Last chapter- the death of...


Sorry guys... but this story seriously just got... lost. I can't come up with anything new anymore. The story just isn't flowing and I realised it doesn't make sense. But i thought i must just end it, with a last chapter + epilogue.

“Hey Emma, guess what? I got in.” Hangeng said smiling bitterly as a tear rolled down his cheek. “Aren’t you happy?” he stood in front of Emma’s tombstone with a bunch of lilies in his hand, Emma’s favourite white lilies. Hangeng knelt down and placed them in front of the tombstone.
Hangeng wiped away the tear soundlessly as he stared at Emma’s name, his heart tugged.
“Why? Why, did you leave so early......” he whispered, “You told me that you would never leave me alone. You promised me. You told me that if I got in SM Entertainment that you will be luckiest girl in the world. So why? Why?”

(At the hospital)
“Hey Merlissa, I came to see you. Guess what, I got in SM Entertainment.” Key said, holding onto Merlissa’s cold hands. The machine beeped loudly beside him, the thing keeping her alive.
“You can hear me can’t you? Why don’t you open your eyes? Please open your eyes, please.” Key begged her, even though he knew nothing was going to happen. Merlissa was in a coma, and the doctors had said that she will be like that forever. Key cried soundlessly, to him SM Entertainment was nothing anymore. It meant nothing without Merlissa.

(At a café)
“Yah! Stop it!” Julia yelled whacking away Leetuek’s hands. Leetuek laughed at her and continued to rub her head.  Leetuek, Heechul, Jonghyun, Minho, Kangin and Julia were taking a lunch break; it had been a tiring day. They had used so many methods to let her regain her lost memories but to no avail.
“If you don’t stop now, I’ll kill you.” Julia said pouting cutely.
“You know you won’t.” Leetuek said in mock horror.
“And it’s all because I love you.” Julia said rolling her eyes. Suddenly Jonghyun stood up from his seat and stalked out the café. Julia blinked, oblivious to Jonghyun’s feelings.
“What’s up with him?” she said.
“I’ll go.” Heechul said standing up; he couldn’t stand this sight any longer as well. He walked outside quickly.
Outside he and Jonghyun sat side by side on a bench.
“It’s not gonna ever work, is it?” Jonghyun said his hand curling into a fist. Heechul sighed, “The doctor said that it would probably never return.”
“Damn!” Jonghyun muttered under his breath and punched the bench. Heechul smiled bitterly, “That’s exactly how I felt when Julia first mentioned she loved you.”

(At a cliff)
Taemin stood there silently as he watched the waves smash against the rocks below. The wind whistled in his dark brown hair, blowing it in front of his eyes. He moved it away revealing his tear-filled eyes.
“I know you’re still alive, but where are you?” He said helplessly. “Please come back.” Taemin kneeled onto the rocky edge and released his tears. Manali had gone missing in this exact place 2years ago and yet she still hasn’t returned, even though everyone knew it was highly likely that she was dead-she had jumped off the cliff in an attempt to run- Taemin would just not give up in looking for her, he believed she was still alive somewhere and he would find her.

(In the sky)
Minji sighed quietly as she shook her head in remorse. In the end her disciples did not escape their fate, that was similar to hers.
“Minji master.” Two voices said at once.
“Ah! Emma and Manali, just in time. Come look.” They peered over and a tear escaped their eyes.
Suddenly a huge light flashed from Merlissa’s bed which was invisible to the human eye. However for Emma and Manali they immediately knew that she was going to come up and join them soon. However for Julia, they did not know.

“CUT!!!!!!!!!!!!” The director yelled. Minji stretched and yawned tiredly.
“Yes! Finally finished filming.” Yelled Merlissa in glee as she danced around the area.
“I know right! That was one long series.” Emma said as she removed her short wig revealing the long black hair concealed inside.
Finished and done, the series ‘It is time for JemM and the mysteries’ was finally done filming. The actors and actresses chatted happily as they removed their costumes and celebrated.
“Hey! Don’t forget the dinner today.” Hangeng yelled over to JemM.
“ZHI DAO LA (I know)!” Emma yelled back in Chinese, hangeng grinned; it was fun working with this rookie group. They only just debuted a month ago and just finished filming a series; they were going to succeed no doubt.
Everyone was going to gather tonight to have a celebration dinner; it was going to be packed with Super Junior, SHINee, JemM, Girls Generation and Dark League coming. Dark League was another rookie group that debuted three months ago. It consisted of 3 members: Yu-Ying, Jackie and Sally. They have been quite successful, claiming the charts since debut.
“Hey yo!” Yu-Ying suddenly appeared out of nowhere and patted Merlissa’s back, “you ended up dying in the end.” She grinned mischievously; Merlissa just smiled back and slung her arm around Yu-Ying’s shoulders.
“That we did not actually clarify. The viewers have to figure it out themselves.” Merlissa said. Yu-Ying just relented and smiled.

(At the dinner)
It was very noisy, people talking, laughing, clapping, singing, etc. Everyone was at the celebration dinner. It was a joyful event. And somehow in coincidence Yesung, Hangeng and Emma sat together with Key, Kyuhyun and Merlissa together, Manali, Taemin and Ryewook together and Julia, Jonghyun, Heechul and Leetuek together… coincidence? Maybe not, maybe yes, maybe no one will ever know.
“Hey!” Taemin yelled suddenly at the JemM, half of the Super Junior and SHINee members, “I heard that this series was based on a true story, what do you guys think?” he asked with a mouthful of food.
“ARGH!” Manali said pushing his jaw up and keeping it closed, “don’t speak with your mouth full.” Taemin rolled his eyes but kept his jaw shut and continued chewing.
“Maybe not.” Yesung said shaking his head.
“I don’t think anyone as perfect as the JemM agents actually exist.” Said Heechul.
“It’s too unrealistic.” Key said nodding his head.
“Mmmm…” Emma just nodded, “I agree.” She said.
“You never know.” Merlissa mused.
“Maybe it was…” Julia got cut off.
“True.” Manali said.

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jamyung #1
Chapter 26: ok this chapter is so awesome and lame
hehehe sorry
jamyung #2
Chapter 25: love the ending
so sweet
Chapter 25: That was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jamyung #4
Chapter 23: plaese update a chapter that has the triangles together
jamyung #5
thankyou for the update
can't wait for the next chapter
wonder when the triangle is going to be together
So short!! I want to read loads of more stuff. >.<
I'm getting so excited for the next chapter!
Update Soon
Hip Hip Hooray for the Hangeng and Emma couple....but now I kind of feel sorry for the Yesung and Emma couple...what about poor poor poor Emma...ripped apart in two by her two star-crossed lovers (from Romeo and Juliet)...hahahahah!!
hahahahahahahahah!!!!! Emma can't COOK!!! (Quoting) "Keep her out of the kitchen!" Hehehehe!<br />
Update Soon!
uhhhhhhhhh......why does my heart start beating really hard while reading your updates?