The saviour or cheater?

Let's See How You Change A Player

The two shadows are two men . They are stronger than me so I couldn't fight towards them.


Then they throw me the dead end wall.


"Hmm.... Pretty ~ Tonight you are gonna be ours ! " A men said and they starts to rip my cloths off and kissing my faceand neck .


"HELLLPPP !! STOP ITTT !!! " I yelled with all my energy .


I try to stop them and I kicked one of the man .


" ! How dare you kick me?!" He said with a fiery tone .


As he wanted to come towards me , a shadow hit his back . And then he fainted.


"G.O !!" I feel relieved that it was a familiar people .


Another man go towards him with a knife and attack G.O .


They both fight vigorously and G.O got cut from the man .As the man get the advantage to stab G.O , I get hold of a hard thing and rush to hit the man . He groaned in pain at the floor and I was stunned at there.


"Faster run!!" G.O said as he hold my hand and run .


After we run a few kilometres , we stop to catch our breath .


"I think they won't be able to chase us ." He panting heavily and say .


"I saw his hand dripping blood and immediately say " Your hand is bleeding ! "


"Ahh ... It's just small case ." He looked at his wound .


"It's not small thing . Come to my house and I help you bandage ." I said and carefully hold his hand and walk to my house .


-----* EunHye's home *-----


I take my first aid box out and put it at the table in front of G.O.


"Come and let me see " I said as I slowly move his hand .


"Aww ... It's bleeding a lot . I stop the blood first " I said as I place his hand on my lap and help to clean his wound .


----* G.O's POV *----


I went to Eunhye's house . Her house was big and nice. Eunhye carefully manage my wound . It was my first time for being care by a girl like this .


"Aww... It's bleeding a lot .I stop the blood first " Eunhye said as she put my hand on her lap and clean my wound .


I never see this side of her before .Such gentle and soft .Normally in school she act differently from now . I wonder which is the true her . What nightmare had happen to her .


"Tada ! It's done ! Are you feeling ok ?Anywhere feeling pain or hurt ? " She said while looking straight at my eyes .


"Err... Yes... " I mumbled . Without knowing.


"What ?! Where is hurt ?! " She said as she touch my hand and check .


"Ahhh ..nono ! There is no more hurt ! Ermm .. Where is the toilet? " I quickly make an excuse .


"Are you sure it's ok ? " She look at me with the worried eyes .


"Yes " i simply answer .Don't even dare to look straight at her eyes .


"Ok then . The toilet is at the kitchen ." She pointed to the direction .


"Ok" I quickly stand up and rush to the toilet .


I look at the mirror in the toilet .


"Omg ! Why my face all red? ! And why my heart beating so fast ?! " I touch my chest and feel the rapid heartbeat.


"Jung Byung Hee ! Calm down and relax ! You are not falling for her ! She doesn't suit you ! " I press the tap and splash my face with cold water .




I sit at there as I see G.O. went into the toilet .My cloth got rip alot . So I went up to my room to change my cloth .


I wear a tank top and a short pant . When I go down , I couldn't see G.O. anywhere . I go to the toilet and check him out .


* Knock Knock *


"G.O. ? Are you still inside ? Are you ok ?! " I asked .


"Yeah .... I will come out soon " He answered .


"Ok " I go to the refrigerator to get some drinks .


After that ,I heard the door opened and I quickly glance towards the direction . G.O. is all wet and standing there looking at me . After a few seconds , he went in to the toilet again .


----* G.O.'s POV *----


*Knock Knock*


"G.O. ?Are you still inside ? Are you ok ?!" Eunhye ask me .


"Yeah ... I will come out soon " I simply comment


"Ok " Eunhye said .


After calming myself , I open the door to get out from there to ask for cloth to change .


I opened the door and saw Eunhye getting drinks from the refrigerator . She changed to tank top that clearly show her body S-line and slim waist .


She looked at me with those dreamy eyes with her rosy cheeks and full lips .


I immediately closed the door again and I can feel my heartbeat abnormal again .


My mind full of the scene just now .


"Stop stop !! Calm down calm down !!" I told myself . I slap myself and splash water on me again .




Sorry for late update ! ^^

And I think this chapter was quite .... ><

I was trying to shorten the story but end up ......... writing more and more =0

Whatever it is ! Hope you like the story :D

Comments are more welcome ! ^^

And for those who curious about the nightmare...

I think I will expose in on next next chapter or so on =0


Leave your comment ya ! ^^ *hugs*

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Chapter 10: Aww this is so exciting and it thrills you , I would of thought the ending part would be a bit more like " you finally came back ,I had to tell you something a year ago ,and ect. " Overall it was really good
@OohShinyDistracted Hahahaha !! >< its good to cry for once a while =P Hehehehe XDD
OohShinyDistracted #3
I kind of do but I'm afraid I'll cry again XP
@NanaKirae Haha ! Lets see if anymore want it ! ^^
i want sad ending~!!
@MidnightMistress0912 Haha thanks !!!!! :D I thought it will turn out but glad its nice ! ^^ Hehe
Aw! Awesome story! I love it! ^_^
@PeroPero Thanks !! XD Glad you like it XD<br />
@DLovesMBLAQ Hope its not disappointing ^^ Hehe thanks! :D
Awh.. great :)
PeroPero #10
Nice. I loveeee it :)