates. “Apparently we’re trying to find a killer. Well that’s what the police assume…” We all smirked.
“Four people, a family, mum, brother, sister and a baby boy, the father survived.” Emma said as she scanned her document.
“Wealthy family, had lots of money and plenty of servants, dad was the boss of a big company the… gg’s” Merlissa said and raised an eyebrow at the company name.
“Two knife marks on the baby, six on the brother, four on the sister
 and seven on the mum. All located on the upper-half of the body." Manali stated.
"Murdered in the backyard. Found dead at 2:30pm yesterday." said Julia.
"So who have the police questioned?" asked Emma as she raised her head to look at Yesung.
"Everyone in the house and everyone else who lives on the same street on them." Yesung replied.
"Can i rip off my mask now?" Merlissa suddenly said out of nowhere.
"NO!!!" Yesung and Emma bellowed at the top of their lungs.
"Woah! Calm down. Only joking." Merlissa said as her eyes widened.
"Not funny." Emma said codly.
"Well sorry. But my skin is getting really itchy you know." Merlissa said annoyed.
"Sorry, that I forgot to remind you guys." Emma said without any emotion.
"You don't sound like you're sorry." Julia said amused.
The four members wore masks at school to cover up their identity as detectives. So in real life they actually had breath-taking beauty, but they had to hide it. Incase they were marked as queenkas and people start digging for their background information.They would usually take their mask off after school, but today they just forgot. 
"Here why don't we go into the office now, get dressed for out next mission and rip our masks off, so we can concentrate on what to do?" Manali suggested.
'I agree." said Julia seriously, "If we really want to get this over and done with."
Emma looked at the both of them and nodded. Yesung sighed and waved them off. They thanked him and walked out of the office. They went back to the elevator and went in. They pressed 'under ground level 15' and the elevator went down. Their company had 50 levels above ground and 15 below. When changing back to their real look they would either go to the highest or lowest level. JemM preferred the lowest level since everything was darker and cooler (in summer) down there, the level became hotter in winter. All the levels looked identical, anyone who first set foot in this building will get lost really quickly and easily. JemM had that problem at first but it was quickly resolved with Emma's good memory, soon after the other three members remembered where everything was, it took them a whole year to remember. After arriving at their level Julia quickly went to the door opposite from the elevator, Emma went to the left door beside the elevator, Merlissa the right and Manali went to the one next to Julia's. They changed into their uniforms,  (the guy's uniform) and ripped off their masks. They quickly met back at the elevator, and up to level 30 again and back into Yesung's office. Yesung were about to give the papers to them again when Emma stopped him.
"No need, i've already remembered everything." she said.
"As expected." said Yesung and shrugged and put the papers back on the desk.
"Come on let's get going i have to be back at home by 8 today. ARGH! LOOK IT'S ALREADY 4:30." Manali panicked.
"We still have three and a half hours left." Julia said looking at her watch, "I can get my brother to come and pick us up if you want."
"No thanks." Manali muttered and grimaced, she wasn't very fond of Julia's brother.
"Actually it takes an hour just to get to the crime scene from here." Yesung said and gulped and waited for what was coming he quickly covered his ears, same with the others in the room.
"WHAT" Emma bellowed at the top of her lungs. Thunder and lightning struck behind her. Even though she and her friends were really good at sports and really fit and everything, Emma had car sickness. "NO~!" she wailed.  
"Why don't we hurry up and get this done with." suggested Merlissa. Emma stomped out of the room totally pissed her friends trailed after her with the boss at their tails. They went out of the building with sunglasses on and the JemM members got onto their motorbikes cause on the way Emma ended up suggesting riding their motorbikes instead. The Yesung refused at first saying it was dangerous, but relented after a glare from all of them. He entered a black and window tinted car. They quickly drove off to the crime scene.
(At the crime scene)
A couple of family members were crying over the dead bodies. The members hopped off their motorbikes and Yesung got out of his car. Emma stopped and closed her eyes and steadied her breathing. even though she can act cold and emotionless she was actually the most emotional out of the whole group. She won't cry infront of anyone except for her family and bestest friends. Example a passionate speech was said and everyone cried, Emma would remain stone-faced. After reaching home she would break down in tears and cry for a whole hour, sometimes hours on end! And she hated crime scenes with dead families. They forced their way through the crowd and went to study the corpses. Servants stood in a line sobbbing with cloths in their hands.  Immediately something caught Merlissa's eyes, yet she remained silent. Julia and Manali started questioning the servants.
"So... what were you servants doing before you found the corpse?" Julia asked. Most of them answered doing the jobs.
"Excuse me sir, may i ask what were you doing before you were informed of the news that your children and wife were dead in your backyard?" Manali questioned the man. The man just kept on wailing and didn't answer Manali. Emma sensed something wasn't quite right. Suddenly Merlissa questioned the one servant.
"How long have you been serving this house?" Merlissa asked.
"Four years." replied the servant while sobbing.
"How about the rest of you?" Merlissa asked.
"Eight years/ six years." they replied. Emma immediately knew what was going on.
"I'm curious," Emma said as she walked to the one Merlissa questioned first, "Why is that you have a silk cloth and you have only worked here for four years, while the rest have worked six to eight years and only have normal cloths?" she said while mercilessly grabbing the silken cloth. She produced a knife from her belt and cut the silk open. Something fell out, everyone recognised it. Julia, Emma, Merlissa and Manali raised their hands pointing to the killer.

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jamyung #1
Chapter 26: ok this chapter is so awesome and lame
hehehe sorry
jamyung #2
Chapter 25: love the ending
so sweet
Chapter 25: That was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jamyung #4
Chapter 23: plaese update a chapter that has the triangles together
jamyung #5
thankyou for the update
can't wait for the next chapter
wonder when the triangle is going to be together
So short!! I want to read loads of more stuff. >.<
I'm getting so excited for the next chapter!
Update Soon
Hip Hip Hooray for the Hangeng and Emma couple....but now I kind of feel sorry for the Yesung and Emma couple...what about poor poor poor Emma...ripped apart in two by her two star-crossed lovers (from Romeo and Juliet)...hahahahah!!
hahahahahahahahah!!!!! Emma can't COOK!!! (Quoting) "Keep her out of the kitchen!" Hehehehe!<br />
Update Soon!
uhhhhhhhhh......why does my heart start beating really hard while reading your updates?