Sorry for not updating in a long time, hope i didn't lose any readers
Recap: As she buried her head into his chest and cried.
Three pairs of eyes opened up in alarm when they heard a particular noise in the middle of the night, the fridge door shutting... They continued to listen and they heard a cupboard door shutting. Within second they had rushed down and had pinned down the person in the kitchen.
"WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOIN?" Manali yelled at Emma on the floor.
"What..." Emma was confused.
"ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL US ALL?!?!?!?" Merlissa yelled fierce and her lips trembled.
"What... NO! WHAT THE HELL GAVE YOU THAT IDEA?" Emma yelled back, she shook her head in annoyance.
"THAN WHY ARE YOU IN THE KITCHEN?" Julia asked glaring at her.
"To get a glass of water." Emma said and rolled her eyes. Oh's slipped out of the three people's mouth and they let Emma up.
"Why are you guys so worked up?"
"Duh! You're not allowed in the kitchen!"
Emma pouted.

"Oh no! Don't you guys make me cook I’ll end up burning the whole house down." Emma put her hands on her hips.
"Don't give excuses, just cook, you never cook." Julia said sitting down on the couch and the TV. flicking through the channels, "news *click*, news *click*, game *click*, game *click*, cartoon *click*, oh no wait cartoon *clicking back*." Julia settled down to watch cartoon while Merlissa plopped herself down beside her. Manali stood there giving Emma a pointed look.
"Fine, I’ll go cook." Emma said, she groaned and trudged to the kitchen. Their parents had let them stay at the company's hotel for the day so they could work for a while.
(5 minutes later)
The four girls were running around trying to put out the fire that Emma had caused. After putting the fire out they sat down on the sofa in the living room catching their breath.
"What... what... were you... doing just then... you nearly burnt...burnt the whole house down." Merlissa panted.
"I said I... I ......... can't cook..... god....." Emma answered.
(5 minutes ago)
Emma entered the kitchen and her shoulders deflated she looked around and gulped. She picked the garlic bread wrapped in aluminium foil.
“Do I put it in the oven with the aluminium or without?” Emma muttered to herself.
“Maybe with…” she said continuing to mutter and put in in the microwave.
‘How much oil do I put in the pan?’ she thought and titled her head to one side and pursed her lips. She tipped half the contents into the pan.
“ARGH! Emma you’re never allowed in the kitchen again understand?” Merlissa asked.
“Never wanted to be.” Emma said.
(End of flashback)

“The leader of JemM who can literally do everything can’t cook. I don’t believe it.” Julia said shaking her head.
Emma walked out of the kitchen and sat down on the couch in the living room and sighed. She couldn’t sleep tonight, after having a new case emerge. But that wasn’t the main reason, the main reason was… Hangeng… no Yesung… actually Hangeng… she sighed frustrated. She felt a weird feeling come over her today after that hug and chat (A/N: chat will be written as flashback later) with Hangeng. She shook her head again to clear her thoughts. Thinking again she thinks it’s actually Yesung who was the reason she couldn’t get to sleep. It wasn’t what he said that kept her awake, it was what he didn’t say. The reason she got angry was because Yesung still didn’t tell them everything. The other three entered the room and stared at her. They looked at each other and sat down with her.
“Just tell us… what’s the matter, by the way here’s your water.” Julia gave Emma a glass cup, Emma accepted it with both hands and drained it in one gulp. Manali sighed worried about the state Emma was in at the moment.
“Yesung… is he the reason… the reason why you can’t get to sleep?” Manali asked softly. Emma shook her head and after a pause then nodded, then shook it again and after a pause nodded again.
“Argh!” she sighed defeated, “I don’t know.”
“It’s Hangeng isn’t it?” Merlissa asked without hesitation.
“WHAT?!?!?” Manali and Julia half-yelled shock.
“What did he do to you? Oh ho… I am so going to kill him, how dare he make our leader depressed.” Julia said shaking her fist.
“I’m in.” Manali said firmly.
“Aish, calm down you two, listen to Emma first, and stop making assumptions. It might be something totally different to what you guys are thinking of.” Merlissa furrowed her forehead. She turned to Emma, “How the heck does your feeling even work?” she asked her angry and annoyed, “You totally love getting yourself hurt.”
Manali immediately got it, Julia blinked a couple of times and said ‘Oh’.  Emma smiled sadly, “The one thing I hate about twins is that they know everything about the other.”
“So you’re telling me it’s true?” Merlissa asked.
Emma raised her head and looked her straight in the eye, “I DON’T KNOW!” she said firmly and with authority. A stare went on between them and after 10 minutes they broke it. And their fingers started moving.
“DON’T GIVE US THE SILENT COMMUNICATION BETWEEN YOU TWO! NOR SIGN LANGUAGE!” Julia and Manali yelled, one thing they hated about the twins was that they could communicate without talking at all and know what each other wants to say. Oh another thing… the twins know sign language which again Manali and Julia don’t……….
“Well are you gonna tell us, or what?” Manali demanded and started tapping her foot. Emma looked away and closed her eyes tightly, why does her heart change so quickly, she didn’t know herself. She hated herself like this, she knew this wasn’t right, she knew it alright, she doesn’t understand herself, she can fight, detect, solve… but she just can’t love… properly.
“I’m tired…” Emma whispered and went upstairs to try and go to sleep again.
“Well…” Manali rose and eyebrow and stared at Merlissa. Merlissa sighed and calmed herself down. She debated with herself, is she told them… Emma would be mad but that would be good for her, if she didn’t they will be mad at both of them. She made her decision.
“Right, well the thing about Emma is…” Merlissa started.
Upstairs Emma threw herself down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. She smiled slightly as an image of Hangeng appeared in her head. She shook her head and blushed and buried her face in her pillow.
‘God, whatever he just did to me… seriously makes my heart flutter.’ Emma couldn’t help but smile again, then her face turned serious, what was she going to do with Yesung? Whatever it’s the night right now, she just wants to go to sleep and relax. The scene with her and Hangeng replayed again.

Emma continued crying in Hangeng’s chest and he was starting to feel afraid and upset. He hated it when girls cried he felt powerless because he couldn’t help. He has never been in love before he does not know how to comfort girls. Heck, he hasn’t even had many friends who are girls before. One thing he could tell clearly though, that the girl he was trying to comfort now was in love with one of his best friends. It was more than obvious, especially at this moment and it was obvious that Yesung have feelings for her. Judging by the way when he talks about Emma, he always seems to be smiling. Even though Yesung didn’t show it, it was clear, he acts like he doesn’t like her and she acts like she doesn’t like him, but the truth is still there. That was one good thing about Heechul, he doesn’t hide his feelings as much as Yesung does, he expresses them when he has too.
“Shhh… it’s ok… shhhh…” Hangeng said patting Emma’s head. Slowly Emma stopped sobbing and started hiccupping. It was so embarrassing for her! She held her hand over and blushed. Hangeng chuckled and got some water for her, she took it immediately and drank it and she stopped hiccupping. They both went to sit at one of the tables.
“Thank you.” She whispered quietly. Hangeng waved it away.
“No prob.” He said and stared at her. When he first met her he thought that she was a girl with no feelings, a girl who didn’t like to socialise, but he now realised he was wrong. And there was another thing he realised, something that may send him crazy, he…
“I need to go back.” Emma said suddenly standing up. She felt uncomfortable under his stare. She turned to go away… Hangeng pulled her back and stood up. He looked deep into her eyes he was thinking ‘are you actually ready to go back.’ As if Emma understood she shook her head.
“Look if you ever need help I’m available 24/7.” Hangeng said patting Emma’s head again.
“Are you available for information then?” Emma asked playfully.
“Nope never ready for that.” Hangeng grinned at her.
“That was lame...”Emma said but continued to smile, “lame enough for me to smile. Thank’s anyway.” Emma was about to turn again when Hangeng’s face suddenly turned serious, and for some reason she thought she saw jealousy. Puzzled Emma blinked a couple of times and looked at him. Hangeng turned away, “Go” he said. A bit taken aback Emma stared unsure of what to do, “Just go,” this time he said it more forcefully. Hangeng wasn’t sure why he was acting like this, maybe because he didn’t like the fact that Emma was returning. And to be more specific returning to Yesung, he knew he had no right to feel that way but he just did. Emma sat back down in her chair to talk to him. She smiled softly.
“If there’s any problem I’m available 24/7 as well.” Hangeng looked up at her and immediately he felt guilty. When he looked up he only saw an angelic face staring at him that seemed so innocent, he had never felt the way he did now before he met Emma. His body took control of his mind and he hugged her again, but his time he buried his head in her hair. Shocked once again Emma stood there really still.
“Go!” Hangeng released her and ran off. Dumbfounded Emma stared at his disappearing figure.
(end of Flashback)

HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE THIS CHAPTER. More moments of JJ(Julia and Jonghyun), MK (Merlissa and Key), TM (Taemin and Manali) will be revealed in the next chapters.

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jamyung #1
Chapter 26: ok this chapter is so awesome and lame
hehehe sorry
jamyung #2
Chapter 25: love the ending
so sweet
Chapter 25: That was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jamyung #4
Chapter 23: plaese update a chapter that has the triangles together
jamyung #5
thankyou for the update
can't wait for the next chapter
wonder when the triangle is going to be together
So short!! I want to read loads of more stuff. >.<
I'm getting so excited for the next chapter!
Update Soon
Hip Hip Hooray for the Hangeng and Emma couple....but now I kind of feel sorry for the Yesung and Emma couple...what about poor poor poor Emma...ripped apart in two by her two star-crossed lovers (from Romeo and Juliet)...hahahahah!!
hahahahahahahahah!!!!! Emma can't COOK!!! (Quoting) "Keep her out of the kitchen!" Hehehehe!<br />
Update Soon!
uhhhhhhhhh......why does my heart start beating really hard while reading your updates?